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Everything posted by sarbian

  1. There are tryGetXXX calls that fixes the first "problem". The second one is by design and having multiple value with the same name is perfectly valid and is used for curves configuration. The last one is nothing out of the ordinary and is no different than accessing a null value. You have to check first. You can write you own ConfigNodes extension if this make your life hard.
  2. I have no idea of what is different for rover in RO/RSS. Does it install some other mods to replace the wheels ?
  3. Rendezvous is to join an other craft that orbits the same planet (Go near your space station for example). To go to a moon you need to use the "Maneuver Planner" and select "bi-impulsive (Hohmann) transfer to target".
  4. The "Flight Recorder" CSV button will export to GameData\MechJeb2\Export. I should add a message... I ll need more information to help...
  5. And here is the release. 2.9.2 Localization support with included Simplified Chinese Localization Improved integrator and Brent's Method for maneuvers Fix the ApR and SMA maneuvers Support Multi-Node maneuvers Various fixes and code improvements Stuff I forgot MechJeb2-
  6. Amen to that. The pressure at work sure is there recently As other already said the current release works fine for 1.9. CKAN should already reflect that and I just edited the thread tittle.
  7. I just looked at the config and looked at my code and... http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2020/02/12/coding-maturity/ Fix coming.
  8. Don't worry, we are all busy Here is a new version with the fix. I did not add anything to prevent the NRE if the effect config is wrong because my brain is not cooperating tonight. KSP 1.7 SmokeScreen-RO- KSP 1.8 SmokeScreen-
  9. Thanks. I found out part of the problem. Can you test this version : https://www.dropbox.com/s/ltsxun3mzbkcctv/SmokeScreen.dll?dl=0 and tell me if it works ? It should be able to find the effect config now. I ll need to add something else to make sure the NRE spam does not show up even when it can't find a config but not today...
  10. @Wackenhut and @MaxxQ can one of you share their ModuleManager.ConfigCache (in GameData) so I can understand why it can not find the effect config properly ? I ll release a quick fix but I would like to understand what is going on.
  11. More or less. The plane controls go wild with most planes. I need to revert an old patch to even older code but I keep forgetting about it when I have the time... Not currently. It s been asked for a few time but no one stepped in to write the code.
  12. No, it should work fine. Is this on KSP 1.8 ? I ll try to look into it in the weekend. Feel free to quote me here so I get a reminder in my mail
  13. Not all parameters can be edited live. The main use of the UI is to test the curves configuration, which are lower in the config (emission, ...). Rebuild create a full config so it is normal that it resets the values.
  14. As the log says [ERR 19:09:29.627] MechJeb caught a ReflectionTypeLoadException. Those DLL are not built for this KSP version: [ERR 19:09:29.628] KSPWheel GameData\KSPWheel\Plugin\KSPWheel.dll You have a version of KSPWheel that is not built for 1.8 and that is why your game locks in the loading screen. You ll have to update it with a updated version
  15. You ll have to work a bit to get it Make sure you have the last version of ModuleManager and if you already have other version delete them so you only have the last ( 4.1.3 ) installed Launch KSP, wait for the extension loading part, take a screenshot and post it here. And also put the ksp.log file somewhere (dropbox or something like it so I can read it)
  16. The "Utilities" window should have a "Prevent unstable ignition" and "Use RCS to ullage" option that should help.
  17. I only added some log to find what was null so it actually helped me The new MJ dev #926 has a fix. To make it clear: the problem is actually in KIS because it spawn a Vessel with vessel.Parts == null which is an aberration. But since it is easier for me to add a null check I did it... For good measure I also added a null check for part.Modules Now let me drown my sorrow in water
  18. Can you try this version of MJ and show me the log when you get the error ? https://ksp.sarbian.com/MechJeb2_NRE_Test.zip
  19. The function that crash is one that look at all the vessel modules and get the first Mechjeb module it see. The code is simple and I do not really see where it could throw an NRE. Unless OSE create parts that are active while not being in a vessel ?
  20. Do you copy the mdb/pdb next to the dll in your KSP gamedata ?
  21. I just pushed 2.8.9 that fixes that. For 1.8.x SmokeScreen- For 1.7.x SmokeScreen-RO-
  22. You should have a <KSP>/GameData/MechJeb2/Localization/en-us.cfg file with the localization text. If it is missing then there is something wrong with your MJ install.
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