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Everything posted by rosenkranz

  1. I can't seem to assign kerbals to the facilities that have business modules. I've looked all over and can't figure this out. Help? Thanks in advance :)
  2. correct, it is simply assigning atmo parameters to the moons and I don't know how to even begin to do that. Was wondering if anyone else had the same thought and had already come up with said parameters
  3. I noticed that moons and what not don't have phases, or at least you really can't tell. But I recall a mod that gave them very thin atmos and with the scattering they looked glorious. Could this be used to give said moons very thin atmos for that purpose?
  4. wow, 40 seems way shallow. I'll try those and see how they go. Thx for the quick replies.
  5. Either I'm being retarded or the search thingamajig is. I've been experimenting with different assent profiles. Is there a consensis on overall best ascent shape % and target gravity and drag losses? With a 62% profile 350m alt by 100m/s turn ending at 60km and 1.45 TWR at SL, I'm hitting about 3800 dV with 1860dV(grav), 204dv(drag) and 28dV(steering) losses for 300km orbit. Any tips on improving these stats? Sorry if there is another thread on this, I wasn't able to find it.
  6. Great mod! I was wondering though, I notice a setup of you have a life support mod installed. However, no missions for regular resupply of LFO or mono. Looking at the contract code its a bit too complex for me. Any chance of adding regular supply contract?
  7. Actually, KSP 1.0's memory foot print seems a lot lower. Even at highest settings it's only taking about a little under 1.6gb where .90 was taking up just over 2gb and it starts up lightning fast compared to .90 as well. Given how many parts and game mechanics were added, that is very encouraging. But, if they optimized that much, they probably broke this mod until rbray can update it. Which will make it even better! Go rbray! Edit: I really should have scrolled back a bit further, seems you folks already noticed that Great fun!
  8. Releases always seem to come out on a tuesday. So 4/14 is possible (probable even). Otherwise 4/21 or 4/28 at the lastest.
  9. I voted too much science and after some thinking I probably should have voted 'way too much science' However, that is only if you have 'Outsourced R&D' running. Even at minimum commitment, it produces way, way too much science. Personally, I've scaled it back to 1 science / 135 funds (rather than the 1/35 default) and that works better. Getting the science isn't too grindy but still, this is going to be your first (and perhaps only) strategy in the admin building. You aren't going to switch this one out until you have completed the tech tree. Sadly, none of the other strategies really produce results worth upgrading from tier 1.
  10. It is ridiculous how much MJ has taught me by watching it do it's thing. It got better when it started making maneuver nodes. Then you could really see what it was doing. Some things like docking or space plane landings since those are kinda hit and miss with MJ, I do manually just cause it is easier. Launches, I let Jeb do it cause it is just easier. Over 2-3 years now, i've manually flown to orbit enough times that it's kinda tedious to me. I'm currently trying to get into spaceplanes more but those have to be flown manually.
  11. On the distance to waypoint shown on under the altimeter. Any chance you could add heading to waypoint. The icons on the navball are huge and it would be so much easier to line up on the waypoint with a heading. Love the mod by the way.
  12. While I think this is pretty cool, it's pretty minor in my book. I always wrote this off as the turbopumps being throttled to maintain a specific thrust rating rather than being fixed fuel flow. With ever more advanced pumps, who is to say they won't start doing just that in real life. I suppose my question is this: Is there a RL situation where it might be worth while to throttle the pumps to maintain a specific thrust rather than just letting them run wide open?
  13. Huh, turned out to be AGX (Action Groups Extended) Once that was off the list, it started working as normal. Who knew. Thanks for the help
  14. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByYa3grrFv5vUXZLa2lWMTBqQm8/view?usp=sharing Hopefully, this works. Thanks for the support. I've really enjoyed this mod. It has made flying much more enjoyable for me.
  15. Between a bad head cold and a broken finger, thinking and typing are an adventure. How do I attach the log? The whole thing is 5mb. So I couldn't just wrap in in spoiler tags which I may or may not have been using correctly. Anyways, what was lost in the prior attempt was this. When activating the vertical speed/alt control, it does what it is supposed to do. However, the 'w' and 's' cease to do anything at all. If deactivated, it goes back to normal. Same with the heading controls. I've looked at the debug list but it shows no errors that i could see. Like I said, I don't think it's your mod since prior verions that worked before don;t work now. So I was just throwing it out to see if anyone else might have run into this. Dunno, hard to think right now.
  16. Bah, I'm at my wits end here. I'm pretty sure it isn't this mod that is the issue but for the life of me I can't figure which mod is causing it. So here is the problem, when any of the pilot assist controls are activated, the associated key binding are locked out. Otherwise, it works fine. This is the only mod having this issue but I've gone back to known versions that worked and they do the same thing now. Turning off the assist re-enables the keys. Has anybody else run across this and identified the culprit? As a side note, does anyone know a good technique to printing out a list of the mods installed? Mine's a pretty long list.
  17. I don't know about Unity 5 but I know a hype train when I see it. I wouldn't expect it to answer all our prayers folks. What I am concerned about and why I voted no is this. It just got to beta. Beta is where you flesh out the features you have. Its where you do your balance passes (plural) and bug squashing. Having just one beta release and jumping into final just seems rushed. If they're going to push it to final, I'd say do the balance passes and leave the new features for a future DLC. Otherwise, if they're going to add new features, like new aerodynamics and mining, they need a few more beta releases to bug fix those features and do game play balancing. Plus, I think we all expected more optimization. I've been using ATM now for a long time and I always thought they'd get around to make it or something like it stock. As it is, since .90, my sons machine will no longer run it due to memory. Just my two cents i suppose. I certainly hope it works out for the better.
  18. Yeah, RF can make a big difference. It's intended to be used with RSS or 10x because at that scale stock fuels, tankage and engines would really gimp your space program. However, combining FAR and RF is a little over powered for 6.4x scale and kinda defeats the purpose (at least to my mind).
  19. Ahh, I see. Yeah, if you can get to orbit for less than 7000 you're doing good. I usually spend about 7100 getting to a 110km orbit. But 15km dV should get you there and back. Where exactly are you falling short?
  20. Haven't gotten that far myself but that doesn't look far off. A saturn V rocket masses in at 2900+ tones. 64% of that would be 1856 or so. If you can get there on 1460, I'd say you were doing pretty good. Looking more carefully at the pic, I almost wonder if you're going a little too big. The physics quirks might be PP tanks being to big. Can you use the 3.75 and 5m tanks from SpaceY mod? Using FAR, I've found that a TWR of >1.5 can get mixed results. I try to keep mine between a minimum of 1.15 and 1.5 max. I'm also not seeing any fins, reaction wheels or RCS. How are you controlling it in flight. It must turn like a pig.
  21. Gratz on taking over. How does this play with module manager? After welding do you have to restart the game or will MM do its thing? I'd like to use this but reloading the game after a weld would kill a lot of time for me.
  22. You may want to look into that agena contract because I had the same issue as bluemoon. The JR docking port wasn't recognized and I ended up comping the contract via the debug menu. Also, if i could make a suggestion. The skylab contract requires very specific parts. Unfortunately, the stock part revamp mod replaced the required solar panel with a different named part So the only way I can complete it is to comp it manually once I've completed it (in spirit anyways). Perhaps having its criteria being the solar module instead instead of a specific named part might be a better alternative? The same could be said of the science lab module so mod science labs could count. Anyways, just a thought. I tried to mod the mission config for my personal use but couldn't find it. Did you move away from config files for the missions?
  23. Quick question. Can this mod change the criteria for re-entry effects? I'm using KSP 6.4x and I'm getting re-entry effects way before the heat shield even begins to take the heat. Or should I really be getting re-entry effects at 60km on a re-entry from only 200km
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