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Everything posted by SalmonellaDingDong

  1. Hyperthreading. i3s are core2duos. You have 2 physical cores and 2 virtual ones. same reason DxDiag tells me I have 8.
  2. Installed it, I love it! I'm having issues with the FAR windows not appearing though. How do I get it to show in flight?
  3. Orda, mechjeb, kethane, kw, nova, kspx, protractor, mapsat, remotesat, b9 and thats it
  4. It doesn't matter how many parts a vessel has. I crash if it is 5 parts or 150 parts.
  5. They should design the game so that it works properly. That's their ****ing JOB.
  6. Brotoro that post makes me want to hugely scale up the RCS pods and make a HUGE rcs ship
  7. Nope, 64. I have a gtx 680 and an i7 and the game is installed on a SSD. There literally is no reason for me to be having problems, but I am. I'm writing my refund request to Steam right now. If a dev replies to my support post in time maybe I won't send it. I doubt that will happen though, considering how long it's been posted for. sent! hopefully steam honors my request.
  8. Fuel tanks don't show in staging anymore, that was done away with a few versions back. It just shows the fuel next to the engine icon. Are you saying your rockets don't get fuel even when connected to tanks?
  9. Click the star next to "blog this post" and it.... gives reputation. Like on any invisionfree powered forum ever. Makes the dots under your name green and you can get more of them. The more green dots, the more rep people have given a user. Unfortunately nobody on this forum ever seems to use it. We're also missing the ability to give negative rep, which is retarded. You also can't give rep in the off topic board, which is even stupider than no negative rep.
  10. I have 6GB. I've given up on KSP for now. It's not playable without mods, and installing mods makes it crash a ton. I wish I had never even heard of KSP at this point, maybe final will not be so ****ty? I need that memory treatment that Leela got when Fry was killed in the meat grinder. Wheres Annie's Forgettery when you need it?
  11. Thermal shutdowns? Clean your heatsinks. Also, there are no quad core i3s.
  12. Yeah, this makes KSP crash every time I launch. I can get maybe five minutes of playtime between each crash after installing this. Time to delete my whole KSP folder and start over I guess.
  13. Does it really matter at this point? I have an i7, a gtx 680, and plenty of ram and it still runs like crap. MULTITHREADING PLEASE. Please don't reply with "but unity doesn't support that!" since thats something that should have been figured out before they started making the game in the first place.
  14. WOW, NEVER EVEN LOOKED IN THE SETTINGS GUYS. My foot will be in my mouth if you need it.
  15. Right now ksp starts at 100% volume and destroys my ears since it is 10x as loud as anything else that plays off my computer. The volume mixer needs to be turned down to 5 to make it playable with other audio. Is there a way to make it quiet by default? Or to make windows remember my volume preference for the game?
  16. If you can make a 114km apoapsis, why not just stick some small SRBs or those tiny orange radially attachable engines on? Also, the HOME radial engines would be very useful here too. What exactly are you asking us?
  17. I've never used them. I always see people using them on planes, however.
  18. I installed this and now my KSP crashes every ten minutes or less. Anybody else? Usually when I click launch or end flight. Those ALWAYS trigger the crashes.
  19. Thanks ThatBum, I needed these too!
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