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Everything posted by MAKC

  1. @camlost Ignore my "bug" report, it was a MM problem. HotRockets effects show up now and the D-30F6 works like a dream and does indeed overheat past Mach 2.8, just like the real thing. Great job!
  2. I think there is a problem with AJE or a conflicting mod. With this @PART[B9_Engine_Jet_Turbojet3]:Final { @title = Soloviev D-30F6 afterburning turbofan @mass = 2.416 @description = The Soloviev D-30F6 is a Soviet-era two-shaft low-bypass afterburning turbofan engine used in the MiG-31 interceptor. Powered by NASA EngineSim CoMOffset = 0, 2, 0 @EFFECTS { @powerflame { @MODEL_MULTI_PARTICLE_PERSIST { @emission,0 = 0.0 0.0 @emission,1 = 0.6666 0.0 @emission,2 = 0.6667 0.4 @emission,3 = 1.0 1.6 } @AUDIO { @volume,0 = 0.0 0.0 @volume,1 = 0.6666 1.0 volume = 0.6667, 1.2 volume = 1.0, 1.5 @pitch,0 = 0.0 0.2 @pitch,1 = 0.67 1.0 pitch = 1.0 1.0 } } } @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] { !PROPELLANT[IntakeAir]{} @PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] { @name=Kerosene } } @MODULE[ModuleEngines] { !PROPELLANT[IntakeAir]{} @PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] { @name=Kerosene } } MODULE { name = AJEModule IspMultiplier=1 defaultentype=2 acore=5.5 byprat=0 prat3=20 tt4=3000 tt7=6200 abflag=1 fhv=18600 eta7=0.8 tinlt=1300 tfan=1500 tcomp=2700 } engine I can easily hit Mach 4.3 @ 23 km without the overheating bar even showing up. The engine temperature at that speed and altitude is a measly 660 degrees. Also, I'm not getting proper afterburner effects with HotRockets, the engine just glows normally.
  3. Should we still change the config.xml values for RSS? If so, maybe include them in the OP?
  4. Perhaps a wing type with black bottom to match B9 parts?
  5. Edit: Screw it, I'm going with a fresh install.
  6. Why was the requirement for air intakes removed? Will it ever come back?
  7. This was all the info I could find after trawling through obscure Russian sites with Google Translate: D-30F6 Military thrust (H = 0, M = 0, tn = 15 º C, ÃÆ’ in = 1.0) Thrust: 9500 kgf (~93 kN) Specific fuel consumption, kg / kgf h: 0.72 Full afterburner mode (H = 0, M = 0, ÃÆ’ = 1.0 input) Thrust: 15500 kgf (~153 kN) Specific fuel consumption, kg / kgf h: 1.9 Max airspeed: M2.83 (before risking damage to compressor, should be possible to go higher with risk of overheating) Max turbine inlet temperature: 1386 C Dry weight: 2.416 t Low-pressure compressor: Stages: 5 Compression ratio: 3.00 Bypass ratio: 0.57 High-pressure compressor: Stages: 10 adjustable stator blades of the first stage, the degree of compression of air 7.05 total pressure ratio of 21.15. The combustion chamber 12 trubchatokoltsevaya gas pipes. High pressure turbine: 2 steps, Tt = 1367 ° C, cooling air is taken from the blades 5 and 10 compressor stages. Low pressure turbine 2 stage.
  8. Good to hear. I probably wouldn't be playing KSP if it weren't for you and the other realism guys.
  9. Good to know. Obviously we won't get 1:1 aerodynamics in KSP but it's still nice to be as close as sanely possible. @camlost For sure.
  10. Oh OK. I was under the assumption that max thrust would be the absolute maximum thrust a jet engine is capable of producing. My bad.
  11. Yes. But remember, ferram said that the atmospheric density for a given altitude in RSS is actually lower than it would be in real life due to scale height issues.
  12. Couldn't break Mach 1.1 with what is basically a flying Sears-Haack body. 40 kN on the wings alone, which is almost half the J79's thrust. Ignore the last image. It's an F-104 I'm working on. Edit: Didn't even notice the J79 was over-thrusting. That makes this worse actually. Max thrust is supposed to be 85 kN. FAR or AJE?
  13. How would I go about adding other engines like, say, the D-30F6 used in the MiG-31? What parameters would I have to find? Do any of the parameters require calculations of my own?
  14. 0.13 bug: Noticeable FPS decrease when aerodynamic center is on. Log says "FAR Error: Aerodynamic force: NaN at *random parts* Edit: Also, negative Cl numbers on parts in flight.
  15. This sounds like a case of changing CoM due to fuel consumption. Get RCS Build Aid if you don't have it Enable empty CoM along with normal CoM and aerodynamic center Take a screenshot from dead above so we can see your control configuration as well
  16. Procedural airplane fuselages. I will provide a sketch later for how it could work.
  17. The intakes had really low drag, I don't think they are the problem. Unless they're causing some behind the scenes drag? The main wings were 10 kN each. JFYI Edit: Velocity was topped out and the thrust was 55 kN so the drag had to be 55 kN as well since the plane was neither accelerating nor slowing down. Right?
  18. 1011593 You were right. Drag's the culprit.
  19. I roughly tallied the drag for each part on the plane and got ~55 kN of drag. It's the drag that's eating all the thrust! Nothing wrong with the TWR, it's almost 1. Maybe a problem with excessive PWing drag?
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