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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. If you are having duplicates then you may have another install of It hidden somewhere. Remove all copies you have on the gamedata folder, redownload IR again and use that version.
  2. Swap the number 1 to one of the other two positions that have a zero fir the rotateAxis field. For example I it was 0,1,0 make it 1,0,0 and reload if it works good if not swap it to 0,0,1
  3. That's an idea I will have to explore. The only caveat is I am not sure that dockingNode gets translated along with the mesh. Im going to have to test this out when I get time to pull the partModule code with the new changes implemented for .23.5
  4. Well I think I played with this in the past but if you specify both translate joint and rotate joint it will do both. It's been a while. I think I played around with the tall piston and made it extend and rotate at the same time.
  5. Could always break the look of the rocket and add fins to it but then again I'm no purist I just go for functionality.
  6. I can't remeber if it works out of the box or not but you will have to edit the CFG files yourselfit they rotate incorrectly.
  7. It's on hold While I get PartModule integration and fixing the toolbar GUI bug are finished.. Once those are resolved I will be resuming that work.
  8. Wow now that is interesting! What are the lights on the left?
  9. I goofed, I meant during flight/launchpad. Sorry about the confusion.
  10. I always liked the Hal/Bill9000 parts. Now there are other options?! SOLD!
  11. Well the beauty of this game is the requiment to provide source code. I envision a "debug" toggle that shows the movement of the parts. Should prove useful since redoing the parts graphics will be a pain.
  12. You never cease to amaze me omgnull. Just as I was going to start one you got it.
  13. On the surface others have had an issue BUT they had other mods installed. If you install it by itself and it works it may be a conflict with another mod somehow. I'm going to need to see a complete log_output.txt file to fully understand what might be going on. - - - Updated - - - Strange. Let me know if you can replicate it.
  14. Change them in the CFG file if you want a part to be a different speed. Otherwise change them during the building process and they will store per ship.
  15. Is that still in mechjeb? I'm going to have to look at it.
  16. I was actually talking about making arrows for debugging when I couldn't figure out how the joints were getting screwed up. Now that you mention this idea this MAY be something to consider. Just need to think about it.
  17. Thanks for the kind words when you see omgnull's post, give that guy some reputation. He figured out how to manipulate the space for the joints quicker than why I could have done. From all the versions I never had to mess with the joint system so it was back I square one for me to get it to work.
  18. Btw I haven't looked yet but this is the most concise bug report. Saved game, log file and pictures?? You sir win.
  19. Hiding the GUI is a bug. I wanted to get the plugin working and considered hiding the GUI low priority. I will hope to fix it in the next update.
  20. Going to need to see the log_output.txt file in order to make any sense. - - - Updated - - - I would need to see a log_output.txt file in order to see what is going on. You have given me absolutely zero details.
  21. Using the latest release? Can you provide a craft file and any mods it may use.
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