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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. Are you using the latest version from spacesport or the one from the first post of this thread?
  2. I'm assuming he plans on implanting scansat just as there is an IR buton that I think is for infernal robotics.
  3. He's already addressed why he doesn't want to hand old projects off to someone else: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/20860-BobCat-Ind-Colonization-exploring-and-research-vehicle?p=792118&viewfull=1#post792118
  4. Just a small correction. All LostPsychonaut has to do is download the Firespitter plugin pack. No need to download the entire B9 bundle to get the animations to work correctly.
  5. Just a small update. I've grown annoyed with the old implementation of the code so I'm going to do a rewrite (for a second time) that will utilize PartModule instead. This will possibly break saves but I'm unsure just yet. I currently have the VAB/SPH portion nearly complete then it's down to the nitty gritty of actual flight/launchpad where you can control the parts. I believe I may have figured out how to allow tweakability of the parts within the editor but we shall see.
  6. Great news. Looking forward to what you have in store.
  7. That will not work. The dll will still be loaded in memory and will not allow you to overwrite the existing one. Unless there's some magic trick I haven't discovered how to first unload a dll then reload a new one, after overwriting the old one of course.
  8. This springs up everywhere. Give these guys some slack. It's a hobby and most certainly not an obligation. It will be done when it's done.
  9. I'm waiting on the finalization of the legs from Devo. He has had some issues to deal with due to being downsized, according to his post in his wayland thread, so I'm not pushing it hard on him.
  10. Redownload the plugin. I failed to remove a debug statement. I reloaded it a few minutes after seeing it.
  11. Nope not yet. If someone wants to volunteer a list that people like I will give them credit and give them access to early parts as reward. I don't play in career mode.
  12. As with the Animator plugin/leg pack we aren't sure yet.
  13. Well if it helps you any I'm not the mastermind of this plugin. It was created by r4m0n/DYJ and it got abandoned so I picked it back up. Added a few features to the code, created clones of the original parts and then with the help of others created no robotic parts. There are still parts of the code I'm still unsure about.
  14. yes I do. Especially ones that have a decent IVA. The Spacetech escape pod for example is one of my absolute favorites BUT it doesn't have an IVA so I made a quick one that puts you inside the actual model. Works wonderfully well!
  15. Toying with that will only let you change what direction the part will move. The only way to change a part orientation is through the model using blender.
  16. Yes, a feature that has never been available ever and yet is a still show stopper for some people. I am not certain if and when I will attempt to get this particular request implemented.
  17. You are aware that the action group "Move Center" does just that? It's a toggle action group meaning you will have to press it again to make it stop. Give it a try.
  18. Well guys. I updated the plugin to allow collapsing and expanding the GUI. It's not a pretty solution but it collapses it quite a bit if you have a lot of controls. Download is in the first post. Enjoy.
  19. Took a break from it so I wouldn't get burned out from coding. Started modelling the Dynasoar and now going to texture it. I'll be revisiting kOS integration as well as RasterPropMonitor integration. I will however be updating the plugin tonight to allow collapsing of the GUI window in both the editor and while in flight since it's such an easy fix.
  20. Nice that is super classy. Can't wait to add this to my pods fetish.
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