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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. True but the thing is Infernal Robotics uses Configurable Joints to set up the parts and that's how KJR is being used by traversing all the parts and making them in that manner, just much stronger. I'm really paraphrasing here. I would still like to see more robotic parts so don't let that stop you!
  2. Little heads up. The KJR plugin has an 'ignore' line for Infernal Robotics because if it doesn't it really limits the usefulness of robotic parts. I haven't spent time seeing what could be done on my end but it will limit travel for example.
  3. There are 5 parts in the Soviet pack that require KAS. 2 items allow grabbing the part and moving it during EVA and 3 are storage containers so you can bring more items up to the station/craft/whatever. Here are those parts: Parts\MIR\MIR_core_solar_top\part.cfg (1 hit) Line 62: name = KASModuleGrab Parts\MIR\MIR_KVANT_core\part.cfg (1 hit) Line 101: name = KASModuleContainer Parts\MIR\MIR_KVANT_core_solar\part.cfg (1 hit) Line 61: name = KASModuleGrab Parts\N1L3\Soyuz_LK_pod\part.cfg (1 hit) Line 153: name = KASModuleContainer Parts\Soyuz\Soyuz_Orbital_module\part.cfg (1 hit) Line 82: name = KASModuleContainer
  4. Awesome! Keep up the good work. You sir are amazing.
  5. Do what BobCat suggests. I removed certain parts I would never use and it's been a huge improvement.
  6. Mods required: Alcor landing capsule (obviously) KOSMOS (fuel lines and spotlights) AIES (landing gear, engines, RCS, batteries, large antenna, decoupler) SpaceFactory PPTS (small dish antenna) NovaPunch (small fuel tanks) KW Rocketry (heavy struts) The panels and descent stage framework parts are all stock. Vehicle weight (not including tasty snacks and assorted lovely beverages): 6.72 tons And the .craft file for the brave souls who wish to fly this beastie: Alcor LEM craft file I tested Mun landings from 50km, 105km, and 125km. All were nominal. You should be able to set her down with a bit of fuel left in the descent tanks, if you haven't tried making any sizeable plane changes with only the LEM. Use only as directed. Some small parts make pose a choking hazard. Warranty void if used for more than looking at under flattering lighting. Thanks for the craft file. I am most certainly going to use this for a munar expedition. Thanks again!
  7. As usual. Great work. This is by far my favorite command pod.
  8. Here, use the Infernal Robotics version. Let me know how it goes. I used the same sizes as the suspensatron. Place this in the IR_Rotatron directory and keep the file name, don't overwrite what you have in place or it will remove the existing rotatrons. http://www./view/j2ipn70qcel6wb3/suspensatron.cfg
  9. Something just have been done wrong because all I did was take the download from the link you provided, unzipped them to their own directory and changed all three configs to be 0.20 compliant and it worked on my end.
  10. You didn't wrap the text file like I said. You need to take that text file, open it up and at the top put: <<<<this part is the original text>>>>> then at the very bottom put: Save it and reload the game. That part isn't 0.20 compliant so in order for older parts to work you must use the new declaration.
  11. Super thanks! I'm definitely goin to use this in the IVA for the dynasoar I'm working on.
  12. If you use the ship file included it has a stock parachute attached. I think maybe he didn't want to create one.
  13. Tested it this morning and noticed it don't work. Came to this thread and viola you fixed it! Awesome sauce once again.
  14. Here is something I did to the PTK NP. Since I don't have the mesh for this capsule to create the transforms I created 8 unique camera parts and placed them around the outside of the capsule in various places.
  15. Yes. SCANsat map indeed! I love this mod so if you ever need anything to test just let me know. Have you figured out how to handle multiple docking ports?
  16. Small update. First space station ring part is done. Devo did a great job with the texture. Here's a little video demo. I was too lazy to set an action group to start up the motor so I simply clicked on the GUI button.
  17. Just seems like a cfg change which anyone can do by copying the cfg to a new name, rename the part name and place the joint spring value that's in that package. Probably another setting would need to be changed.
  18. Sure it has a place. Is it because it's a military craft? It used what later became the FSG as its mobility platform whic is already been made and could then use the sunbeam mod for its co2 laser. I'm tempted to make the polyus anyway.
  19. The old what? Be sure to wrap the text file with PART { and at the end }
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