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Everything posted by sirkut

  1. This one? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/46643-Kerbin-City-community-development-project-phase-A?p=608388&highlight=textures#post608388
  2. ZodiusInfuser sent me a few models. One of which is a new piston that is much smaller in profile if you have an OCD for space. I now had a chance to skin the low profile piston. Coming out soon.
  3. you need to download a separate camera mod for it to work. Albert doesn't currently have any cameras yet. They are in the first post, read a little further down.
  4. After I finish two more Infernal Robotics models I will create a non handheld camera if anyone cares to use it. I'll see if Albert would like to include it.
  5. The whole point of me making that camera was a tongue in cheek nod to the gopro cameras since they pretty much hook those cameras up to almost anything. Including rockets
  6. I haven't seen any of those issues yet. You download the latest from the first post?
  7. Man this is awesome. Bobcat you have outdone yourself. I love the monument.
  8. Be sure to include Han Solo somewhere... I hope firefly fans get the reference...
  9. That is pure epic badassitude right there! Craft file please?
  10. Heck when you finish those I'd love to see that camera pack become a reality!
  11. I finished the camera. Here's a screenshot of the KerbPro. The orientation of the lens is the orientation of the view too so it's not centered. Had a blast using it with the robotic parts.
  12. What is there to update? I've seen people use them in .21. He'll update them when bobcat feels like it. Don't be so rude.
  13. I was able to look at the photos by quoting the post and then pasting the link in a new tab.
  14. There are no parts provided with this plugin. You have to download one of the mods provided in the original post, right below where it says: This plugin works with parts from (make sure you don't use MuMechlib.dll): I have a custom part modeled and skinned that will be included with this plugin provided Albert VDS approves it.
  15. I'll keep your offer in mind and thanks for noticing the clarification. I hope you guys like it when it's released.
  16. Yeah let's please call it the MSI Animator. While damned robotics was groundbreaking the animator is my baby.
  17. I downloaded the package from spaceport and did a test using 7zip and it worked fine.
  18. If there was one thing that I would have to pick out of everything the speed control has been a godsend for my crafts.
  19. Thanks for the kind words. It's my first kerbalization and found that Paint.Net made it easy to trace out the hatches. I just used one scale in the CFG rather than what was provided just so I can get it working. I'll let you know how it pans out but some people have shown interest in using it in a parts pack and I said sure. Not sure where that will lead but they were getting permission from Legal2k just in case. Once that is ok, I don't see how it wouldn't hurt to put it up to spaceport by itself.
  20. Variety is the spice of life. If you only use one of them, that's fine but do keep in mind, at least for me and I'm sure Devo feels this way, I make parts for myself first. If other people use it, awesome, if not, it's ok we'll just fly our ships with our precious legs anyway. It's really the main reason I started the fork for DR and started to learn modelling. I wanted a diverse set of robotic parts because I found the originals, as awesome as they are, limiting in a few areas. I wanted custom speed control so I set off to make that happen. I didn't like having to edit the CFG file, reload the game database and then resume play.
  21. Actually I'll be working on those tonight. I meant to tell you.
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