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Everything posted by Spanier

  1. Is someone working on better effects for RCS?
  2. Is someone working at an implementation of the new NASA engines like in Chestburster's .cfg for Stock-Engines?
  3. Delta-V stats are broken too: I'm using Real-fuels with Chestbursters StockEngines.cfg
  4. Did you know, there is a aerial biome above the launchpad? Testing for the Runway is under way.
  5. The new patch nearly breaks all my unwinged rockets, they become uncontrollable and MechJeb totally freaks out. It seems like, the gimbal of the engines is now less effective. EDIT: Seems like increasing the gimbal range solves the problem (hail to TweakableEverything )
  6. Is there a reason, I can't fill monopropellants inside normal fuel tanks anymore? If I want to do so, what do I have to change, that the game doesn't get unbalanced? And when comes the update for 0.23.5?
  7. Hey e-dog, I have a little problem with the fuselage fairing. I want to create a small interstage with the Interstage Fairing adapter for a 0.625m engine on a 1.25m stage and cover it with fuselage parts: But when I want to decouple the lower stage, the fuselage fairings stick to the upper stage, so I can't get away.
  8. I would remove the "breakingForce" and "breakingTorque" from the Tank-Caps, Nose-Cones don't have them either.
  9. Yes, but my Intel Atom had serious problems running it without mods ...
  10. Can I write controls, so they read values from MechJeb and feed it's computers with data?
  11. Does this mod allow you my to load physics for the selected craft, so MechJeb or koS can make manouvers while I'm working at another ship?
  12. Is there someone still working on this mod or a continuation of it? I want a mod, that let's me use vessels all over the place to the same time, without the need of adding parts to my crafts.
  13. So why do you want to save it all together? Make it procedural, it's not that hard to generate the surface including textures in realtime, look at space engine, you can visit Quatrillions of places, all done with ~600MB textures, and none of them is used for procedural planets.
  14. So you want to have a new star system with a bunch of suicidal planets Look at your eccentrities, thats not a star system, that's a asteroid throwing cluster-bomb
  15. Ok, now here's my overall suggestions: Randomization on all values New planets have random names Moho: Radius increased, tenuous atmosphere added, closer to sun, bound rotation Eve: Radius increased, surface pressure raised to ~100bar, axial tilt ~90° - Gilly: Eccentrity decreased to ~35%, radius tremendously decreased, density increased, more potatoe shaped Kerbin: 10% version of Earth (including axial tilt) - Mun: 10% version of Luna - Minmus: Deleted (could actually be reused as a new object) Duna: Surface pressure shrinked to ~50mbar, orbits around barycenter, axial tilt ~30° - Ike: Surface redone, radius increased Dres: Radius decreased, surface redone Bidaq: Minor planet, rotating at ~80% orbital velocity, high oblateness More Asteroids Jool: Radius raised to ~120%, mass raised to ~1000%, added rings, resonance of major moons set to 1:3:9 - Laythe: Mass and radius set to ~70%, surface pressure raised >2bar, surface redone (ocean with just a few active volcano islands, may be spare vegetation) - Vall: Density raised to ~120%, surface redone (ice crust) - Tylo: Radius shrinked to ~75%, density shrinked to ~60%, surface redone (features large impact craters) - Bop/Pol: Moved outwards, higher inclination, more potatoe shaped, very small - Ambruc: Small asteroid moon within rings (gap), just outside of the roche-limit - More irregular moons Trevux: Second gas giant (biting yellow), ~15% Jool mass, ~80% Jool radius, more rings then Jool (dark), axial tilt ~20° - Ring Moonlets - Nahiko: Small icy moon with cryovolcanism, radius <50km, density <12g/cm³, tenuous atmosphere, in a 1:2 resonance with Kalbo - Kalbo: Large moon, radius ~250km, density <20g/cm³, surface pressure ~0.5 bar, multiple lakes, trailing hemisphere features large volcanoes rising into the upper atmosphere, leading hemisphere is quite featureless and flat - Gujifar: Small icy moon, radius <100km, features little ring system - Irregular moons Jofur: Huge gas giant, >3 Jool masses, ~1 Jool radius, mainly white with some colored stripes (purple, orange), nearly retrograde rotation >150°, small ring system (orange-ish) - Ring Moonlets - Kinart: Captured ice giant, ~20 Kerbin masses, ~250km radius, orbit nearly retrograde to primary's equator but nearly rectangular to ecpliptic, small ring system, dark blue with lots of storms - - Ring Moonlets - Irregular moons Ilgaro: Ice giant, ~12 Kerbin Masses, ~250km radius, medium ring system, light blue with purple stripes, axial tilt ~40° - Ring Moonlets - Some Moons - Irregular moons Eeloo: Density lowered to <22g/cm³, big ring system added - Debris disc: Lots of small moons, maybe also a bigger one, created by recent impact
  16. Ok, if someone would manage to implement the procedural terain generation into KSP, he should recieve the Nobel-Price for Informatics! That doesn't exist? THEN CREATE IT!!!
  17. Gas giant with captured ice giant far out, both have rings and inner moons. Gas giant is inclined about 30-40°, ice giant has nearly retrograd orbit to primary's equator, but is inclined bout 90° to the ecliptic. Asteroid barely outside of Jools roche-limit (SOI = 110% of its radius) Anyway, I'm currently doing some stability analysis on Jool in real life scale: I assumed some altered masses: Jool: ~2 jupiter Laythe: ~0.12 earth Vall: ~0.07 earth Tylo: ~0.18 earth Basically i scalled down Laythe and Tylo and scalled up Jool and Vall. This made Vall more stable against Laythe and Tylo, since it now had comparable mass. Jool didn't scale up to 8 jupiters, since this would pretty much break the fun of the system, BUT the 1:2:4 Laplace-resonance relies on the strong gravitational force from the primary, so the galilean moons around RL jupiter have nearly perfectly circular orbits. Lowering this force to about 25% causes the resonance to oscillate between a case preventing, and one causing a triple-conjunction, so basically all resonance variables circulated through all angels, instead of librating around certain values, as they do in the case of the galilean moons (except for θ4). Additionally the eccentrity of both Vall and Laythe reached ridiculous levels of up to 26% for Vall and 18% for Laythe. Conclusion: Either Jool needs to be HUGE, or Laythe, Vall and Tylo are too big for a 1:2:4 resonance, so I'm testing other resonances 4:6:9 - Nearly killed Vall instantly 1:3:9 - Vall slightly moves out of the resonance, freeing additional resonance variables, but eccentry stays stable 1:2:6 - Vall gets some eccentrity, but it's rather stable, and the resonance variables only librate around certain values For all of you wondering where things like orbital period or semi-major axis stay: Defining the distortion level D as the quotient of the acceleration from the primary a0 and the acceleartion from the second body a2, we see, that this only relies on the ratio of the masses m2/M and the third root of the square of the resonance value.
  18. Ah, so the attach, top and bottom nodes need to be right Right now, I had a rocket stage planking while falling down Yeah, but realism doesn't mean cloning of reality to me, just to make things more realistic, and I know that the stock engines are oversized, but that's the way the game is designed. I just want to have a real sized, fun space flight simulator with coherent design. Best thing would be a section in the R&D facility, where we can design and develop parts from the technologies, we unlocked (needs the implementation of money ) Anyone remembers the procedural parts generator? I know, it's a rather old concept, but with the combined will and programming power of all the mod-creators, that would be the true awesomeness
  19. Yes, but I want that also for stock tanks
  20. I just realized, axial tilt is set within the config I thought, it would be impossible due to Unity limitations, to make planets spin around a different axis? Or has that changed?
  21. Are you planing to add an option to chose the type of tank within the action group manager? The different types would be unlocked by research. So we could have smaller cryogenic tanks Pleeaaaase
  22. recompiling? What program do I use for that? Edit: You didn't rescale the engines with 1.6, did you, they don't fit the capsules :/ Edit2: And the cockpits aren't touched either, I'll remove the torque And why has the smaller pod 4 times more electricity, then the large one??? Edit3: I finished the work on the cockpits (yeah, first time doing that takes the longest) tried to do something to the engines and .... well ... Seriously? I can't read a word! Please, I want metric engines so bad Edit4: What the ....
  23. 2. Engines? They look strange when smaller than the tanks above 3. Dammit, I wanted that feature so bad, but without the whole Lazor stuff from Romfarer. Well, I think I have to cut it to my needings then
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