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Everything posted by BFGfreak

  1. Have you looked into War Thunder. It's a free to play online dogfighting game with 3 levels of realism from totally not realistic arcade to limited to cockpit and squinting to see if that dot on your screen is dust or an enemy FRB mode. Supposedly it's also adding player controlled tanks, but I'll wait to see how that will be implimented.
  2. Just out of curiosity are you still working on this?
  3. I'm think I've found my replacement for the tuna can lander once you release it.
  4. Lack, I was wondering if you'd be willing to share your config files for those of us who are less technically inclined?
  5. So before the mods lock this, is there any way to get this to work in 0.22 or has the coding changed too much since the day's of old when this mod was in it's prime?
  6. I think the image does speak for itself.
  7. I'm going to have to agree, focus on getting the sounds created first, then worry about how you're going to integrate them.
  8. He'd wait until the eye passes over head, not because it's safer, but because it's more awesome to launch from the dead center of a hurricane.
  9. There was a mod a while ago that added an electric hum to the ion engine, maybe you can use that for inspiration. Anyway here's a video of it to maybe inspire you or something. EDIT: It looks like the original author has updated the mod, anyway here's the thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54442-Sounds-for-your-ion-drives!
  10. Well I'm looking forward to it. I'm sure that this along with Nova's sound muffling mod will really enhance the audio of this game.
  11. Wow, that sounds pretty cool. How did you get around to capturing those sounds and can I have them in my game?
  12. If nothke ever made a KASPAR version of the sample modules that I can easely store for my FAR + DR enhanced Reentries, I will love him.
  13. I would also like ways to transfer science between capsules. It would certainly help my Jool mothership missions for sure as I can have speciallized landers for each moon and transfer them all back to the mothership in orbit.
  14. I find 24-25 to be my goldilocks zone for whenever I'm in doubt about re-entries. Granted when possible I do perform munar gravity assists to help slow me down as well from interplanetary travels, but I'm more or less positive that all that's doing is adding to my SCIENCE! score and can be skipped entirely for most entries.
  15. It's not as deadly as Ramon's rendition if that's what you're asking, but it does put a crimp on recovering samples for maximum SCIENCE! points to the point where I no longer bothered strapping an unshielded sample container to my craft and just slapped it onto my service module. But the engineering challenges that come with this mod are part of the fun.
  16. I'm wondering if this can be subdivided so that various features are unlocked at certain tech nodes.
  17. "I've made a few modifications myself" - Play a with a modded install. (automatically unlocked since this does count as a mod)
  18. Right now I'm actually using both. I imagine that once the clouds have more definition I might switch fully to this pack though, especially if rbray can make clouds appear on the surface.
  19. I can't say I've had that issue, but then again I am running FAR+DR. Are you going up or down and if it's popping off upon deployment what altitude are you deploying at?
  20. I'm curious if you could crank up those clouds to insane levels and put it on Eve. Also I second the feeling that the clouds are moving a bit too fast.
  21. I'm down with a custom IVA where all the dials are hand drawn on with a marker. Bonus points to imagination if you make it actually work and give you useful information.
  22. That might be good if they decide to add a bit of remote tech to the game (not the full mod mind you, just something somewhat more forgiving) But then you might also need to add something like KOS or some other way to tell the probe what to do at blackouts, but that's for a different discussion. As for static itself, I'm thinking that it would be good if you could record reentry science but can't transmit until the end of blackout. For instance a probe entering Eve can start recording once the flames appear but you can't instantly transmit the data to KSC until the flames disappear. Should the probe be destroyed on entry you won't get too much science out of it other than "that didn't work...or did it? It did make a pretty impressive kaboom after all."
  23. Yay I've been acknowledged for something I know that this pack doesn't seem like much, but I've been using this as a crew transfer vehicle and with enough Delta-v to make it to my Minmus station it certainly can get around.
  24. I did a few more changes to the config files, this time to the Heatshield to make it FAR friendly. Changes in bold. PART { name = SDHI_2.5_Heatshield module = Part author = sumghai mesh = model.mu scale = 1 rescaleFactor = 1.25 node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.125, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, [B]2[/B] [I]//Added Value[/I] node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, [B]2[/B] [I]//Added Value[/I] While I didn't test the original files with FAR, I did remember that there was a similar issue with the Heatshield that came with Deadly Reentry where FAR wouldn't apply drag to the large heatshield because of the way the nodes were set up. To be safe I changed the node values to apply the same fix that was applied to the DR shield and in shallow entries I did slow down enough for the Parachutes to deploy pre-primed without ripping them off. Again this was tested on Kerbin only with only the Pod, Heatshield, and Para-dock parts on it, so land on other planets/configs at your own risk. I think I'll also post your mod over at the FAR thread and see if anyone else can come up with ways to improve FAR compatablitity Config wise.
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