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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. 1 hour ago, tater said:

    I'm not saying it's mature, I expect it to be... interesting when SpaceX tries to operate this thing

    If there’s to be an “interesting” phase, I expect it to come long before the “operating” phase. 

    SpaceX is confident enough in their data that the thing will work that they’re already building tooling and staging it at a factory that hasn't even broken ground yet.  

  2. 15 minutes ago, DerekL1963 said:

    787 fuseleages don't contain cryogenic fuels nor do they routinely experience the stresses that a rocket fuselage does.  Yes, he is reinventing the wheel.

    RocketLab Electrons do. :wink: And the same kind of carbon fiber construction has been used for a while in much smaller pressure vessels, like propane tanks. They’ve been made big before, they’ve been made rockets before, and they’ve been made high-pressure cryogenic vessels before. What SpaceX is doing is combining it all into one. 

    Remember, they have already made a full-diameter test tank, taken it to flight pressure/temperature, and then deliberately tested it to failure. They didn’t seem to have any insurmountable problems. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Wjolcz said:

    Is it me or are they actually trying to get everything done as fast as possible?

    Given the typical SpaceX jokes about schedules that get tossed around, maybe they’re trying to show that they’re, ahem, “serious.” :rolleyes: If this is their big gamble for the next decade and beyond, the sooner it’s  “real,” the better. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, sh1pman said:

    Elon is secretly building a giant revolver gun. That shoots cars into space.

    The... Spaceman in Black fled across the void, and the... Carslinger followed? :confused:


    22 minutes ago, tater said:

    That 787 fuselage is just under 6m in diameter, BTW. Small, lol.

    Relatively.:wink: But also an encouraging reminder that making great big carbon composite tubes is not new technology. It’s understood well enough to pass the rigorous margins and inspections of airliner regulation. Elon’s not reinventing the wheel here, he’s just making it... bigger. :cool:

  5. Hi, question here... I've got a little issue with the 2-3 LFO service module (using a 1.2.2 version :rolleyes:, but I don't see any difference in the .cfg with the latest), the antenna pops out as soon as the part is picked in the VAB or loaded into the flight scene. Now, I'm also using Kerbalism, which messes with some things, but the workaround I used for the ModuleDeployableAntenna node with SXT doesn't seem to be working here. I think maybe Kerbalism uses its own animation module or something. Here's the MM file I'm trying to use.:

        name = Antenna
        type = low_gain
        cost = 0.3
        dist = 7e8
        rate = 0.156
        name = ModuleAnimationGroup
        deployAnimationName = antenna
        moduleType = Antenna
        !MODULE[ModuleDeployableAntenna] {}
        name = Reliability
        type = Antenna
        title = Antenna
        redundancy = Communication
        repair = true
        mtbf = 12596000 // 8y
        extra_cost = 2.0
        extra_mass = 1.0
      !MODULE[ModuleDataTransmitter] {}
      @description = This is a test.

    Anything jump out here? I don't even care about making the thing work, really I just don't want it to pop out right away. :P

  6. Looks like no RTLS for TESS, but at least it’s still a recovery! :D

    Oh, and Bangabandhu (Block 5) will be a drone ship recovery too.

    Looking at the chunk of sky this thing will cover, it seems to be everything but near the ecliptic. Anyone know the why of that?

  7. 9 hours ago, qzgy said:

    Fair enough point :). Can you direct me to that auto backup mod?

    Looked over my game folder, and I can’t find it. :(. I think such functionality may be in built to KSP now, buried somewhere in the settings. Will have to poke around when I can actually run the game. 

    I have used SAVE in previous saves, and it does the same, maybe better, and works with 1.4.2. :D

    Sleepy cat tax:




  8. 51 minutes ago, YNM said:

    Perhaps Elon could be featured as a Bond villain...

    Well, he’s already distributing flame throwers and building a secret underground base... you didn’t think that Boring stuff was actually for the hyperloop, did you? <_<

  9. @qzgy backups, backups, and more backups. I use a mod that’s constantly saving a rotating backup series, plus frequent “master saves” of my own. Saved my bacon more than once, super-modded installs like RO are really prone to clusterplotzing like that. 

    And remember, it’s not cheating if the game cheats first. :wink:

  10. 5 minutes ago, Wjolcz said:

    So I guess this means they will be retrieving all the non-Block 5 cores to LZ-1 because they can fly them back there and the ones that would normally land on the barge will be thrown into the sea (until B5 is flying)?

    They’re trying to go through their supply of old boosters. Pre-Block 5 boosters can only be reused once, or at least that’s all they’re trying with them, so TESS’s booster, being brand new, will be recovered for one more re-use. The existing stock of used boosters will probably be cycled through and thrown away until they’re all gone, to make room for the new B5’s that should last “indefinitely” with refurb. 

  11. 8 hours ago, MaverickSawyer said:

    They have to. Historical structure.

    Irony of having a historical structure within the immediate blast radius of a really big rocket... <_<

    3 hours ago, sh1pman said:

    Blue Origin's smallest pickup truck:

    Elon: “hold my nonalcoholic malt beverage...”


    competition is good. If these guys teamed up they could probably rule the galaxy. 

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