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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. On 4/25/2018 at 2:08 PM, michal.don said:

    Oh my, oh my.... How could I have missed this for all the time I've been around?

    I read the first few chapters, and it seems I have a lot of reading to catch up on :)

    So, if you have a lot of annoying notifications tomorrow, about me "liking" a lot of your posts, this is where they come from ;)


    Welcome to my obsession. :D

  2. Sorry, Jeff, without some details (like first manned flight), I ain’t getting up at 6:30 on a Sunday. :huh:

    because of course Jeff Bezos himself and/or one of his minions personally reads this thread and cares what I say in it. 

    and I mean actual Minions... like the silly yellow guys who speak gobbledygook... because we all know Besoz totally has Minions.... lots of Minions...

  3. 43 minutes ago, Bill Phil said:

    So how many reflights do they think Block 5 cores can get away with?

    IIRC it's 10 flights with zero refurbishment, and practically unlimited with.


    10 minutes ago, tater said:

    I'm really interested in if they try and turn this booster around really quickly. The next Iridium flight is with the Zuma booster, right? It's May 16 (?) and it flew the first week of Jan. That's 4 months. I'd be really interested how quickly they turn the block 5 around.

    This booster, I think not. I'm betting the very first Block 5 will be gone over with a fine-tooth comb before it flies again. The second one we might see turned around quick.

  4. @Just Jim I’ve got one of the downvotes too. I think these are artifacts from when the last big update was actually occurring, and they hadn’t finished setting up the new reactions system so some of these oddballs got thru before they were disabled. I remember (briefly) being able to use some funny reactions before they finished the update. 

  5. Today this week most of the month off and on, I've been flarping about in 1.4 (exploding landing legs?! For real, guys?!), since I decided to make a video for my 1.2.2 save which is, of course, kicking my S and numbing my eyes his eyes! So anyways, as is the fashion lately, I made a Soyuz clone with the new not-at-all-new parts:


    All in stock. Or at least, as stock as I ever play. mod creep, yo.


    Never get tired of seeing this: :cool:



    I used my Soyuz clone to send an Apollo-style stack toward the Mün, of course.


    Soyuz-clone stronk, like bool! We do not need decadent Saturn V-clone like bourgeois yankee foreigner for to go Mün!


    So, yeah, after burning nearly every bit of fuel left to brake into Münar orbit, Val and some tag-a-long are now hopelessly stranded. I may have miscalculated the delta-V available...
    I'm lying. I never calculated anything, I just guessed.
    I didn't even guess. I just hit space and went with it.




    You see, Ivan, when not use calculator and get important Kerbonaut stranded in deep space, is... er... um...

    Hide, I hear Kommissar come...
    Hide harder. That's better.

  6. 51 minutes ago, _Augustus_ said:

    SLS is going to be cancelled before EM-1 ever flies.

    Nah, it’ll fly once. Maybe twice. Sunk costs and all that. The powers that be need it to. It may be a lumbering, foundering Titanic at this point, but like the Titanic it has a lot of momentum. Cancelling outright now that flight hardware exists is near impossible, more likely they’ll cancel any further production once SLS/NG/NA are flying and even they can no longer pull their smoke-and-mirrors game. 


    48 minutes ago, sevenperforce said:

    My prediction:

    BFS flies suborbitally, then NG flies orbitally, then BFR flies orbitally, then SLS Block 1 drags its underpowered self around the moon once and dies.

    Somebody really oughtta start a friendly pool or something... <_<

    @StrandedonEarth of course, this is where I run out of likes for the day.  :rolleyes:


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