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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. 7 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    I had assumed you could use a value > 1 and supercharge the shields by default. I guess it doesn't work like that here? :( 

    Hold the phone... it seems my testing methodology may, in fact, have been... er, suspect. I kept checking a part on an existing craft in the VAB. Added a new part from the list, and now it's blocking like 36 thousand rad/h. :D And sucking juice at an alarming rate.

    More testing required or possibly landing on the sun...

  2. On 3/22/2018 at 11:59 AM, JadeOfMaar said:

    @CatastrophicFailure Check  // radiation settings in Kerbalism/Settings.cfg
    My guess is you can massively buff shield efficiency there then nerf all the existing shield parts back to hell to compensate.

    Any suggestions as to how? I tried upping   ShieldingEfficiency = 2   from 0.9, didn't seem to have any effect at all.

  3. 28 minutes ago, Ace in Space said:

    And to make things worse for this poor kerbal, Hairy is apparently a girl. I think her parents hated her.

    wonder if she’s related to my Jencine...

    Like @qzgy said, you have to go save Hairy! Maybe she can stay with

    ... the Hendersons. 


    Seriously tho, might wanna put a strainer on the shower drain...


    And speaking of Kerbal names, I got a contract to rescue one named Burrick...

    ...please someone tell me I’m not the only one to get the reference...

    bonus points if you remember the phrase “farting themselves to death...”

  4. 37 minutes ago, DAL59 said:

    With Dragon, there is no F9 equivalent.    

    Sure there is. It’s not the rocket that’s delayed, it’s the capsule. And Boeing is in exactly the same place despite more resources, better funding, and less to prove. 

    I don’t think one can fairly lay this one at SpaceX’s feet, Commercial Crew delays have come from NASA via congress, and inadequate funding. 

  5. 54 minutes ago, DAL59 said:

    At this point its practically a joke.  It has been 1 year away for 5 consecutive years.  Remember, this was supposed to happen at the start of 2013.    

    That’s what they said about Falcon Heavy, too, and it happened. :wink: The booster is under construction, the capsule is nearly complete, and even Boeing is on more or less the same schedule. 

    Oh, and it’s more like 9 months now, too. :sticktongue:

  6. Year 9, Day 86...

    So, with NOVA Otho now in a holding pattern and the missions at Thalia mostly wrapped up, the science and engineering teams are starting to think about rekindling the crewed space program. Only this time, just a bit less, well, crude. It was quickly decided that any extended presence beyond Gael will require the extraction and use of local resources. We queried GENE about this, and after a prolonged period of laughing uncontrollably at us, spat out a series of contacts. We now have funding to retrieve ore samples from all the other bodies in the local Gael system, after our first limited experiments on Rald proved moderately successful. To that end, the mighty Otho V launcher is once again called into service!




    Prospector I will be an ambitious, automated mission to the surface of Iota with the aim of demonstrating high-yield refining of surface regolith into usable fuel, and assuming that bit actually works, returning 1000 units of it to Gael. Preferably in a controlled manner. 



    As an expensive and high-value mission, Prospector I has been extensively simulated all the way to low Gael orbit and through its transfer burn. The re-entry system alone required numerous sleepless nights and intravenous coffee days.



    These new dual-axis solar panels should assure a high-current uninterrupted power supply even at the high polar latitudes where the target landing sight is.


    Wait, what do you mean they won't work at night? Don't the dozen hydrolox fuel tanks require constant power to keep all the fuel from boiling off??


    As it turns out... we won't need to worry about fuel boil-off at all.


    It seems that all during the extensive simulations, no one bothered to check the antenna. Or if there was an antenna.


    Prospector I loses all communication with mission control just beyond the orbit of Rald, well before its first scheduled correction maneuver. It does actually reach the north pole of Iota, passing about 2000 kilometers above it.



    But, on the upside, with no planetary shadow to contend with, we didn't lose any fuel.

    Here, Prospector I finally executes its correction burn... this time dropping its return course back into Gael's atmosphere after flying by Iota and drifting around in space a while.


    We've got alot of roots sunk into this thing, might as well try to recover something.


    After some careful timing, Prospector I ignites its quartet of RL-10B engines a few minutes before atmospheric interface, with the idea of dumping as much velocity as possible before the bulk of re-entry heating kicks in.



    Yup, that went about as well as expected.



    Burnt water vapor, anyone?



    Wait, it did work??


    What sourcery is this??

    Ahem, yes, well...



    In the end, Prospector I is recovered almost entirely not completely intact.



    Aaaaaand the engineering team immediately gets to work on Prospector II.

    New and improved!

    Now with twice* the antennas!

    *Does not actually include antennas. Use at own risk. Some assembly required.


  7. 5 minutes ago, Hotel26 said:

    Thanks for the feedback.

    It’s cool. :cool: Just wasn’t sure if it was my tablet throwing a hissy fit over something completely mundane, wouldn’t be the first time. :rolleyes: Everyone’s got their own preference on how to post pix. 

    3 minutes ago, Ace in Space said:

    I can confirm that it looks very different in Internet Explorer

    Are you sure you’re not just viewing preview shots from KSP 0.19? <_<

  8. 1 hour ago, Phosphorus51 said:

    Could anyone help me with this? Attempted to install the planet pack on a fresh 1.3.1 installation, placed the GPP file in GameData, inserted the textures folder into the GPP file, installed Kopernicus in GameData, installed ModuleManager and ModularFlightIntegreator in GameData, yet whenever I boot the game, no textures or meshes load for any of the new planets. I've triple checked to see if the textures are installed and they are, yet they're failing to load.

    Did you run the game once *bone stock* first?

  9. 30 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

    Ahhh, nothing has changed. I mean it's no different than how I've been writing this... True, I throw out a teaser or particular juicy screenshot now and then to torture y'all... hehehe... But truth is I never, ever tell any of you squat about what's really coming down the road... which is the way it should be. 

    Now it's just a little more... official... and covers a larger range. But nothing different than what I've been doing here for the last couple years.

    Oh, good. :D With some of the more recent, ahem, forum drama, when you said official my mind automatically went to a dark place... :o

  10. 1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

    It's an official, 100% legal agreement with @SQUAD that I signed a few weeks ago, and take very, very seriously. I really don't want to say why, but when I say there are things I cannot and will not talk about anymore, I really mean it. I can't talk about them... ever


    None of which can be answered. :P


    1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

    Yeah... you know as well as I it's only because I can't give Emiko her own dragon... :wink:

    So do the next best thing and get her a Dragon 2. Gotta be someone with a worthy mod.  :D

  11. 1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

    stupid mobile editor... speaking of things that need to be dropped out of a Stratowing...

    1 hour ago, Just Jim said:

    Sooo... after consulting with a couple more very smart people, I've decided it may be best to just start over. Not the story, don't worry...

    Never underestimate the power of a negative space wedgie to change the storyverse as needed. :D

    16 minutes ago, Just Jim said:

    have to be careful not to make things to... intense...

    So... no Emiko Station meets Game of Thrones, eh?  :confused:


    Tho I’m curious about that NDA that you obviously can’t talk about. Could you perchance say if it’s a “gentleman’s agreement” or like... official?

  12. 11 minutes ago, The Dunatian said:

    Are we talking revolution here? Hopefully the grand kerbal doesn't have any family, if there is this revolution stuff they might not be kindly treated.

    This stinks more of a clear usurpation of power. We don’t yet know the circumstances, but assuming it’s your basic hereditary monarchy, history has no shortage of inspiration to draw from.  The Grand Kerbal is dead poofed, long live the Grand Kerbal! And call me suspicious but I doubt this Samantha brooks much dissent. 

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