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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. Today I found an interesting... and exploitable bug with my dinosaur 1.2.2 save and Kerbalism. Apparently if a Kerbal dies from a Kerbalism thing (ran out of O2 at high altitude, here) while on EVA, they leave a corpse.


    She's dead, Jim...


    If one somehow returns the body to the homeworld...


    ...and recovers it...

    ...the dead Kerbal is reanimated!




    Bigger problem: undead Kerbelle wandering around loose.

  2. 7 minutes ago, tater said:

    Yeah, they won’t fill the tanks though. Eventually, they’d want tests like DC-X, turning, flipping to tail down, etc. as cheaply as possible since there’s a good chance they lose a few.

    Hadn't he said at some point they were going to to SSTO test with the spaceship, specifically the first test article(s)?

  3. Cool, I just saw it! Along with about half a dozen other things my app couldn't identify. I'ma have to bring the camera out next time, that was an impressive light show.

    This was also the first time since we bought the place last fall that we've had all the lights off.

    Damn. :blush:

    My property is like the Hanford of light pollution. Need to get some shades.

  4. So the Grand Kerbal’s Name is Samantha, eh? I wonder if there was a nose wiggle involved in this edict. 

    Wait, Kerbals don’t have noses. 

    The plot thickens. 

    But poor Gene...;.;


    ETA: Wait, acting Grand Kerbal? Has there been some succession crisis I’ve deplorably forgotten?

  5. Just now, Jaff said:

    Why are they not recovering iridium boosters? Thought there wasn’t much too them and they were able to recover 

    Because they're sooooooo last year. :rolleyes:

    Like, literally. SpaceX has an excess of old boosters sitting around at the moment (what a time to be alive, eh?), they need to get rid of them to make room for the Block 5's that will be the Falcon 9's FINAL FORM. Might as well dump 'em in the ocean which would otherwise be illegal... <_<

    Presumably, they're also using them for high-risk landing tests.

  6. 4 hours ago, eddiew said:

    The Tellumo probe may have encountered technical difficulties...

    <PSA voice>

    Negative Space Wedgie. It can happen to you!

    6 hours ago, JadeOfMaar said:

    The Spice flows within this Valkyrie

    So, who would win in a fight, plucky blue-skinned hippie aliens or blue-eyed worm-rider Guys?

    1 hour ago, Delay said:

    That will be tricky. So basically, I need to calculate a launch window from Kerbin to Eve and then a "window" from Eve to Dres, right? I have no idea how to do calculate such a "double launch window"...

    Check out Flyby Finder, it’s an external program specifically for these calculations. :D As long as you’re running a stock system it can probably find a solution. 

    ETA: Ok, read the relevant posts. A Duna->Dres transfer would be simpler, or you could launch a “booster” stage with a big engine, tanks, and Klaw, klaw onto the back and use that for an extra boost, 200m/s should be easy that way, but...

    ...would you have enough Delta-V left to stop at Moho (or even Dres)? It’s a small world and you tend to come in pretty hot.

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