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Posts posted by CatastrophicFailure

  1. 13 minutes ago, tater said:

    They were ready to go before, it's just that they had to wait for Atlas, and now they have a weather issue with the recovery brewing.

    Right, but all the info since the 23rd has been from outside sources, nothing "official" from them since that stand-down.

  2. 1 hour ago, XB-70A said:

    I... I can't... I can't believe it. Finally, I found someone else who knows what you can feel during this split second where you don't really realize what is, and what will happen in the next half second.

    Personally, my chin is still remembering it...

    I believe this feeling you’re describing is technically known as Oh, crap.

  3. 57 minutes ago, InterplanetJanet said:

    Ending with the weirdest picture of the day(so far) , from the cardboard box capsules on the sciency balloon.9UCrHze.png

    Ok! :0.0: Well, I’m not sleeping tonight. Think I’ll go turn all the lights on then go find a quiet corner to curl up and hug myself and mumble for a while. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, tater said:

    We need our spaceport to operate like a spaceport. I want rockets taking off and landing constantly.

    Really, Forum? Really? This is when I run out of likes for the day? :mad:

    3 minutes ago, Confused Scientist said:

    I wonder if NASA did any research on this back in the days when they thought the Shuttle would fly every week

    Well, back in the heyday of Apollo they did have plans for like 4 or 5 Saturn pads (the two that currently exist would have been the southern most), you can still see on satellite where the crawlerway would have gone farther north.

  5. 3 hours ago, Brikoleur said:

    Sad news: the SaGa of JUNO MIDGE has come to an end under the Laythean sky. A routine transfer between the Kosmodrome proper and the newly-relocated command module -- under automated control -- ended in a crash. The craft was not technically a total loss, but without an engine she won't be doing any more flying. Clear skies, JUNO MIDGE, wherever your spirit flies now.

    Nooooooo, you can’t let that one die! Install KIS/KAS and get a repair crew en-route, STAT! :o

  6. 8 minutes ago, tater said:

    No idea, but they need to come up with a solution, as there are many launches happening, and things like weather delays, etc, will always be a thing, pushing them closer together. They are on neighboring pads, which is an issue as well.







    Maybe charge admission, proceeds go to charity. 

  7. 1 hour ago, sevenperforce said:

    Not possible. The interstage is black because it is unpainted carbon fiber; the core is painted aluminum. Ya gotta paint the aluminum but carbon fiber is good on its own.

    Besides, if it were all black someone might mistake it for an Electron. -_-

  8. 21 minutes ago, sevenperforce said:

    I meant what cargoes?

    Things that currently go via express airfreight and such. Also, things too big and heavy to fly, that right now have to go by ship (30 days min). 

    Example my lovely wife just gave me is a CT machine. (She does traffic analysis in the industry). Too bulky to fit on a plane, plus it’s got big magnets and such that don’t play well with airplane instruments (presumably a radiation-hardened spacecraft could tolerate such).

    Also, airplane parts themselves. If an airline needs a new engine from across the ocean, those 10 or 12 hours of air cargo travel time are extra lost revenue.

    Not a huge market perhaps, at the moment, but it’s there. How big depends on the price. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, tater said:

    This is why I think P2P is not anything that could realistically happen for a long, long time.

    To take your family to Sydney on a rocket, the 30 minute travel time is awesome, but you want it as safe as it would be on a 777. A rocket flight is cool, but I have no desire to kill my kids for a cool rocket ride, lol. Nor does anyone else.

    Point to point is SF for the foreseeable future unless the BFS can somehow function as a LES.

    You're forgetting cargo. :wink: I think that's where P2P is first going to be adopted. There's no shortage of demand out there when some things absolutely positively have to be there yesterday (literally, if shipping from Sydney to LA), no matter the cost. If the cost is also competitive, well...

    I think here is where the reliability will be able to be demonstrated before moving to passenger travel well down the road.

  10. 30 minutes ago, qzgy said:

    Beautiful build!

    Though as one note of criticism, its missing the notch in the front. Unless the design has been updated or something.

    If you like it though and it works better than the old one, go for it.

    I believe this may be modled on the new (old?) version we’ll see in the upcoming Solo film, when Han was yet young and the Falcon already old but with a much better paint job. 

  11. 11 minutes ago, sh1pman said:

    First two are launched vertically. And stratolaunch, does it even need to be at KSC? I thought it could take off from just about anywhere. 

    Indeed, in fact there’s already a very nice, very long runway right nearby. What could possibly have such picky needs about launch direcrion?

    Maybe they’ve just played a bit too much KSP and are trying to emulate the other KSC.^_^

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