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Everything posted by Rareden

  1. No, it simply exports all models and textures being rendered onscreen. All the parts of the craft you have end up at grid 0 when you import so you have to reassemble your craft in the 3d program.
  2. I have returned from my long journey through the vastness of space. Greetings
  3. Apologies all for being absent from this thread for so long, ended up forgetting about it with my recent work load. That is one exceptionally designed craft you have there.
  4. i do that when ever i need to render fire or smoke or a volumetric entity in general, clone the final scene and render out the volumetric passes aswell as a mask and reflection/lighting passes and composite them. i use a nvidia gtx 980 and octane render as the primary one.
  5. I dont use blender or cycles, i was just wondering why it took so long for a reasonably simple scene to render
  6. still surprised it takes so long for 500 samples, majority of shots i do for nass have 1500-2000 or more and they usually take 2-4mins a frame depending on scene complexity, is cycles CPU based?
  7. Maybe that'll explain it. how long, and yea now i see why it did, but i dont know how efficient cycles is which could have had something to do with it.
  8. aahh frank, yea sorry i forgot that when i started getting super busy
  9. probably better hardware, i spent a good 900 upgrading to be able to make the movie, nass has the grand plans though.
  10. Cant really say at the moment, still a lot of work to do, but we do have a kickstarter if anyones interested https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/534336896/voyager?ref=category
  11. No sorry rather busy with Voyager movie and life.
  12. uuuh how long ago was this. The trees arnt from ksp they are my own models
  13. Greetings, im trying to find some staging information the the titan 3E rocket such as the ones used for the voyager launchs, i havent had much luck with google. Has anyone made a recreation of one or had better luck with google search's.
  14. Ah yea i didnt test kw, only stock stuff and a couple other random mods i had on
  15. Im working on some animated particle textures and creating the textures with the simulation software i use for my images and videos. But it seems that the KSP particle emitter in unity will rotate the planes in all directions depending on the camera, so the textures dont really work if the image isnt round, the textures will look weird at certain angles because it dosnt rotate the texture itself or limit the direction it can rotate the particle planes. Is there a way around this?
  16. ill add the standard sizes soon, just wanted to release it and see how it does first
  17. Thanks for the feedback and yes i will continue to work on this and add standard sizes I dont know how to do that i have no programming skills at all
  18. Heat shields updated and released at http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/99410-0-25-Art-of-reentry?p=1527442#post1527442
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