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Everything posted by Simplicity

  1. Hmmm, the new pack seems to be missing some parts.. I cannot load my ships anymore.. From comparing my fix to the official release the following parts do NOT seem to be in the new release: JARFR_TriStrut250Dock JARFR_TriStrutMiniPanel JARFR_TriStrutPanel JARFR_TriStrutShortPanel JARFR_TriStrutSmall Unfortunately, these are the parts that I use the most - can I just add them back in from the old pack?
  2. Thanks for that, I have removed the temp link to the one I had converted
  3. It's a script, not a program - and no all it does it what the author says it does..
  4. That was an amazing video, have grabbed myself a copy of it form the link above :) Good luck to the author in getting it put back, EMI really sucks doing something like that...
  5. I just posted this to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone over the last few days since 0.2 was released.. I don't think I have ever seen a community come together to help fix/tweak/update/patch all our modders mods that 0.2 broke.. Everywhere I look around these forums I see people helping others by supplying temp links to mods converted to work with 0.2 that the modders themselves haven't had time to update or mods that are not being maintained anymore... Also to the modders themselves, thank you for all your hard work in starting to get your mods converted after being broken, I'm not a modder myself, but I can imagine the heartbreak you must have felt when you discovered that most of your mods wouldn't work any more.. KSP and everyone that belongs to it are by far the greatest bunch of people I have ever had the privilege to be associated with.. THANK you ALL..
  6. On the official mech thread it has been mentioned regarding the auto-staging a lot, and the developer has responded that this will change at some stage.. For now, just try to remember to turn OFF auto-staging after you finished the ascent
  7. Here ya go, a copy of ghjm's post - hope he doesn't kill me for posting it here...
  8. Many thanks for this, made my life a lot easier in converting things over that weren't updated by the developers of the mods.
  9. Go and have a look at this, it is great, it inserts the part lines into your cfg files, and marks them for looking at if the scale = 1.0 is not there.. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/31273-0-20-Part-cfg-Updater
  10. If you go here http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/24849-WIP-THSS-Tri-Hexagonal-Structural-Strut/page3 I have a link to the fix I did near or at the bottom of the last page (page 3 is my last page, but if you got smaller pages it may be more than that)
  11. Just a question, has anyone noticed any problems using the autoland part? I can target KSC with no problem and it does everything like in a text book (so it should it a computer) - however, when it's doing the final burn before landing on Kerbin at around 70m things go haywire, it starts moving form side to side almost as if it trying to correct something, and I end up losing engines or part of my landing gear when it finally hits the ground.. using smartASS I can go up and down and land with no problems at all...
  12. Well at the moment I am using: Fustek - Updated by Developer Kspx - Updated by Developer KWRocketry - Self edited for new file system Mechjeb2 - Updated by Developer NFJ Inc - Updated by Developer Romfarer - Updated by Developer Subassembly Loader - Updated by TheUndeadFish and smarky55 Thss - Self edited for new file system ORDA - Updated by Maintainer ED Tools - Updated by ghjm Kerbal Alarm Clock - Updated by Developer Part Generator - Updated by Developer
  13. Ok, here ya go, I took mushroommans file and adapted it to the new file system using Ph34rb0t scripts Link removed as author has posted an official update
  14. Yup, if you look up 2 posts in this thread you will see I posted the link to get the update.. Please note that is an unofficial patch that was made very kindly by ghjm to help everyone out
  15. I not sure about putting things in the new folder structure, so at the moment I put the tanks I make into the "KSP folder>parts folder" and they work...
  16. Ooooo thank you for the update (Rushes off to re-download those great docking ports
  17. Hey guys, found this in another thread Seems we can still use our beloved ED Tools
  18. No need, go to the first post in this thread, the link to mediafire is there for the mod edit: or click the link above this post
  19. I did edit a couple of my tanks by doing the scale = 1 and they seemed to join up real good, but since I will be sleeping soon I won't bother doing any more cause you will have released by the time I get back on the computer..
  20. yes, install the proper version, and then overwrite the dll with the one from here, that will get it back for you
  21. Chatterer 9.3.2 works perfectly just by putting it into the legacy folders.. - it will do us for now until the author of the mod updates it to use the new folder structure
  22. hmm interesting, I have terminal velocity turned on all the time in ascent, and it works perfectly..
  23. Thank you for that, I think I will just wait - I just about use your parts generator for everything now and kinda miss it atm.
  24. Silly question, but why on earth did you not just make a new KSP folder and run 0.20 in that and leave your old folder with everything in it alone for now. From what I been reading, most mods are now broken with the new version, Mechjeb 2 has already been updated to the new system, also some kind soul has done a quick patch for the subassembly mod (until the author gets time to do it himself) that makes that work as well.
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