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Everything posted by Simplicity

  1. Or enhancing that a little, hows about the female part have a cone in each corner recessed into the docking port, and the male have pins which when contact the cone slide in locking down when it reaches the thin end of the cones... I definitely no artist, but it should give you a little idea...
  2. I would be eternally grateful if you can figure something out, as I am guessing so would a lot of other people who have the same trouble
  3. Is this the sort of thing you need?? Guess what they are
  4. Thanks for this, now maybe I can get everything easy to find Hmmmm, I cannot access your parts editor, as you have your icon in the same place as the Subassembly one Don't suppose there any chance of moving it over a little please
  5. I am using the corridor Berthing Port Here are a couple of pics of the two bits not joined. Please don't tell me these are the wrong things to be docking with, cause they seemed to dock ok, just not lined up
  6. I gots a silly question, is there a way for you to have your docking ports automatically line up with each other if for instance they are less than 2 degrees out of alinement?? Reason for asking, is that no matter how long I spend lining up docking, I get results like this: I use mechjeb for docking, and control the roll myself, but can never get it correct
  7. Well I'm no expert or anything, but it worked perfectly for me, I made sure it was UN-ticked in Utilities, then I ticked it in ascent, and left it ticked when I finished the ascent.. Everything went perfectly, I dropped off a part at my new space station, then used the landing autopilot to land back at Kerban, and at no time did my stages all join together like they used to... - Great Job
  8. ooo sounds just what I need, but in all honesty I wouldn't have a clue about setting that up. (I can setup hotkeys no problem) - this thread http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/32839-!-The-death-of-a-Station will show you a picture of one of my payloads going up (the second group of pictures under the replies show you better shots of it) - I presume that I should put the retro thrusters on the outside tanks above the engines. If ya wanna reply maybe do it in the thread I pointing at, that way the mechjeb thread isn't hi-jacked, I would hate to upset anyone
  9. Thanks for that, I normally try not to get under 120m cause I fly BIG ships, and my stations are rather large, the closer I get the more chance I have for collisions and since the ships take a while to turn the value I set is a lot less by the time it finishes approach (ie: I set for 170m it is usually 120m by the time it finishes approach) But will try it and see what happens..
  10. Hmm has docking been broken in the latest DEV build? (MechJeb2- Reason for asking, is that tonight I installed it and tried it out docking one of my ships to my new space station... I closed to about 140m from the station and then enabled the docking autopilot... - ONE HOUR later, and it had only traveled about half way to docking with the station.. - That's when I gave up.. Using build MechJeb2- I can close to around 170m and be docked in about 1/4 hour to 25 mins.. I no expert, but those figures tell me there is something a little wrong somewhere, as I was using exact same ships..
  11. Nice, give me a yell when released Thank you for that, will have to try that out and see how it goes...
  12. Yup you got them, and also the Common Berthing Mechanisms There are a couple of other things as well, but the above ones are the main ones
  13. I have a rather strange question :) I really love the idea of what you are doing, but have a query, do you think it would be possible to make a WIDER/HIGHER cargo bay or somehow have the ability for the plane to take larger payloads (not heavier as such, just larger (like station parts)
  14. Here are 3 pictures of my brand new station "Kerban Dragon I" - completely re-built since upgrading to 0.2.2 - Pictures also show one of the B9 craft that is in the brand new B9 mod pack - Also zekes I like the first picture better
  15. Amazing Mod pack, thank you to all concerned for making it happen Here's one of the B9 craft coming in for a docking at my brand new station, I thought it was fitting for brand new pack to dock with a brand new station
  16. Thank you very much for these, like the user above I use both sets, and this conversion kit is going to make my life a whole lot easier... My only problem now is do I de-orbit the new station I building or not - hmm maybe I wait till I going to build the station above the Mun .
  17. Please don't get me wrong, I do like it, it just doesn't seem to work too good for me - my station has a very hard job in turning.. I have tried your method on smaller ships and it does work brilliantly, maybe I should have worded my message a little differently by saying it does not seem to be working FOR ME, for that I appoligise
  18. Dunno if it relevant or not, but the output log shows that ksp unloads stuff after loading it - eg: Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0 / Dirty serialized files: 0) Unloading 467 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 100638. Total: 69.945580 ms (FindLiveObjects: 10.391598 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.723773 ms MarkObjects: 54.407768 ms DeleteObjects: 1.978383 ms)
  19. It's a great tutorial you did for docking, although it's a pity that it will not work if you are docking to really LARGE stations or are using really large ships to dock with which do not turn easily Alas what I am finding not only in mechjeb) is that a lot of mods etc do not take into account people using BIG ships or stations in the game, expecting a 200 ton vessel to turn and line up for things etc in the same time frame as it would take a 10 ton ship doesn't seem to be in the equation
  20. Yes, correct, BUT you missing one small important bit of information.. - if you upgrade from 0.2.0 to 0.2.1 on steam, and then go back to the previous version, it will take you back to 0.1.9 NOT 0.2.0...
  21. Ahh yes, but the big question is, does it do it with ALL docking ports, including non stock ones - IE: Fusty ports Guess I will download it and see....
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