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Everything posted by POTKC

  1. Granted. I make them turn against you and they kill you. I wish I could live forever, with my family and friends all living forever with me.
  2. I know about the situation with X-Plane,where some add-ones are free and some are paid. It just gets annoying. I think that paid mods for KSP should not be made possible, however a 'Donate' button would be nice.
  3. Granted, I'm not going to corrupt that. I wish I had my very own Saturn V.
  4. No, that is from Scott's second B9 video, which also included lots of AC-130H crashes.
  5. Could this...possibly...mean that you will be making the Apollo?
  6. It was part of the original Constellation plan, cancelled in 2010. (I think it was 2010...)
  7. That is part of the textures that were originally on the Ares I and V.
  8. Here, I am trying to recreate the planned Constellation flight to the Moon using BobCat's 'American Pack'. Mission Plan Launch of an Ares V with an Altair lander. Launch of Orion CEV on Ares I. Rendezvous and docking of Orion CEV with orbiting Altair lander and Ares V second stage. Trans Lunar Injection using the Ares V second stage. Circularisation of Lunar Orbit using the Orion CEV service module. Crew transfer. Undocking of Altair lander. Landing. Ascent and rendezvous with orbiting Orion CEV. Crew transfer. Jettisoning of Altair lander. Lunar Escape using the Orion CEV service module. Re-entry. Hypersonic parachute-assisted deceleration. Landing. Progress Launch of the Altair lander on an Ares V: Launch of the Orion CEV on an Ares I: Orion CEV in LKO: Approaching the Altair, about to dock: "Houston, we have docking!": Trans (L/M)unar Injection: Ares V second stage jettisoned: Burning to circularize at the (L/M)unar periapsis: In a stable orbit around the M(oo/u)n: A cinematic shot (slight 'Space Oddyssey' reference): Crew transferred, undocking of the Altair lander: De-orbit burn: 15 seconds after touchdown: Planted a flag...(The word 'Sientis' is supposed to be Scientist): Asent: Altair Ascent Stage in (L/M)unar orbit: Approaching the Orion CEV: About to dock...: "We have docking!": Burning to leave the M(oo/u)n's Sphere of Influence: Orion CEV Service Module jettison: Re-Entry: Parachute descent: [bMission De-Briefing The mission was a success, with no problems encountered except a slight guidance glitch during the Ares I ascent (Basically MechJeb freaking out and trying to flip the rocket around). A flag was planted on the surface of the M(oo/u)n, and several hundred kilograms of samples were collected (Yeay, right...) Disclaimer Yes, I did use MechJeb but only because I could not risk making a mistake and having to start all over again, just because the F9 button is broken on my computer so Quicksaves are useless.
  9. Devo, I think that quitting is not the right answer here. It is not true that no-one tried to help you with the PMA, several people, including myself, gave you different suggestions. I myself said that maybe it is not possible to have a part with two docking ports (Which turned out too be true.) Since this problem couldn't be solved for over a month, maybe it was easier to just make a new one. This is not your fault, but it is also not BobCat's fault, and there is no need walk out because of this situation. Perhaps when multi-docking port part support is added, your PMA could be added back in. I value your work greatly, and I'm sure that everyone else does. It's just that sometimes making something new is easier and less complicated than fixing a different part. I advise you to reconsider and return to the ISS team. POTKC
  10. Granted. Vanilla and Cinnamon that has been in the sewer for an hour. I wish I could finally launch BobCat's Ares V without any staging errors...
  11. Here is a good animation that shows each module being attached:
  12. Granted, you run out fuel at 20 kilometers. I wish I could get of my iPad and go to bed, it's 11:20pm for goodness sake!!!
  13. Granted. The new definition of 'boading' is 'destroying'. I wish for an assassin to murder the leader of North Korea.
  14. I'd call that the Boeing 757-S-52... (The 'S' is just to make it sound cooler...)
  15. Me: OK...we've nearly finished a perfect launch. ASAS: And I've done a very good job, haven't I? Me: No...actually...I used MechJeb! ASAS: Not fair. MechJeb: It's OK, ASAS can take over now. Me: (Aprehensive) Alright... ASAS: Hahahahahahaha!!!! WIBBLEWOBBLEWIBBLEWOBBLEWIBBLEWOBBLE... (The orbital insertion burn is failed, and the payload burns up.)
  16. That's what I said! That you can't have a two-end docking port!
  17. Yay, a story witten by a developer, and an excellent one, too!!!
  18. Granted. The Sun cools down, and the Earth freezes over because of the lack of thermal energy. I wish I had my very own working copy of Mir, in the same orbit as it was in real life. And nothing bad happened to it.
  19. Granted. You go mad and destroy the world with a huge Hurricane. I wish for a HUGE cauliflower to fall on top of Trekkette's house. (There I go again...)
  20. It is a very good replica, though!!! Craft file?
  21. Holy sh*t!!! Finally!!! Thanks, and congratulations everyone!
  22. Granted. Too much oxygen can kill you, you know! I wish Trekkette would get attacked by a drop-bear. (What is this thing I have with killing Trekkette every time?)
  23. I realized that this is not as easy as it seems, I used an armchair model that Rareden gave me (yes, I have his permission), and looked at the EAS-1 .cfg file to see what the part module is supposed to be like, but it doesn't even show up in the parts tab. Please help...
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