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Everything posted by Scotius

  1. In this case "Pics or it didn't happen." wouldn't help, because we only heard "I've seen something", "Someone told me something" etc. Evidence or bust.
  2. It is a very nice photo. Weather must have been excellent if you got good results despite light pollution.
  3. Dark Forest is so incredibly USA-centric it makes my European heart clench with sadness. While I know crime is a thing and murderers are everywhere, I do not fear every stranger I pass on the street. Nor am I afraid to enter a bank, cafe or restaurant. I don't feel the need to carry a weapon with me either. Projecting our human faults on entire Universe seems very excessive.
  4. Very nominal launch! Remember the times when we felt anxiety before every landing? It's gone now - and it pleases me. I'm glad to watch space flights becoming as non-exciting as airplane landings.
  5. One interesting idea I've read once was a herbivorous, gregarious prey species. They evolved to be dominant life form on their world... and in the process exterminated pretty much everything else in their biosphere, leaving only edible plants in heavily modified and controlled environment. See, other animal species and insects were seen as a potential threat or competitors, while plants had to go to make space for agriculture keeping their incredibly xenophobic civilization going. And then they went to space.
  6. I love comic books, and Magneto is one of my favorite villains, but... Don't try to analyze comic book physics using logic. It is a dive into a rabbit hole, and only madness waits for you on the bottom.
  7. There were many cases of survivors being rescued hours or even days after a catastrophe that should be immediately fatal. As long as there's a chance, rescuers will and should try to reach the victims. In this case, services suspected the sub was a total loss, but they did not know for sure. So they kept deploying ROV's and looking. This is genetic. Altruism is a paradigm baked in our DNA by millions of years of evolution as social species. If we will ever lose it, on that day we will stop being humans.
  8. Unfortunately, "late-stage carbon burning" may still last thousands of years.
  9. It's probably subjective, but new model lines look to me as if they shifting away from wings to more lifting body profile.
  10. Question: Could colliding musket balls release enough heat to partially melt, thus welding themselves together?
  11. Looking good! Less spaceplane, more capsule. Pilot seat would be all-screen setup, with windows providing view for passengers.
  12. Not gonna lie - that scene with Gatling gun made me laugh out loud. They made only woman in the crew turn the crank - with audible difficulty, while burly guy next to her is casually adding more rounds to the magazine. Much efficient, very equality.
  13. Oh well. Scrub is preferable to a fireball. Better luck next time.
  14. It definitely wasn't boring! I'd call it majestic. Also, slightly terrifying while I expected a fireball at every second. Yet it flew, and flew for a good long time. As far as test flights go, this one was satisfying. Congrats SpaceX
  15. At their own, glacial pace. At one point they do have to start showing some flying hardware. Right? Right!?!
  16. When Age of Exploration started, only most expensive items were considered worth transporting across the oceans. Things like precious metals and stones, silk, spices and so on. Then technological advancements and economy of scale happened, and today we ship cheap, mass-produced T-shirts from Asia to Europe - and consider it profitable. No one can predict what our grandchildren might consider worth shipping from Mars.
  17. Regolith might be a valuable cargo one day. It sounds silly, but here on Earth we are actually running out of good quality sand for cement mixing. Regolith is excellent replacement for it. IMO, SpaceX main role is opening the door to space. Time will tell what human ingenuity will do with it.
  18. I will be at work. Hopefully everything will go well. If not, at least fireball should be impressive. Go Starship!
  19. Just after Virgin Orbit folded? And other small sat companies are not doing too well? Risky business.
  20. Something is happening. But don't count your boosters before they launch.
  21. Very rustic. Is there even any semi-official head cover for kosmonauts? NASA guys and gals seem to prefer baseball caps.
  22. Even welders use protective equipment like gloves and face shields to protect themselves from heat, sparks and UV light. And welding is nowhere near as energetic as phaser shot able to punch through steel plate instantly. In real life, it would probably give the shooter second to third degree flash burns. Unless we come with a way to control that heat, we will need power armor to use handheld DEW's.
  23. ESA can always book a ride on Falcon 9 Maybe it will be an impulse to speed-up the development of native reusable rocket? Yeah, dream on...
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