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Everything posted by esinohio

  1. Sadly that is the cycles render engine just with around 500 samples. I am a complete neophyte when it comes to Blender and have only really been messing with it as part of ongoing physical therapy for my hand. I also appear to be in the same boat as far as graphics card support for GPU rendering as I'm stuck using CPU renders. What could I do to make it more "cycles looking"? Has to be the grass and pavement.... I hate the pavement. Gah! As far as putting the parts together I just append in my individual parts I've collected and build my ship. That one is just the standard Aeries in the default craft.
  2. Yet more mucking about in Blender.
  3. Imported. Modeling parts isn't too hard for me but the texturing process requires more of an artistic eye and knowledge. Slowly I'm learning! Hi poly count objects, easy to make. Low poly, easy to animate, and textured properly is not so easy for me. The plane itself was just thrown together to rough out that scene for an animation I'm working on. I was trying to make a basic space plane, nothing really flashy but more like a mark 1 type of build, early prototype. Pumped out that still to see how it was coming along. New renders have added lighting animations, movement of the plane, and the time of day/lighting has been changed for a dawn launch.
  4. Mucking about in Blender. Rolling a basic space plane out of a hangar.
  5. Research/Space Dock orbiting Kerbin. More bloated career spending
  6. It's not complete by a long shot but you can find many interesting recordings here: https://archive.org/details/nasaaudiocollection If your interested they even have audio loops from several Mercury and Apollo missions. You can listen to the launches from the perspective of Mission Control or the separate audio from the astronaut. It may be a bit difficult to find your way up there and you might have to do some reading of the text documents to nail down exactly what your looking for. Some of the audio has several minutes of dead air so don't be surprised if you fire up a mp3 and only hear some static for a while. Have fun! **edit, noticed you wrote you knew about this... it was early.......sorry **
  7. Hmm not sure where my videos or channel would fit, maybe other? Just a few KSP videos and some blender tests. 6 Million Dollar Kerbal, take off on the 6 million dollar man series from the 70's. This one seems to be popular over on Steam, my tribute to John Glenn. Another Ohio boy like me I have a few others floating up there that are in various stages of procrastination. I need to update the videos with all the great updates the mod admins have done since these were made. Let me know what you think!
  8. I just have a terrible time typing lately so just getting that question out pretty well sucked to say the least. So again I appreciate it. Found the offending file and removed. Was driving person sharing this hospital suite with nuts when I was doing EVA reports around mun. Thanks again.
  9. Thanks Obsessed. Wasn't sure if it was something added/tweaked by Proot or it was default behavior of the chatterer mod. I should have been more specific. I appreciate you at least clearing the matter up.
  10. Love the work you have put into getting this all together! It has certainly made my game "pop". I was curious about the sound that is made when you go EVA. I get a sort of aircraft woooshing noise then I hear the breathing. I'm guessing I missed a step somewhere in the install here, or is that noise normal? Thanks again for the effort you put into this!
  11. In the brief moments of lucidity here I made a quick change that was suggested to the rules. I removed the duplicate points for the nukes. As for the Mechjeb when I use it for a challenge or something I only have the part installed pre-launch for the deltaV calculations then remove it. I think regex was correct about enforcement of that. That being said I think one poster was correct in that strictly forbidding that part might be putting some off from trying. So if everyone thinks its ok, adding a bonus for non Mechjeb equipped flights sounds great to me. I don't like leaving that completely awesome entry Moar Boosters submitted hanging out there though because of my problems getting these rules updated in a timely manner so I'd say that one should count penalty free. If you could shoot me your score in a PM as well that would be great. Focusing on numbers is a bit beyond me for the moment
  12. Shew! Finally out of the prison that is ICU. They let me play on a laptop but won't let me have my phone... weird. Good news is I can use my full left hand to type again! woot! Still have to hunt and peck since I'm all bandaged on the right hand but I'll take it. I'll be sure to adjust the rules and update the leader board when I can concentrate through the pain med haze a bit more. Darn stuff zonks me straight out! Trust your best friend of 25 years to be the first to make light of a rotten situation. He's calling me OctoEric now in honor of being two fingers down! Hmmm does it still count flipping him the bird with that hand?
  13. Thanks so much more. Torcher is having your clicker finger out of action. Thank god at least for thus phone. This.
  14. Sorry for long delay. If someone could take this over, would be great or it can just get tabled for now. Was in accident and in hospital. Typing is out. Two broken hands/arms. This phone is my only means of speech to text right now and just getting one coherent message out I is near impossible. Watch out on those roads! Darn POS drunk driver.....
  15. I was hoping to keep this mod free. Just makes it easier for everyone involved you know? Personally I have no issues with mods but for others they can be a polarizing issue. So well just keep this as stock as possible for maximum possible community participation.
  16. Going asparagus staging for the launch vehicle will negate the core part of the challenge so let's keep that as out of bounds. I don't think either of the challenges specifically forbid it on the upper stages though. Ill check on that later when I'm home. As for adding points for pin point landings near a Mohole sounds good to me. I guess my own love hate relationship with Moho is tempering adding much more to what I already thought was a monsterous task. Shall we say +10 points for landings within 1000 meters of a Mohole?
  17. Typo corrected! Thanks! As far as Ion engines go I would think those should be fair game for use. Doing some quick Google leg work I found some references to actual Ion engines that were produced and tested prior to the Apollo mission. If that works for everyone else then I'm ok with it as well.
  18. In a nod to Xeldrak's great challenge(s) such as Doing it Apollo Style and Death Engineering's Duna Apollo Style , this challenge seeks to recreate an Apollo style Moho mission. I was hoping to preserve the spirit of both challenges linked above so I will be shamelessly swiping some of the points allocations and general rules. As with the Duna challenge the idea here is to use hardware that would have been available after the close of the Apollo program to complete the challenge with maximum points. Nuclear engines were still in development and points will be weighted accordingly like in the Duna Challenge. ** Completely open to rule changes, suggestions, etc. that will breathe more fun into this challenge. ** Basic mission goals for base points of 50: Non-asparagus, Saturn 5 style launch vehicle: 3 stages to LKO. Single launch mission. No refueling or constructing vessel in orbit from multiple launches. A separate command module and landing module must be used. All stock parts. No debug menu help of course. Return home with at least one Kerbal left alive. Additional basic mission profile points available : 3-kerbal mission +10 2 Kerbal Lander +10 2 stage lander with separate ascent stage (descent stage stays on Moho) +20 Launch escape system (LES) escape tower +10 Moho lander stored behind Command module during ascent +20 Moho Lander tucked away behind some sort of fairing +5 Perfect Landing with no damage to Moho Lander +10 Dock Moho lander and Command Module before leaving Moho SOI +10 Ascent Module de-orbited back to Moho surface +5 Plant at least one flag +3 (Only a single flag counts for the 3 points, no cumlative flags for more points) Splash-down on Kerbin (Water landing) +5 No Nukes!! Complete the challenge without nuclear engines +15 Land within 1000 meters of a Mohole +10. Points for science related goals : Science experiments/packages must be a powered probe core with at least one science experiment on it. Deploy a satellite in Moho Orbit +5 Science package points are not cumulative. Deploy 1 science package +3 At the landing site. Deploy 2 science packages +5 At the landing site. Deploy 2 science packages at least 2.5km from landing site and 2.5 km from each other. +15 Deploy 4 science packages at least 2.5km from landing site and 2.5 km from each other. +20 Burnin' rubber on Moho! Bring at least one rover. +5 Rover can seat at least one Kerbal. +5 Additional rovers +3 each. (Limit one rover per Kerbal taken) Lets go exploring! Points for distances only count for rovers with Kerbals on board and are not cumulative. Score for only one. Drive beyond 1km of the lander +2 Drive beyond 2.5km from the lander +5 Drive beyond 5km of the lander +10 Drive beyond 10km of the lander +15 And now for the dreaded point deductions.... <queue appropriate dramatic music> No SRBs. -10 points for using SRBs in your ascent vehicle. **Speratrons are not included in this stipulation** Kerbal fatality -20 each. If any Kerbal is left on the surface of Moho after the ascent vehicle leaves the surface or the Command Modules leaves Moho SOI, they will die. Since there are few points that can be added over and over such as the total number of rovers there is no real top score. Points are rewarded for not using nuclear engines as well as deducted for using them. I was thinking this would offset some of the min/maxing that could occur with the open ended points rewarded for a few mission goals. This should be purely about min/maxing a score based on the mission profile. Again, I'm open to suggestions concerning rule changes/additions! Of course we want to see these crazy contraptions and every juicy mission detail possible!!! Be sure to give us pictures of all relevant points related awards. Those among us who get a chuckle at seeing a few green splats on the surface of some far flung heavenly body wouldn't mind seeing some failures as well. So warm up those IMGUR accounts and let the point frenzy commence! ** My submission will get posted eventually, I know its possible in theory but I'm having a hell of a time getting it to work!!! ** Good luck my fellow Kerbalnauts!!! Leaderboard
  19. Yikes!!! While I would LOVE to start a challenge... <cough> I'm not sure I can get my own submission up for the traditional "You posted the challenge so where is your submission". I'm giving it some attention here for sure. Pulling this off "on the cheap" has exposed some glaring holes in my piloting skills so I'm busy experimenting with resources linked all over on the finer points of gravity assists, etc. This will be done!!!! If for no other reason than just to pour salt in my friends wounds as he just didn't think this was possible. hehe. What are friends for ??
  20. A friend and I were chatting the other day about one of the challenge threads, the Duna Apollo style. Its an older thread here . After all kinds of theory crafting for that thread the subject of even harder Apollo style missions came up. So the question is how far has someone pushed that design within the realm of KSP? Would it be possible to do a mission to Moho using an Apollo style setup that used only chemical rockets? Three Kerbals leave Kerbin, two man staged lander, rover, etc. Specifically we were discussing a mission using those challenge rules linked above and assuming we want maximum points so that leaves out LV-Ns.
  21. Thanks MissKebin! Must say that no other game has inspired me to play around with making videos. Curse you Squad and your addictive software!!!
  22. Levelord made this awesome bike. Thread can be found here : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47650-Dune-Bike-Dune-Chaser
  23. Check those speeds!!! You never know who might be around that next rock.
  24. I'm finally going to be able to make a video of my helicopter picking up my Kerpallo capsule from the water after splash down!! Woot!
  25. When you slide the rover under the ship do you see the magnetism doing anything at all? It should be tugging at your lander a bit. If not then you might be sunk, I've not been very successful at retracting legs to get a dock to work. I ran into this problem on a similar design (The base construction mod pack) and here is how I had to get them docked, Make sure the ASAS is off!!! If the magnetism is tugging at it a bit you should be able to gently rock it a bit and with luck the magnets lock tight and you dock.
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