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Everything posted by bonyetty

  1. On an iPhone here. Having trouble viewing in forum in web view. Moble drives me bonkers. Assistance would be appreciated
  2. [quote name='little square dot']Is it just me or did the water become really sticky? I just made my first 1.0.5 water landing using welded pontoons that used to glide nicely across the surface , but no matter how shallow my approach angle or slow my airspeed, as soon as they make contact with the water my pontoons grab on for dear life, taking me from 45 m/s to 0 almost instantly, within about 10m of my touchdown point. My plane somehow survives these violent "landings", but it's not so much water landing as water-crashing. Is there something I can add to/change in the .cfgs to make my pontoons less grabby and more glidey? Call me old-fashioned, but I tend to prefer non-violent deceleration. :huh:[/QUOTE] It would have to be a highly engineered real life air craft to land on water at over 150kmph and not quickly decelerate in real life. I believe SQUAD wishes to have the game as close to real life while still being fun. A lower expectation of travel/landing speeds on and in KSP's water would be my recommendation. Seaplanes touchdown at about half the speed of what you described. Also to move an object floating requires moving the mass of the object and the water it displaces, which would be about the mass of the object again each time it travels its own length.
  3. Wow a piture and I can read all the text. And a cool work around. Possibly a job for you at SQUAD.
  4. Nop changing to mob dosnt fix on these rare iPhones.
  5. Just SQUAD being consistent in their distribution of bugs it seems. Time and money to do over but not to do right the first time. With spin doctors in charge what do we expect.
  6. Anyone have a link to the release artical on this forum that dosnt have the right hand side cut off?
  7. Not able to read SQUAD update articals for a while now on this forum. Anyone have a link to a format that is fully readable?
  8. Sweet it seems it is an 'aspect' of 1.05. Confimaybe Kerbals can't teleport transfer around the internals of craft.
  9. While watching a stream of 1.05 is appeared that Kerbals were unable to transfer through a fuel tank from cockpit to crew tank. One more what the, moments in KSP gone. Nice one SQUAD if true. Can any one confirm?
  10. Nice work TheMoonRover. You got me thinking, would it be possible to copy and past the magic Boulder in to 1.0.x from previous versions? If it is how would one go about it?
  11. Please keep it selfish. Oh would like to see your Hermies Yukon if possible. I am having trouble viewing the image using the link. And great work guys looking fantastic.
  12. More children will have access to a great fun learning tool about space if KSP is released on more and more platforms. PS4 then XONE and now wii u thing. And for me KSP on the Kouch. What's in it for you? The K thing so bad it's cool again
  13. I roughly counted 12 fixes out of about 100 new features and parts added only about a week after 1.0. Thanks for the link to support my comments.
  14. Seems from the dev notes over time that the senior developers enjoy building new features but dislike bug fixing. Makes sense why the community managers keep changing, they have to deal with the rage quit rants. Also probably why the port to U5 and PS4 said to be unexpectedly difficult. Face palm not enough time and money to fix the bugs early on but plenty to blow when dealing with them over and over again. Some government must have significant shares in sQUAD.
  15. Indonesian costal flats. A biological hot spot both terrestrial and marine.
  16. Or just zoom out when the tweakable menu is displayed.
  17. Are you playing the latest version of KSP as the drag was increased from in the last few patches of the botched 1.0 release.
  18. Yep but the one near the launch pad. Did you try to plant a flag while up there. Did the flag 'blow' the same direction as the one you were standing on? On my attempt yesterday I got distracted testing a Duna rover deployment system.
  19. I had Val standing on the flag pole for a second but couldn't click the surface sample button. Will try again tomoz
  20. I'm go a boot up KSP right now and plant a flag on the flag pole.
  21. Oh Mun arch is close by might wander over and give bill a closer look. 2 hours later wife suggests kids toy auto pilot on the W key and she will let me know when he gets there, while I cook dinner. 45 minutes later "Honey Bills at the arch". Fly Bill up to the top of the arch plant a flag. Wife, "so what do you have to do with Bill now?" Ummm walk him back to his ship. Wife "so what new parts dose that get you? Ummm none. Wife "So what do you get when you plant a flag there?" Ummm a flag on the Mun arch. Wife "do you get money for it?" Nup. Wife ">]¥{>}*|>|> you make me ^}¥{€}£ do that for nuthin?" NO, there is now a flag on one of the Mun arches how cool is that. One more to go.
  22. Nup space time is way harder. It takes closely rotating neutron stars to even put a ripple in space time. Matter is the soft squishy stuff.
  23. Yep sleep mode works a treat. Did for New Horizons and many other RL space craft too.
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