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Everything posted by smunisto

  1. If only we could have the stubs disappear after they have been decoupled. This is my single problem with the struts as a whole.
  2. I haven't followed the discussion in quite some time, so forgive me if I am missing something. Today for the first time since 0.14 was released I decided to play around with a little more complex crane, consisting of many IR parts stacked on one another. I use it do dock components together via those tube parts that you see attached on the grapple. So... https://www.dropbox.com/s/tg7gez2md61z7ry/Screenshot%202014-05-11%2021.11.03.png https://www.dropbox.com/s/undlujkjsicietc/Screenshot%202014-05-11%2021.10.11.png I thought that issue was fixed in 0.14?
  3. DMagic, let me say - amazing work, absolutely astonishing! I have not followed the thread ever since your first rc, so I would like to ask - your latest work in collaboration with the Kethane mod and maybe Majiir is great, but does it mean we can get rid of the Kethane scanner parts or does it just implement the ability to display their data on the ScanSat Big Map? I am tired of all satellites looking like Christmas trees with various parts slapped on them.
  4. Now, I know I will sound like a greedy *******, but... Any ETA on that? When you finalize the mod or sooner?
  5. I checked your part cfgs and it seems to me I can't do it alone to be honest. If I simply slap Coolbeer's cfgs on your parts this will unbalance your mod due to the vastly different quantities of oxygen, food and water.
  6. It's a shame you would be changing the edging in the textures between parts. I wonder if I am at a fault here and everyone just accepts that KSP should be played with non-seamless parts of the most different shapes and colors possible. Yes, your parts are amazing. I love them, but I wish they were attaching to each other seamlessly, just tickles me that I have to create aircraft made of LEGO bricks. Breaks immersion, or whatever you want to call it
  7. Astronomer, amazing!!! This is for the stable version, not the overhaul, right?
  8. Oh..it seems I forgot to add the link to the previous post ^^ Here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/40667-0-23-0-23-5-WIP-TAC-Life-Support-0-8-22Dec/page25?p=1069843#post1069843
  9. There actually is. User Coolbeer created such cfg files. They are a few, but the conversion itself is made using MM v.2.x.x's math functions. He is also defining the consumption rates in another file. This is the only thing for conversion of TACLS to liters and kg. Coolbeer has made a great job of it and as far as I know - everyone who is using a conversion is using this one, since it's the only community patch available I would appreciate it if you can give your opinion on whether it's possible to include an alternative MKS dl which would work with this TACLS patch.
  10. Shame. Unfortunately this may not happen anytime soon, as Taranis mentioned he will not be available in the coming months(or atleast that is what I remember). I would look into transforming units to liters and kg, but I guess your resource amounts in MKS are predefined and have other resources with dependencies on them, so a simple conversion of 1 unit of water to xxx units of water might break other things in MKS. Seems like I will have to postpone the MKS expansion in my save.
  11. Ah, that's a shame. I think it just identifies parts with crew capacities with its cfgs right now. I may try to do it by defining specific parts in a new cfg. Otherwise the TAC conversion itself is done via a separate resources cfg.
  12. I have this edge even on all cfg's that I have tried(no idea about Astronomer's, still waiting for a release there, but Thesonicgalaxy's one has it too). It's the single thing that I find sort of not right with the mod, but I guess it can't be removed completely due to the nature of the mod itself - it is a 2D texture after all. You are bound to see its edges from a certain view angle. EDIT: Thesonicgalaxy - have you checked for compatibility of your pack with the test Overhaul-2 release of EVE?
  13. RoverDude - how does MKS threat TAC LS if we are using the TACLS units to liters/kg conversion? Will it still work as intended or will this stop me from using MKS?
  14. FAR treats open intakes with less drag than closed ones, no idea about area. For example if a closed intake has 0.2 drag, the same intake when open will have 0.04.
  15. So, I've watched Wave's video of relay networks after the discussion quite a few pages back. I have a question though - I assume there are major losses related to distance traveled for transmitter power? I have a liquid fuel plasma thruster satellite around Tylo, and it is getting power relayed from around Kerbin. I have about 4 GW of power from reactors in LKO, with 4 relays around Kerbin to relay that power. However I only get 4 MW for the plasma engine on Tylo. The satellite is equipped with 2 of the small receivers, each gets about 2 MW, depending of the orientation. So, if there are losses - is there a way to boost the power received? Like, can I set up some more relays around Jool, which would have the undeployable phased array microwave transceiver? Or do I have to build power stations at Jool too?
  16. I made my first and only so far power station using in Kerbin orbit using 4 unupgraded Akulas, as I was led to believe that even if they are more maintenance dependant - they produce more power somehow(no idea why I think like this). Reading people's opinions I may have to rethink and actually use MSRs.
  17. Many people shared textures, other than the ones posted in the first post. You can search for them on the thread. I am currently working on retexturing some tanks for my own personal use. Will share the result when/if they are ready.
  18. NF, I saw your posts on the MM thread. But I don't understand does this mean the new MM is broken or it just does not work for your mod?
  19. Yes, it was way too late. 15 km was not a typo, like Ferram said - with a 15-20km Pe it is completely possible to reenter if your craft can support a high AoA. I have tried multiple reentries with 30km Pe and it is too slow, to get anywhere near the KSC you have to put the Periapsis on the other side of the planet roughly. By the way, technically when you reenter your Pe becomes your Ap
  20. Oops, I am falling asleep. Apologies. Um, I mean that I solved my problems regarding the texture export. It has an alpha layer(channel?) which consists only of the yellow part of the texture, as seen here. I fixed by disabling "Use Alpha" when exporting it. I will now just use the exported texture and try my skills in painting to create tank colors and I will create new parts referencing to the old models and new png textures.
  21. How is it hard? Just keep the nose above the prograde indicator and don't make a steep reentry. I am reentering with an apo of about 15 km(stock DRE settings), nose at about 25-30 deg. The craft position makes all the difference in temperatures. I had a save at 45 km, at first try I destroyed half of the SSTO because it was pointing too close to the velocity vector. 5 degrees more on the next try gave me the chance to reenter without ever exceeding 1000C on the cockpit.
  22. Yeah. I managed to export it properly from Blender by disabling something related to Alpha in the export. Nathan - thank you for this, should make things easier. However when I export the model000.mbm from this specific part it still gives me only the yellow tube section of the texture.
  23. It's KSPX's Large MonoTank https://www.dropbox.com/s/b6ibz6my23bv5z8/large_shortMonoTank.7z
  24. Thank you for the directions. I managed to export the Advanced SAS texture and I will look into recoloring it later. However the RCS tank seems to be giving me trouble. Namely - I can't export it's whole texture as an image. There is just no way to do it. When I view the texture file in Blender it shows the whole texture: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f8g72kuy1vv4r6b/Screenshot%202014-05-04%2020.25.37.png It also shows something else when I switch the options at the bottom: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cr29036nwd7432u/Screenshot%202014-05-04%2020.25.29.png And when I export it, this is what I get: https://www.dropbox.com/s/al4jfdgydsjfa8s/Screenshot%202014-05-04%2020.26.27.png It is as if the texture contains 2 layers, but I don't know how to make Blender export it with those 2 layers, instead of just exporting one. Otherwise, using your guidance I managed to achieve some reasonable greenish color, by just applying Hue on a new layer in GIMP and then merging it with the old layer(I have no idea why, just think less layers = smaller texture size). https://www.dropbox.com/s/skikq187mun4zzl/Screenshot%202014-05-04%2020.03.08.png
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