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Everything posted by Athlonic

  1. Sure no problem, any help is appreciated and these features you added were on my todo list anyway, but I lack of free time. Feel free to fork the project on GitHub so we can easily merge our work. I guess you saw that my coding style on this mod is a bit "awful" as this was my first experience in C#. So I plan to optimize it and make it cleaner. I have also an new UI in the work but I like yours as well, so we might put in multiple UI style, the more options to the players the better Finally, there are future plan to interact with other mods but we could discuss about this later by PM.
  2. Oh ok, this explain why you are so serious about copyrights thingies. It also explain the awesomeness of your "Exploring The System" tutorial, some of my Kerbal definitely owe you their lives Just don't forget to PM me a link, in case you do it, or I will pursue you for "failure to assist a community in need of mods"
  3. Oh ok, no problem then ! I knew this sounded a bit too easy to be true ^^ Does someone have a list of the different modules available ?
  4. Very nice work on the UI here Throttle control is a must as well, since KSP now put 50% by default upon awake. Xx And staging control is nice feature too. Definitely a step in the right direction you did here. I am about to redo the whole sequence code, because it don't work well in KSP 64 for now and I find it too messy. I will keep you updated once I am done with it (was quite busy with Chatterer and other boring real life things lately)
  5. My suggestion would be to make needed perk related to part's position in the tech tree. This way you won't have to deal with each single part and mods parts should be compatible on the fly. Same with specialties, maybe link them to [Module] present in concerned part (ie if part has module [Antenna] : specialtie required = Electrician, ...)
  6. Indeed ! Entering need mode... I saw a video using Vireo injector, but I guess it worked only with DK1. Will try again this evening with the DK2, I must resist buying these VorpX drivers...
  7. I think there would be no problem here regarding DM minions speech. There are tons of youtube DM minions "best of" video collection, and they don't seem to pose problem. So go on and make your minion's audio set, just mention "All audio rights owned by NBC Universal" and keep it free. Seriously if you have to fear the law or to deal with copyrights for any "fart" noise you pick here and there, I quit modding right now... :/
  8. Congrats to all involved. Loving the site
  9. Just tried to make this work with my Oculus DK2 after seeing Dahud's stream last night : http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv/b/567989238 I tried with Vireio Perception 2.0.4 Alpha (Free) but no luck, this makes KSP crash upon start I hesitate to put the 30€ in vorpX beta drivers, I guess I will wait another implementation method. Can this be implemented by a mod actually ? I haven't read oculus SDK yet. Anyway TrackIR support already adds a lot to IVA immersion, for now. If anyone succeed injecting oculus in KSP via Vireio injector let me know please
  10. Hi, I just started a new career with this mod, and I just wanted to say : - a big thank you !!! This mod just makes time and funds matters, and this means a lot. Keep up the good work
  11. Sure, here is the old "human style" breathing sound file just copy/overwrite in '..\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Chatterer\Sounds\AAE\effect' folder https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e51jqgy17m2vtuq/AAAOZlcJbLwqlAIkc0dco8Lea?dl=0 Female Kerbal ??? What the ... ? Where, how come, when ? ^^
  12. By the way, here is the config file for the last Chatterer as textures files have changed. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/9r8eij5ay4q1feu/AACYOvk7r62P0sAGATb6PrJSa?dl=0 (hope dp link works this time) @ rbray89 : feel free to include/replace it in your next ATM update
  13. from an old thread here : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/42216-oculus-rift-support?p=1057882&viewfull=1#post1057882
  14. Changelog : Thanks a lot to Cilph who greatly helped with RT2 API hook.
  15. Yes you can. I will write a little "how to" on the first post, soon. Aaaaand also : v0.6.4 released :
  16. This is no bug, it is a feature I updated the breathing sound for a more confined and Kerbalistic experience. Also, v0.6.3 released Changelog : v0.6.3: [03 Sep 2014] - fixed and restored "Mute" function - added KSP application launcher button behaviours : * green = transmit (TX) * blue = receive (RX) * white = SSTV / Beep (flashing) * grey = idle (online) * grey/red = muted * red = disabled (offline) (for later use with RT2) - code cleaning and optimizations
  17. Yep it is fixed in v0.6.2 v0.6.3 is just about to get live also. You are welcome
  18. Yep yep ! This is exactly what I meant Also some "panic mode" capsule and EVA set would be useful for a future planned feature, as well. But hey, there is no rush nor obligation
  19. Nice ! You are all welcome if you want to do chatter sets by the way. I will link the 2 already known to the OP soon. Also, Stephanie, if your set sound more "clean" I think I could make use of it as I plan to implement capsule_to_capsule chatter So cleaner voices should fit quite nicely here. An EVA chatter set would be nice as well, with some "talking in an helmet" effect. I'll see if I can make loading sets a bit more handy. Also, I just had fun with the new KSP applicationlauncher button textures, v0.6.3 is just a fix away from release...
  20. Strange, Cendartalk set should definitely work, re-check your install paths Thanks for your issue report, this setting was saved but wasn't loaded at all, fixed. Also,
  21. You are all welcome guys. Thanks, I knew you will like it ^^ Oups sorry :
  22. ^ First issue was a quick fixed one. Second a bit longer but I got it fixed as well, KSPAlternateResourcePanel_2.5.1.0 adds some skins in the database and this changed the skin index (on the second flight start). Thanks for your report RT2 integration is planned as well, the code is still in, I just have to sort out the different state flags.
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