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Everything posted by toric5

  1. couuld you add a compatibilit patch for realistic atmospheres: simply a patch removing or disabling the modifications to all the planets atmospheres.
  2. TCAs launch autopilot it currently full of bees. (great mod, but its autopilots need some work. a lot of work)
  3. is it possible to multiply an atmospherecurve by a set value? so say i have an engine with an atmospherecurve of key = x1 y1 key = x2 y2 key = x3 y3 ... and i want to get key = x1 1.1*y1 key = x2 1.1*y2 key = x3 1.1*y3 ... ive tried @atmospherecurve { key *= 1 1.1 key *= 1 1.1 key *= 1 1.1 } but it just invalidates the entire part file. another big issue is that i dont necicarly know the number of key = entries in the list, but i want to multiply all of them. does MM have any special handling for pointcurves?
  4. hope it works, as while the patch that you sugested didnt target LF+Ox engines, that is because it didnt target anything. at all. this is why you test things thourly, even if you just want to go to bed and get some sleep.
  5. this is the full patch @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX]:HAS[@PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel],!PROPELLANT[Oxidizer],!PROPELLANT[IntakeAir]]]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX] { @PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel] { @name = LqdHydrogen @ratio = 1.0 } } }
  6. im trying to target all NTRs, defining an NTR as a engine that uses only liquidfuel. so far i have this: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleEnginesFX]:HAS[@PROPELLANT[LiquidFuel],!PROPELLANT[Oxidizer],!PROPELLANT[IntakeAir]]] however, this applies to patch to lf+ox and jet engines as well. what am i doing wrong? (i have tried removing the , infront of the !) also, is there anyway to have something like !PROPELLANT[anything but LF] to exclude a really strange engine sas well, sutch as ones that operate off of LF and intakeAtmo?
  7. do the cost and mass not increase when you ship it inflated? that seems a bit odd.
  8. just saw the thing you quoted from... that was in reply to my issue...
  9. this is exactly what i am looking for. thanks!
  10. So I think i finally understand the ratio entry in the moduleengineFX, and its use with ISP. However, does anyone know of a way to easily calculate what the values should be if i want to, say, add a small amount of ablator/metal (from CRP) consumption to the engine? I don't know the exact amounts yet, waiting of copies of research papers, but is there any way i could input the maxthrust, isp, and ratios and get out the actual amount of resources per seconds? (Or some other combination) Just wondering if any other modders already have their own scripts so I don't go reinvent the wheel.
  11. it was reported on github and has been fixed in the latest version. (was just a typo.)
  12. Nereta, will you be bringing back the clustered ion engines, or are they only included in the DL for backwards compatibility?
  13. thanks everyone. this will be by first mod release! (as soon as i get back to the computer that has the files on it.)
  14. so Ive been amassing quite a collection of self written module manager patches, and am thinking about releasing them as a single pack or set of mods. (some only change simple things, one is in the works to add ablative nozzles to engines and/or electrode wear to ion engines) my question is, i modify stock and modded parts alike. would it violate the license to distribute a mod that changes the overall feel of another mod without explicit permission? and if not, would it be impolite? would most mod makers be ok with it?
  15. i clean up things i don't use anymore obsessively, but i also have ~150 mods, so about 4 GB. gamdata is 2.5 GB of that. 6 GB in RAM.
  16. even though ive had ksp since .18 and have well over 1k hours in it, i have never gone past duna. i hate timewarping for more than a month or so, and most updates cause me to get a new save. (1.3 shouldn't, it looks like.)
  17. same thing on linux. how would you go about doing that? anyone have a python script for it, perchance? would someone like to maintain an alternate downloads? (i would, but college is not easy on the spare time)
  18. will you add xenon and argon to the atmospheric scoop? that way, instead of having to land on the surface to extract it, you could make, for example, jool or eve diving craft to get it.
  19. is it correct that i need 20 of the massive radiators from heat control to run a nuclear salt water engine at full throttle? and 100 for the beamed-core AM engine? also, any plans for KER compatibility with the AM engines? KER always shows 0 DV because you cant fill AM tanks.
  20. ahh, ok. seems to be fixed now. sorry for all the hubbub!
  21. Here you go. im actually not sure whether this is the latest or not, the mod does not contain a .version file for ksp AVC. pretty sure it is, though. maybe ksp AVC support is in order? i hear it is quite simple to implement. (unlike CKAN)
  22. ok. im on linux, but that should not make the slightest difference. i have created an issue on github where i have posted more information. what if i were to upload my copy of the coatl areospace parts folder, and you could see if my download is somehow borked. (even though i have tried re downloading it.) i can also confirm that the issue still exists when only KER coatl areospace, and dmagic are installed.
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