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Everything posted by NeoMorph

  1. Lots of mods and I get maybe four or five crashes a day at most. AT MOST. Used to be 20 to 30 back in 18.4. This is Windoze version. Have to say that even though I DO get crashes that it's not much hassle. For some reason I don't stress out when I crash nowadays... I just do a comic "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and press the restart KSP button and come browse the forums while I wait (like just... I confused KSP with a converted ship from 19.1 and it fell over). For an Alpha it's pretty darn stable considering. EDIT: So it just crashed again ARRRGH I think I tempted fate saying it was stable. I do keep getting this thing about "Get thread failed" or something like that.
  2. I've had ships that have flown many times without problems just go haywire. I know when this happens the only way to fix them is the close KSP and restart. Something just goes bonkers you see. I think it's probably a corruption with the stuff in memory. That said, I haven't had it happen once in 20.2 as of yet.
  3. Bah.... You must think you are hot stuff eh, wot? Did you remember to pack your shades?
  4. I've been really interested in how RCS works because of the way my craft used to either move like an elephant on tranquillisers or skips about like a dragonfly on acid. Then I found this... http://history.nasa.gov/afj/aoh/aoh-v1-2-05-rcs.pdf It's the Apollo RCS design document. It's really interesting seeing how they did it in the 60's. I was impressed with the simple way they get the fuel to move through the system in zero gravity. I never thought of the fact that it would need some way to get the fuel to the ports... I just assumed that it would go there under pressure but as you use the fuel, the pressure in the fuel tank drops and then you get less fuel the more you use it... so they added an internal bladder in the fuel tank with helium gas around it that is pumped in to squeeze the fuel out.
  5. God I hate that... All because of a broken connection between stages. I equally hate it when you cut the engines... and they continue to burn because of this problem.
  6. I've been doing other stuff... working on some Arduino stuff and making flight simulator instruments... but ironically it's still to do with KSP.
  7. The pressure in those Hooligan airships must be HUMUNGOUS if they are down at the level they are at and still inflated. I would have imagined they would look like tiny prunes personally.
  8. I've also had it happen with timewarp... but this was normal time. I be I would end up being followed by bloody huge moths lol.
  9. I don't know if this is a bug with KSP, Unity or just the light bar from Lacklustre that is doing this but omg must this be some candle power on my rocket... It's best to watch in hd fullscreen as it is really dark. Oh and the spinning thing is a case of some wacky phantom force. For a while it was spinning one way and then it slowed down and I was like "thank god for that" but then it started spinning the other way like crazy... and then it went to the dark side of the planet and I saw the lights were illuminating the whole darn continent.
  10. Hold on... you can't asparagus SRBs properly because they don't feed momma. The whole beauty of asparagus is that you get to top up the momma tank while peeling off the dead weight empty tanks. One thing though... I never go beyond using four asparagus tanks because any more tends to look fugly. I like to make my rockets somewhat believable (which means shrouds over ugly un-aerodynamic payloads) and no umpteen million tanks like some people do.
  11. YES... You know you should make a video of KSP going to duna don't you... Send it to NASA and they will be going green with envy. God, I sooooooo want Altair you know. Oh and that rover, Bobcat... Stick a couple of headless Kerbals on the back (ie just empty suits heh. When you EVA the kerbal appears inside the suit. Oh yeah Bobcat... Will you be making multiple versions of Altair and Orion? Like these?
  12. Just have to say that Rich (the guy who wrote Telemachus) is freakin awesome. He's helped me with accessing Telemachus with VB6 so that my hardware project can move forward another step. The moment when I pressed a button in my VB6 app and I turned on the SAS was a milestone... but when I turned MechJeb's prograde mode on and then off via my app it was that Neil Armstrong giant leap for Kerbalkind. Can you tell I am happy?
  13. Just slap on pressure and temperature sensors... then you will know why you go boom. You get melted and then crushed. Oh yeah, and I posted an image that point out that you actually hit the clouds and go boom lol...
  14. You know you have messed up when the engines fall off when you stage... that's another one that I have had happen a lot... especially with landers.
  15. Easiest way to point out that liquid fueld boosters is that it's like launching the rocket at 10,000 feet or so without the boosters because with the liquids feeding the central tank they fall away at that height and there you have your rocket with a full tank of fuel and your ship is already accelerating away. If you put on SRBs on the other hand, when they fall away your central tank is already 2/3 depleted because it isn't being topped up by they SRBs. Hence, SRB's aren't as fuel efficient as asparagus liquid fueld boosters. But as people have said... they are cheap.
  16. How do you tell when a Kerbal is getting spacesick if they are NORMALLY green in the face?
  17. I'm with Jack. Tend to try and make rockets look as real as possible, even to launching test versions unmanned. EVERY manned mission has a backup plan as well. Oh and rodion, I wouldn't bump this as the mods don't like it.
  18. Arrghh... Yes. I do this WAY too often. I either hit launch and the engines are burning like crazy and the clamps are holding the rocket down or the the other way around and the clamps let go and don't fire the engines. I usually laugh at that last one because usually you get lots of explosions and then when it all clears, there is the capsule sitting forlornly in the middle of the launch pad with the Kerbals looking gobsmacked and then going ... "WHAT DA FUNK HAPPENED MISSION CONTROL?" "Oops, sorry Kerbal 1, someone forgot to light the fuse"
  19. Interesting. Knowing the burn figure actually means you can fit the solution to the result rather than the other way around. I wonder if anyone has made a table of the correct figures for transferring from one body to the next. Would help a lot I would think.
  20. When you undock you new lander and things go "DOINK!" and bits float away.... then you notice something is amiss in the engine department.
  21. I have to admit that I am a bit at a loss regarding to returning to the planet when I have finished my visit to the Mun. I used to just aim for Kerbin and burn. Then I realised that if I burn into the retrograde of the Muns orbit I get a better fuel use a lot of the time. But it is still a rough guess as to when to start my burn. So, rocket scientists. What is the best way to do transits from a moon back to its host planet? On another matter, is it more effiecient to travel directly from moon to moon (ie Mun to Minmus) or is it better to go back from the Mun to Kerbin first and then go out to Minmus from there?
  22. Other than Jeb's head when he jumped out of the ship as he wanted to use the parachute box on the outside of the lander (as I ran out of fuel during the landing process... doh). Unfortunately I missed the box as I was already hitting atmo so the lander ran away after I bumped into it and ragdolled. Funny enough I found that Kerbal suits have a handy, dandy, repulsor field fitted to their helmets and he bounced THREE TIMES and then landed... AND GOT UP. Only Jeb! The first chapter after the Mun and Minmus has to be titled "Destination Duna" or "Decision at Duna" (nod to Anne McCaffrey there ).
  23. One thing I have always wondered.... What is the Kethane like on Eve. Is there anywhere that you can mine enough for a reasonable sized rocket. Also, what about a mid-air launch? Use one of those helium airship things to lift you up and then fire your engines when you hit max altitude. These ones... http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/hooligan-labs-airship-parts-and-plugin/. I've got soooooo many ideas that at least one of them should work without resorting to more engines than god has on his hot-rod.
  24. When I started out I spent ages looking for the Lagrange points so I could stick my space station there.... until I found out that KSP doesn't model them lol. Kind of a metaphor for life that... looking for something that isn't there. Kind of like the "We didn't land on the moon" conspiracy theorists. Those guys really ARE looking for things that aren't there.
  25. You need that Orion mod. Not the NASA spaceship... the one where you take a thick metal plate and then fire nukes underneath it. THAT would get you out of Eve orbit.... Or maybe Kerbal Attachment System with a carbon nanotube rope down from orbit. But that many engines... How many gees does it push.... do you get squashed Kerbals?
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