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Everything posted by FEichinger

  1. So here we are. Resources are, I believe the official phrasing is "postponed indefinitely". Now, we all know what this means: It's not on the plate and at best it's going to be implemented further down the road, most likely not in any way like what has been planned and showcased before. I'm going to be very frank here: I'm thoroughly disappointed. While we already knew that resources were heavily delayed because implementation details were being changed and the direction was shifting a bit, shoving it out of the way entirely like this ... I mean, a lot of work has been wasted on it now, with the result being almost a complete 180° turn, moving away from one of the most anticipated planned features. In return we get multiplayer - something we were repeatedly told was not feasible in a manner that fits in with the vision for the game and is in fact not planned at all. Well, guess that's another 180° turn right there. I fully understand that multiplayer, too, is a feature a lot of people are looking for, and that they really want to play with their friends, make some larger projects. I get that, it's a nice touch. I just really don't like this recent shift in direction. Career Mode, as it looks right now, is going to be pretty shallow. With resources not on the horizon anymore, a large chunk of the economy - and of planetary operations - is gone. Science is, once the tech tree is unlocked, just a bunch of flavour text - no game mechanics behind it. Missions/Contracts and perhaps some other systems might well give some more content to play here, but the way this has been started just doesn't look all too promising to me. I'm not a supporter of this whole "realism!" and "serious business space programme!" stuff, I like the whackiness of it all - but I was looking forward to some in-depth meaningful gameplay. That said, I can't see myself playing multiplayer KSP either, to be quite honest. I get what it's trying to do - and there are definitely reasons to do it (Minecraft collaborative efforts have shown us a great deal of magic that can be done like this), but I think this is something that should either have been integrated from the start, or added on after the game itself is finished. Pushing for it now seems very much out of place. As a closing note, I'm looking forward to the .23 update, but I am very, very sceptical of the future we're headed into. I mean, who's to say we don't get yet another shift in direction in a year or so? It's becoming a gamble, at this rate.
  2. Hello there As much as we all appreciate constructive criticism, there's a certain line between on-topic discussion and nonsensical bickering among users. Please get back to the topic, that is: the mod itself, rather than this argument about the choices made. There's no need to call for people's heads over the installation instructions, for crying out loud. FEichinger
  3. Hello there You know the deal, guys. Keep it clean, we're watching. FEichinger
  4. For 1) you can use Shift + Mouse Wheel For 2) Right Click helps you out
  5. Most likely whatever brought you here has nothing to do with this thread. This thread is now closed. There is nothing to see here. Please move along. Thank you for your cooperation.
  6. Okay, guys, I get the whole confusion, what with August not being all that far back, but ... Look at the year please, will ya. Closed for excessive use of Necromancy. The Mages Council does not approve of Necromancy. FEichinger
  7. Hello there Everyone, cut the aggressions down a notch, will ya. There is no need for mudslinging and it's quite a lot of work for us to clean up after the fact. Please honour our [thread=30064]Community Rules[/thread]. FEichinger
  8. Hello there The forum's The Daily Kerbal section is fed with an RSS feed directly from the tumblr blog itself, so adding an RSS feed for that forum would be slightly redundant. I'd recommend just using the tumblr blog's RSS feed. FEichinger
  9. Hello there I recommend everyone calms down here. Accusing each other of raging really doesn't solve the raging problem, does it now? This is just a friendly reminder of our [thread=30064]Community Rules[/thread]. FEichinger
  10. Im Folgenden findet sich eine Übersetzung der Forenregeln. Bitte beachtet, dass diese Übersetzung nicht offiziell gültig ist, unbeachtet ihrer Validität. Die offiziellen Regeln sind im obigen Post verlinkt. 1. Allgemeines 1.1 Umfang der Regeln Die hier ausgelegten Regeln betreffen alle von Squad verwalteten Dienste der KSP Community. Das schließt unter anderem das Forum, den SpacePort, den offiziellen IRC Channel und den Bug Tracker ein. 1.2 Weitere Regeln Die in 1.1 genannten Dienste können weitere Regeln zu diesen auf ihrer Website oder anderweitig anführen. 1.3 Zielsetzung der Regeln Die Dienste, die Squad der KSP Community verfügbar macht sind für Personen aller Hintergründe und Altersklassen gedacht. Die Regeln dienen als Rahmen, in dem alle Nutzer einander mit einem grundlegenden Respekt behandeln und die Dienste für alle angemessen erhalten. 2. Nachrichten 2.1 Definition einer Nachricht Eine Nachricht ist alle und jede Methode, die einem Nutzer zur Kommunikation mit anderen Mitgliedern zur Verfügung steht. Das schließt unter anderem Forenposts, private Nachrichten, IRC Chat Nachrichten, Avatare, Signaturen, Benutzernamen und sonstige Profilinformationen ein. 2.2 Verbotene Inhalte Nachrichten, die das Folgende enthalten oder dazu verlinken sind explizit untersagt: Piraterie und Diskussion über Piraterie; politisch, ideologisch oder religiös motivierte Diskussionen; Obszöne Inhalte wie Nacktheit, sexuell anzügliche oder explizite Bilder, (exzessive) Gewalt und Drogen; Belästigung anderer Nutzer oder des Teams - das schließt Beleidigungen, Drohungen, Stalking, Rassismus, Sexismus und Imitierung, sowie das Veröffentlichen von privaten Konversationen ein; Vulgarität und Obszönität; Verschwörungstheorien; Links zu kommerziellen Initiativen. Rollenspiel 2.3 Andere verbotene Nachrichten Nachrichten, denen es an wesentlichem Inhalt mangelt - zum Beispiel Nachrichten, die nur Bildantworten, einfach ein '+1' oder Jargon enthalten; und Nachrichten, die weit vom Thema abweichen, oder 'Trolling'. 2.4 Sprache, Rechtschreibung und Grammatik Alle Nachrichten müssen in englischer Sprache gesendet werden, sofern nicht anders angegeben. Der Nutzer sollte sich bemühen, korrekte Grammatik und Rechtschreibung zu verwenden, was bedeutet, dass 'txt-speak', '1337-speak' und andere ausschließenden Jargons verboten sind. 3. Nutzer-Mitarbeiter Verhältnis 3.1 Definition von Team und Mitarbeiter Ein Mitarbeiter ist jemand, der von oder im Namen von Squad ernannt wurde, einen Teil eines wie in 1.1 genannten Dienstes zu verwalten. Das (Mitarbeiter-)Team besteht aus allen Mitarbeitern. 3.2 'Backseat' Moderation 'Backseat' Moderation (das Posten von Mitarbeiternachrichten) ist nicht erlaubt. Falls Ihr glaubt, eine bestimmte Botschaft erfordert die Aufmerksamkeit des Teams, nutzt bitte die Melde-Funktion, oder sendet einem Mitarbeiter eine private Nachricht. 3.3 Imitation von Mitarbeitern Imitation von Mitarbeitern, zum Beispiel durch Registrierung mit einem Benutzernamen, der dem eines Mitarbeiters ähnelt, ist nicht erlaubt. 3.4 Offene Diskussion von Entscheidungen und allgemeine Respektlosigkeit Wir erlauben keine offene Diskussion von Entscheidungen von Mitarbeitern. Falls ihr einem Mitarbeiter widersprecht, kontaktiert ihn oder sie zuerst und diskutiert zivilisiert. Sollte die Antwort nicht zufriedenstellend sein, könnt Ihr einen leitenden Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. 4. Sicherheit des Userkontos 4.1 Benutzer Verantwortlichkeit Die Benutzer sind für die Sicherheit ihrer Konto verantwortlich. Aufgrund dieser Regel sind Benutzer verantwortlich für alles was durch ihr Konto geschieht. 4.2 Ein Konto pro User, ein User pro Konto Jedes Konto darf nur von einer (1) Person verwendet werden, und jede Person darf nur ein (1) Konto haben. 5. Sonstiges 5.1 Signaturbeschränkungen Alle Forensignaturen müssen diese Kriterien erfüllen: nicht höher als 120 Pixel (Text und Bilder inklusive), nicht breiter als 750 Pixel und nicht größer als 200kb gesamt. 5.2 Add-On Lizenzen Alle Add-Ons, Plug-Ins und Gleichwertiges (Code, Texturen oder Modelle), die in den wie in 1.1 genannten Diensten veröffentlicht werden, müssen von Quellcode (falls zutreffend) und einer Lizenz sowohl im Post als auch der Downloaddatei begleitet werden. Alle Werke, die von Add-Ons, Plug-Ins oder Gleichwertigem abgeleitet sind, müssen die Originale referenzieren und einen Nachweis der Rechte zur Verwendung der Originale vorweisen. 5.3 Umgehen von Strafmaßnahmen Mitglieder, die bewusst die Effekte von Strafmaßnahmen wie Ausschluss oder Posteinschränkungen umgehen, können sofort von allen Diensten ausgeschlossen werden, die Squad für die KSP Community bereitstellt. Weitere Posts zum Lesen. Außerhalb dieser Regeln ist es außerdem nützlich, auf aktuellem Stand mit dem Verhaltensleitfaden zu sein, die offizielle Liste der Dinge, die nicht vorgeschlagen werden sollen, sowie die Listen der Bekannten Probleme und offiziell geplanten Features zu kennen und vor dem Posten die relevanten angepinnten Themen in den verschiedenen Foren zu lesen. Das Brechen einer dieser Regeln kann dazu führen, dass Strafmaßnahmen gegen Euch eingeleitet werden. Diese Maßnahmen schließen unter anderem Verstoßeinträge oder Ausschluss von wie in 1.1 genannten Diensten ein, abhängig von der Schwere des Verstoßes und der persönlichen Geschichte. Squad und das Team behalten sich das Recht vor, diese Regeln zu jeder Zeit, zu der es für notwendig empfunden wird, ohne vorherige Ankündigung zu ändern oder zu erweitern. Squad und das Team behalten sich außerdem das Recht vor, Strafmaßnahmen und andere Handlungen zu ergreifen, falls dies für notwendig empfunden wird - selbst wenn kein Verstoß gegen diese Regeln vorliegt.
  11. Closed by request of the thread starter. FEichinger
  12. Hello there, guys You have had a couple of moderators posting in here already, so I'm keeping this relatively short. Unlike that other thread, this time the thread was derailed towards this topic - remember: originally, this was just about whether or not mods undermine the developed tech tree, not at all about the properties of the tech tree - and this time it's mostly the side that disagrees with the development direction that gets out of line here. There's no need for namecalling (our usual suspect "fanboy" and some other stuff), and there's most certainly no need to drop insults left and right about fellow users and their opinions (no, they're not just because you disagree with them). So, I'm just gonna repeat what I said the last time: If you can voice these concerns in a decent, clean and concise manner that's a great resource to point people at. Telling everyone they're stupid is not the way to go. And, I feel like I have to say this again, I certainly do agree with some of the points raised. I'm just not going to allow this tone here, simple as that. It goes without saying that this applies to both sides - There's no need to call every criticism "whining" right off the bat either. FEichinger
  13. Alright, folks, I gave you a notice already. As I've said before, there's certainly some truth to the criticism here. The problem is merely that this almost instantly turns into a heated mess (And I'm genuinely surprised you guys kept it clean this long. Kudos to everyone.). There's nothing wrong with making a well-grounded point for either side - and I, personally, certainly have my fair share of issues with .22 as well, so I would gladly support a thread pointing such stuff out in an elaborate and calm manner. But when such discussion starts off with accusations against Squad and ends in a lot of mudslinging from both sides, it just doesn't work. You're certainly not going to convince Squad to "cater" to either side by making assumptions about how their process goes and telling them how ****ty they are for not doing precisely what you want them to do. (For that matter, blindly jumping to Squad's defence and discrediting others purely based on their tone is not the way to go either. - I have to say this very directly here: The longer this discussion took, the more aggressive the 'defending' party got here.) I'm closing this thread now to cool you all off. I fully understand both sides getting heated - there are valid points for everyone here - but if we can point these out in a decent manner then that's gonna be a great thing to point people at. FEichinger
  14. Hello there Look, guys, we all know that there's significant discontent with what people perceive as the target audience. As usual, there's a case to be made for pretty much every side to this. But here's the thing: Having complex mechanics and a conclusive system is not mutually exclusive with a goofy atmosphere. Having some funny flavour text doesn't take away anything from the fact that you're placing an advanced space station in orbit, or drilling for {insert resource} on a body. Yes, there's a problem when features are implemented in a manner that does take away from this all and is purely based on the target audience. Or, to put it simple: "Nobody wants the game dumbed-down." There may be technical restrictions causing this, or it may indeed be a marketing decision - I don't know and, frankly, neither do you. You can make assumptions, but at the end of the day, it's just assumptions. The point I'm trying to make here is that this is all very fluid right now - Career Mode has just been started, the tech tree is just a tiny fraction and certainly doesn't make sense if you look at it as the be-all end-all of Career Mode - I get that, too. But all of this can - and most certainly will - change over time. The point at which features are actually finalised and end up falling short for absolutely no good reason at all, heck, I'll join you all in screaming and screaming loudly. But right now? That's not the case and it doesn't even look like it will be the case - to me at any rate. For now, I'm not going to close this thread. I will, however, ask you all to remain nice to each other and more importantly to the very people you're expecting to implement what you ask for. For now, there's always mods to finetune the game to your precise liking. FEichinger
  15. Here's what we know: At first, the tree itself will not be moddable, but parts can be added to existing tree nodes (including ghost nodes specifically for mods that wouldn't usually fit in) via config files. Later, presumably .23, the tech tree itself will be moddable.
  16. Merged second thread in here. See link above for a workaround. Again: Patience, folks. Just because there's trouble for a couple of minutes doesn't mean you have to go crazy on the forums.
  17. You could do a manual checklist yourself, actually. Things like 'Check all hatches.' and 'Make sure the docking ports face the right way.'
  18. Heya there I guess with those last couple of posts we can safely assume that this thread has run its course now. All that is to be said has been said, and we all know that this is an old but ever-reappearing topic. So, let's lock it then, shall we. FEichinger
  19. Hello there Guys, you know the deal. Our [thread=30064]Forum Rules[/thread] prohibit political discussion. I know that this particular subject is universally important to our entire community, but when people start pulling the "Republicans vs Democrats!" and "Finances" cards, the argument is bound to turn sour. Closing this now. FEichinger
  20. Hello there Alright guys, last warning. This thread is not about how much one can cheat about ribbons, so please cut that. The ribbons - and that's the very argument the "you can cheat anyway!" side brings up - have no impact, so there's really no point arguing about that. FEichinger
  21. A couple things right now: 1. There is no difference between a "32bit double" and a "64bit double", the Double datatype is defined as 64 bit size (there is no 32bit double). A 64bit register machine can, however, compute that faster than a 32bit register machine. (That said, there is theoretically a "Quadruple" datatype that uses 128bit values and is therefore even more precise.) 2. The Unity engine is 64bit capable. From what we have head, the mere reason there is no 64bit build for Windows at this point is that it has shown to be horribly unstable on Windows. The Linux version (and therefore presumably also the MacOS version) has a reasonably working 64bit build. As for datatypes used, that's actually a slightly different point than merely a "64bit build".
  22. Hello there Welcome to the Suggestion forums. Please refer to the stickied thread (particularly the What not to suggest? list). As you can see, a lot of these topics have been discussed from just about every angle. Further threads just add noise and inspire frustration in everyone involved. Autopilots in particular are a difficult and controversial topic here. There is a variety of mods that have this functionality, most prominently MechJeb (I believe this is the correct link right now). As for your troubles getting to the moon, please do refer to our Gameplay Questions and Tutorials section. With that said, I'm closing this thread for the aforementioned reasons. FEichinger
  23. Hello there Comets, Asteroids, whatever you want to call it: It's a prerequisite for this suggestion, and any such bodies are covered under "New stars, planets, moons and asteroids" in the What not to suggest? list. Reposting this and "ignoring the A-word" doesn't change that. There's also a valid point in waiting to see just how the R&D system works. Perhaps you can think of a much more fitting idea on how to implement it once you have actually used it. With that said, I'm closing this now. FEichinger Thank you, we still decide for ourselves what we do and don't close. Funny how that works. Please do refrain from telling us how to do our jobs, will ya.
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