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Everything posted by Francesco

  1. I like that, best approach to this challenge so far. sadly, with the current rating system, only full tanks count: your score would be just 0.8 tons (the command pod). if you were to pack some more delta-v, and use two 360l tanks in place of that 720l tank, your score would raise to 5.7 tons.
  2. the problem with RCS is that it's heavy: using stock parts, a single rounded tanks weights almost 250 kg. on very small probes, for almost the same weight, you can use two toroidal tanks and have more delta-v. also, consider a RCS thruster vs. an ant engine: the ant engine is lighter, and has better thrust and ISP.
  3. this is interesting. I'd like to hear directly from Squad the reason why such a gameplay limitation has been put into place.
  4. I would be interested in knowing how the pricing system on Steam works. if they are selling the game for 15$ instead of 23$, who gets 8$ less? Valve or Squad?
  5. well if it's only 56 tons then, this could be a crude example of a transfer stage (with a dummy 56t payload on top): just need to put those 86 tons into orbit. if you're aiming at efficiency, try to build a 550-600 tons lifter. but then, I wouldn't stress on efficiency too much (not until career mode comes out ), so your 800t lifter is fine as well.
  6. actually, I decouple the sepratrons "packs" only after they're empty: I first let the ship rock back and fort for about two seconds, and then release the clamps. if my computer can handle it, I'll record a video of this later. update: here's the video, with a slightly improved version of the ship. 24.8 - 0.3 (2 parachutes) = 24.5 t https://www.dropbox.com/s/z4blupuim9udh1s/Flip.mov
  7. ha! are you sure? works like a charm. I used Ninety-Three's sepratrons "loophole" Flip the ship of 180° as it's falling, come down with parachutes and landing gears; launch as normal. Result: 24.6 t to orbit, minus parachutes and two small engines = 23.82 t.
  8. actually, to me it seems quite good already: the total weight of the station is 100-ish tons?
  9. which Mun rover? seats are default parts now, they are in the command tab, not utility
  10. alright! but I see there's an .exe in the package, is it necessary to run the plugin? I'm on a mac...
  11. And FYI: Oxidizer is expensive. Planes are cheap compared to rockets because they don't need oxidizer. > uhmmm... so why does it cost only 2 units then, when you set the cost of liquid fuel at 10?
  12. so, did you land and check what that thing is?
  13. depends on what you have to do on Duna, and if you have to get back to Kerbin. also, spacecraft mass is relevant: for small ships, like a 1-man lander, smaller engines like the LV-909 are still the better choice. but yes, due to Duna's thin atmosphere, you get an almost in vacuum ISP.
  14. no, that's another crater. this one is the one with a small hill inside, which you can kinda see on the left.
  15. right, but if your TWR is so low, you probably need to rethink your rocket and add more thrust.
  16. I would like to know your efficiency with such an ascent profile. 45° at 50km is nonsense, you should already be down to 10°.
  17. sì, boh ormai succede un giorno sì e uno no, non ci faccio più caso ok! stavo cercando di costruire un Vega in KSP usando pezzi stock, ma è quasi impossibile...dovrò dare un'occhiata a qualche mod... immagino che avere un razzo basato sul combustibile solido sia economico, giusto? un po' come dovrebbe essere in KSP quando avremo la modalitàcarriera. quanto costa un lancio? leggendo la pagina che hai messo in firma, si dice che l'ultimo stadio si de-orbita al termine della missione: quanto può costare in termini di delta-v?
  18. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=resize+gif :P massimo 750 x 80 pixel
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