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Everything posted by Francesco

  1. Awesome! Can't wait to see the Mercury (Moho?) Seven!
  2. no map view, no time warp, no anything... you guys had it rough back in the days! at least there was an awesome beach with palms and stuff where Kerbals could chill out the rocket an amazing view passing over KSC deorbit and splashdown (sort of) http://imgur.com/a/aeDrT#0
  3. e anche con l'elettricitàP.S. stavo leggendo la pagina di Vega su wiki, ha 4 stadi giusto? di cui 3 a combustibile solido... e l'ultimo ha un motore da soli 3 kN? difficile dirlo, puoi dare un'occhiata alla main page della wiki per vedere la frequenza di aggiornamento in passato: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Main_Page 0.19 è uscita due mesi fa, a marzo, 0.18 a novembre/dicembre. tempo fa avevano annunciato che gli aggiornamenti futuri sarebbero stati più piccoli ma più frequenti, resta da vedere quando questo meccanismo entreràin funzione - un aggiornamento al mese, forse? P.S. riduci la gif nella tua firma, è troppo grande
  4. since 0.20, I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
  5. I don't see what is the problem, a "darkside transfer" as you call it is such for only 15-20 minutes. how can your ship rely on solar power? Copernicus wasn't meant to be powered by ion thrusters.
  6. I tried a Mun SSTO (actually a single stage to Mun surface), came ~250 m/s short of a landing. it's really hard to pack enough delta-v without LV-Ns. has somebody tried that as well?
  7. The lads had just landed on the Mun. Jebediah left his seat, then it was Bob's turn, and that's when the unexpected happened: The seat literally fell off the tank as soon as Bob got out of it. WTF, Bob?
  8. stock, manned 1-seat SSTOs are even easier right now, with the new lander can: using a LV-T30, a 3200l fuel tank seems overkill, a 1600l one should be enough. have to check this, brb.
  9. this. from reading this thread, it seems that most players overlook the simplicity of such a course of action: decoupling ~50 m/s before circularization (on LKO), and letting the booster stage(s) re-enter spontaneously.
  10. you are you've probably hidden the Latest articles bar on the right. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/content.php/184-KSP-0-21-Update-News
  11. wait, so what does the rosetta stone do, exactly? blow things up?
  12. beautiful, 5 stars. also, the islands 14-15-16 look like Japan. but what is that thingy on your plane, just behind the cockpit's glass?
  13. tavert, I've seen quite a number of your ships using aircraft landing gear: I guess it's because they are weightless, allowing you to have more delta-v?
  14. "Billy sighed and shook his head, his initial fear of having accidentally killed the administrator now overcome with annoyance." >>> "When it was finally revealed to the company's chairman, he stared in shock, screamed WHY and subsequently dropped dead on spot." Kerbals seem to have a history of random heart attacks
  15. I've been trying to understand this, landing gear has mass inside the VAB/SPH but doesn't in the flight scene? or is it a on the ground vs in the air thing?
  16. could you link the thread with the old downloadable versions? I can't seem to find it anymore.
  17. I'd like to know other people's opinions about this as well. Coupon, I personally use this profile: Turn start 10 km, turn end 70 km, turn shape 35%, max acceleration 35 m/s2. Back in the days, after quite a lot of testing, the results showed a slightly better efficiency with a 35% shape instead of 40%.
  18. 11. Land on the Mun a RCS-only 3-seat lander, like the one seen in the 0.20 trailer (this could actually make for a good challenge )
  19. very, very nice. which kind of post-processing/sorcery do you use to make them look so good?
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