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Everything posted by Francesco

  1. 75x75 km for parking orbits. 100+ km for space stations. 200+ km for stuff that has to "stay out of the way" (satellites etc.)
  2. I voted for Grim187's Orbiter 1B - it's the farthest away in terms of design from the stock Orbier, and it only carries one Kerbal, but I found it to be very original.
  3. it's 23 km. that is, the altitude where Kerbin's atmo pressure is 0.01
  4. yeah it's not enough to just say, "start at 10 km". also, while it is true that 10km is a good rule of thumb, every rocket tends to have its own optimal ascent profile: 7/8 km is good if your TWR is higher than average.
  5. are you sure? I wouldn't be what about another goal: after trans-munar injection, remote control the third stage and crash it into the Mun.
  6. if you put your apoapsis at about the Mun's height or below (11400 km), it won't take many hours to travel back to your Kerbin periapsis for the final burn, so you should still be within the right transfer window. having already spent about 860 m/s or so, there will be only 200 m/s left for the last burn to transfer to Eve.
  7. is it 22 tons to orbit, or 22 tons to Mun surface?
  8. doesn't backspace work? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/25074-KSP-Keyboard-Map-Old-School-Gaming-%281-8-2-Aug%29
  9. but that's not a bug, per se: it has been known that you cannot transition from a SOI to another with a high time warp, else you will introduce errors. try not to transition with a warp higher than 10x. no, that is not true, it depends on atmospheric pressure: if it's 0.01 or higher, the object will be deleted. atmospheric pressure, in turn, depends on altitude: in the case of Kerbin, that means any object flying lower than about 23 km will be deleted. check this out: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/28812-Atmospheric-Density-Table anyway, I agree on the slower loading times. really hope the guys find a fix for this. also, does anyone else find it annoying that the focus order in map view has been changed? before 0.21 it was current ship > Kerbin > etc., now it's current ship > Sun > ... > Kerbin. I find it extremely frustrating to tab cycle through Sun, Moho and Eve just to get to Kerbin.
  10. not really old games here, but still masterpieces in my mind. Incoming Mafia GTA Vice City and...
  11. thanks for reporting this! < warps until next Eve transfer window > the question now is... how much delta-v does it take to reach orbit from there? science time!
  12. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/usercp.php sulla sinistra, "edit signature"
  13. wat loading times? what does that have to do with two different buttons? they make perfect sense already.
  14. hmmm, doesn't the hitchhiker weight 2.5 tons? not 4.
  15. I share your frustration. actually, I did; here's the plugin Brotoro suggested: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/42716-0-21-1-Maneuver-Node-Improvement-v1-2b it's a MUST HAVE
  16. yes, it's a matter of distance: I don't have a precise number, but it shouldn't be more than 4 or 5 meters.
  17. just one thing: an inline 1.25m SAS module - aka the old ASAS - which doesn't weight half a tonne.
  18. I don't know if this has already been noted, but the KSP/Parts folder is NOT empty: it contains the JetEngine and turboFanEngine folders. ...Harv?
  19. about 1400 m/s with a good ascent profile; you can start to pitch down at 5km instead of 10km as you would do on Kerbin, and complete a more aggressive gravity turn: on Duna, above 15km atmospheric drag becomes irrelevant.
  20. for single images, you have to instert the URL of that pic (ususlly ending with .jpg or .png) like this: for imgur albums, read here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/36010-Introducing-the-Ability-to-Embed-Imgur-Albums%21
  21. (another pointless thread) yes, everything is alright. move on.
  22. the SAS module is now just a reaction wheel module. it won't stop rotation as it did before.
  23. this is probably going to turn into a 0.21 ASAS/SAS thread I suggest we all wait a bit for C7 to write an article about the ASAS changes he's made. in the meantime: yes 0.21 seems to work better for me (Windows 7 64 bit, will try on a Mac soon). maybe going from VAB/SPH to the flight scene takes a liiiiiittle bit longer, but then I don't have to wait for the craft or the scenery to load (aka the stage led turning to green.)
  24. somehow related to this: if you only have a probe and a RTG, and you deactivate the probe's battery, you won't be able to contol it anymore: the RTG doesn't power directly the probe's chips/CPU, it just recharges its battery. just wanted to add this little thing.
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