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Everything posted by Specialist290

  1. Welcome to the forums! Sounds like you're about ready to step up to the plate and start up your first interplanetary mission. Which planet do you plan on visiting first? Feel free to share your accomplishments or ask questions as you feel the need. We try to be a generally friendly and helpful bunch around here.
  2. Yeah, that would be the most likely culprit here (by way of the Community Resource Pack that comes bundled with it) from that particular mod list. Unfortunately it doesn't appear that anyone's thought to make a "water rocket" that's compatible with that particular resource system, though it would undoubtedly make for an interesting project for a modder so inclined to make one.
  3. Which mod specifically are you using, Kobymaru? It might be worth finding the appropriate mod project thread here on the forums and seeing if there's anything in the documentation that might help you out.
  4. First, welcome to the forums! It looks like your challenge proposal might be missing a few important details. Do you think you could take a look at our Challenge Submission Guide for some tips on how to make some improvements? In particular, a good challenge has some kind of scoring system so that it's clear what sort of goals you're most interested in seeing people accomplished. It doesn't have to be anything complicated, just as long as it's clear and objectively measurable. It's also generally bad form to post a challenge if you haven't already accomplished the basic goals yourself. Since you haven't done either, I'll be closing this thread. However, feel free to contact me or another moderator to reopen it once you've revised your challenge to meet the appropriate guidelines. Hope this helps, and enjoy your stay on the forums!
  5. Going back through the slate a little: I don't have very many copypasta-like texts, but I do try to have links to helpful resources on hand that explain things in detail so I don't have to. That was one of my big motivations for putting together and maintaining the Drawing Board. The big one I'd give? Be helpful, be positive, be constructive. Nothing demonstrates concern for a community's well-being like a willingness to volunteer your time and brainpower to helping new (and some not-so-new) members with any questions they may have and encouraging those who have shown particular skill or ambition in creating add-ons or fan content. Demonstrating maturity and thoughtfulness in your regular posting activity is also a major advantage. None of this means you can't have a little fun from time to time, of course In my own assessment it's all about context, really, and particularly whether or not it appears to be in good faith. Something like "Hey, you forgot to put a license up for your mod download, might wanna fix that" will most likely get a pass; something like "OMG necro / rule-breaking content, mods plz lock!" will typically get a PM or a yellow card at least, depending on how much of a pattern you make of posting like that. I'm rather fond of Gameplay Questions and Tutorials, the Spacecraft Exchange, and Fan Works and their associated subforums, largely because they're such great showcases of all the best aspects of the community as a whole (creativity, helpfulness, celebration of others' accomplishments). I don't think Supernovy meant that wanting to be a moderator necessarily means you'll be a bad moderator by default (though the way it was phrased may not have made it apparent). Rather, making an unsolicited request to become a moderator sometimes sets off alarm bells because people can get the impression that they want to be a moderator for the wrong reasons. It's not something that'll automatically disqualify you from ever becoming a moderator henceforward and forever, of course, but it is something we take into account when we do make selections to fill open moderation posts (though it's not necessarily weighed quite as heavily as general forum behavior). EDIT: Oh hey, a few others popped up: Maybe slightly, but I've always been rather tight-lipped when I've felt I can't say something that someone else has already covered well enough before me. Not infractions per se, but if a moderator misbehaves or appears to have gone off like a loose cannon, we do have ways to address them. I can't remember any particular incidents where a mod was ever explicitly asked to leave the team off the top of my head, but a few have left over policy decisions they disagreed with and could not enforce in good faith. (No, don't ask for names or details.) As for jokes, the funniest incident I remember was the one time that everyone in our Devious Lair of Fiendish Deviousness private moderator chat changed our usernames to something that looked like an absent member's nickname in order to mess with their head when they logged in. Of course, by the time they did log in, we all had already forgotten which name variation belonged to whom, which led to rather more confusion than we had intended.
  6. Just leaving a quick note that I'm dropping this in our General Add-on Affairs section, since it's a discussion primarily regarding mod content. Carry on
  7. Bored? Can't say I've ever felt bored while looking at the forums, since there's always something new and interesting to view. I have, however, occasionally felt exhausted, sometimes due to moderation issues but more often simply due to sensory overload. Only so much stuff you can take in before your brain starts feeling "stretched out."
  8. Unfortunately, I don't believe so (at least to the best of my knowledge). The game does generate an output_log.txt in the "/KSP_Data" folder, but I don't see anything in there related to gameplay messages -- everything I see right now has to do with asset loading and management.
  9. Welcome to the forums! Sounds like you've accomplished quite a bit already. Have any screenshots of your favorite missions or crafts? I'm sure quite a few people would be interested to see what you've done with their own eyes. Make yourself at home!
  10. Welcome to the forums! Feel free to ask any questions you need to. I'm sure our knowledgeable and dedicated experts will be more than happy to share their wisdom. You may also want to take a look at the Drawing Board, which is conveniently linked through my signature, to see if any of the tutorials listed there might be of any help for whatever problems you may encounter (or even to inspire you to try something new). Hope this helps!
  11. Aww, shucks (Also, moving this to the Kerbal Network, where discussion regarding the forum itself goes.)
  12. Looks like the artistic impulses run in the family. Hope your son keeps up the good work!
  13. One of these days I'll need to sit down and give this whole story a good read. Still, I like what I've seen so far. Keep up the good work!
  14. Nicely done! I've always been a big fan of the Ace Combat games myself, and it's nice to see the work that people around here put into making good replicas.
  15. A nice display of creativity there. Impressive work!
  16. Just leaving a quick note to let y'all know I've moved this thread over to General Add-On Affairs, since it deals with a request for information on add-ons. Carry on
  17. Moving this over to our Support section, as it deals with hardware compatibility. Hopefully someone knowledgeable about the subject will be able to assist you shortly
  18. We appreciate your willingness to contribute something to the topic, billkerbinsky, but you might be better off giving that information its own thread somewhere like our Tutorials subforum rather than reviving a thread that's almost a year old. Therefore, I'll be splitting this off (We'd also like to add the standard disclaimer that SQUAD doesn't support unofficial x64 builds of Kerbal Space Program, since they've been known to be unstable in the past.)
  19. I'm one of those weirdoes that doesn't really use the Subscribe option much at all. I typically only use it for threads I plan on regularly following, for either moderation or for personal reasons.
  20. Welcome to the forums! Glad to hear that you've been enjoying the game. I'm presently experiencing a very hot and rainy summer myself up on the East Coast of the United States. As always, it's good to see people all over the world are able not only to enjoy the game, but also to connect with one another and share that enjoyment. As for your piloting woes: There isn't really a single manual as such (at least in terms of anything officially-licensed though I personally would be very happy to see one in the near future). However, you may want to take a look at the Drawing Board, which is conveniently available through the link in my signature. It has all manner of tutorials and other resources on pretty much any subject you can think of that's relevant to the game, and many of them are specifically aimed at new players. Hope this helps!
  21. I, for one, largely deal with any of my moderation frustrations (and many of my frustrations generally) by loading up whatever sandbox game happens to be on my mind at the moment and turning on all the cheats and bonuses, and then just run around in it doing random silly and pointless things until I'm feeling better. I've also recently started making sure to clear out enough time in my schedule to read at least a chapter of whatever book I'm reading each day, which helps.
  22. Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay!
  23. Just leaving a quick note so that y'all know I've moved this into the main Gameplay Questions forum. Carry on
  24. Welcome to the forums, DH_Ocelot! Speaking of tutorials: Since you're a new player, you might find the Drawing Board, which is conveniently linked in my signature, to be useful. It has tons of tutorials, guides, and other references listed, and some of them are specifically aimed at newer players.
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