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Everything posted by Gryphon

  1. It's an interesting idea - saving a reentry profile as part of a craft -but I am not sure it would work, at least with FAR. IIRC, Trajectories just uses the information which FAR produces for the active vessel.
  2. Just a note that Nertea's Mark IV Spaceplane System uses IFS, but it's not on the list in the OP.
  3. AFAIK, FAR does work for 64-bit KSP on Linux. As I recall, Ferram and other mod devs aren't interested in supporting 64-bit KSP on Windows as long as it remains unstable enough to regularly cause bug reports that turn out to be due to 64-bit Unity wierdness under Windows, rather than actual bugs with the mod.
  4. Well, it's a little more difficult, but one solution would be to copy the correct parachute parameters into that craft in your save file. If you do, I'd suggest making a copy of your save file first. Then in the VAB/SPH, you could build a duplicate of the craft (in its current state on orbit) and change its parachute settings to what you need. Then put that corrected craft on the launch pad/runway. Then you would find the fixed craft in your save file, copy the values for the appropriate RC parachute module, and then paste them into the matching position on the craft in orbit. (Unless you mess something up. Then you'll be happy you made a copy of the save before making the changes.) IMPORTANT EDIT: SEE NEXT POST from Starwaster! At that point, you should be able to land using the corrected values.
  5. Well, I am stumped. I have flown many ships with probe cores and empty command pods to orbit, thanks to numerous rescue missions. Hmm, is it a stock probe core?
  6. If it's a career save, then you won't have a connection until you unlock Unmanned Tech (pretty late in the game). That is when you unlock the 3km range radio built into each probe core. Before that point, you must include a separate antenna. You usually want to use a DP-10 as your ascent antenna, since it's light, low power, and tough enough to survive moving fast in an atmosphere.
  7. IANAM, but this thread is for Claw's Stock Bug Fix Modules, not for bug fixes in general. Also, that is definitely a mod that adds capabiilities (and interesting ones) to KSP, rather than fixing a bug.
  8. Unless your special hoop to run through is "run KSP in Linux."
  9. Are you getting error messages when the lag happens? What other mods are you using? Also, you might try to figure out what minimum set of mods you can have and still have your problem. FWIW, I don't recall anyone else reporting such an issue here in the forum.
  10. If you look at RemoteTech_Squad_Antennas.cfg, you will see that for each Squad antenna, the ModuleDataTransmitter is removed. This module as the info enabling the stock method of data communications. As you noted, RT uses ModuleRTAntenna, which includes the TRANSMITTER portion, containing the PacketInterval, PacketSize, and PacketResourceCost, which you will note are quite similar to the values included in the stock ModuleDataTransmitter. I haven't seen the code, but I'm betting that ModuleDataTransmitter has to be removed to disable the stock data transmission on the antenna, which doesn't care about range or LOS. Instead, RemoteTech.dll is using the values included in ModuleRTAntenna to enable RT's antenna behaviors for each part, including data transmission. I should also point out that RT works correctly for most people, including me. The symptoms you describe make me believe that you have an install problem, not an RT bug.
  11. Have you tried altering the camera angle to the parts? Sometimes that helps to make the connection. Also, you might need to drag the parts away from the connection point to get them to click in.
  12. I was under the impression that you could maneuver and attach large parts by having multiple Kerbals assist in the operation. Is that correct? (I haven't gotten far enough in my career mode save to test this myself.)
  13. I'm guessing the weather cleared up.
  14. For you folks having trouble sending data: perhaps you might try copying your install of KSP to another directory. In that copy, include RT and ModuleManager but no other mods. See if RemoteTech works for you there. If it does work, then try adding your other mods back in. (If you have a lot, I suggest adding them in chunks.) You will want to narrow things down to figure out which one is breaking RT. Once you find one that seems to break RT, make sure to run with just that mod, RT, and MM, and see if you can confirm the conflict.
  15. Have you tried Claw's new Stock Bug Fix OverheatFix Module for the stock heating bug? Remember that DR currently uses a modified configuration for the stock heating system, so the explosion you are having may come from the known stock heating bug.
  16. I'm just glad you didn't starve to death. I was a little worried there for a while, but I had to leave before I found out if you survived. Programmers need fuel!
  17. You need to look at the config for one of the parts that does appear in the custom part category, and probably use a MM patch to override the default setting.
  18. So bad weather means that the hyperthermophilic archaea get to hide a little longer, and we might get another update! Yay!
  19. The Communitron 16 and the DTS-M1 should already be usable for data transmission. From the MM patches, I can see that RemoteTech deletes the stock ModuleDataTransmitter from stock antennae. I can also see this is done to allow RemoteTech to handle connectivity, because it also adds data transmitter values to the stock antennae. This is done in the ModuleRTAntenna, which is added by the same patch. Are you sure you have RemoteTech installed correctly? I am just guessing, but I think you might get the symptoms you describe by installing RT but not installing the DLL, which is required to enable RemoteTech.
  20. IIRC, the chute stuff does not affect RealChute chutes because they use a different module than stock chutes. (Of course, this left me saying, "Well, chute!")
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