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Everything posted by DaveofDefeat

  1. Lets clarify, Dark matter is a theory used to explain why the galactic orbital speeds of objects located far from the galactic center are faster than than our current understanding of gravity can explain. The two theory's to explain this is one Dark matter, a unknown something that only seems to interact by gravity and does not absorb or release electromagnetic waves. This could be some yet unknown particle or simply a bunch of hydrogen gas that we are having trouble detecting. The second theory is that our current theory of gravity does not accurately predict the effects of gravity on the galactic scale. Dark energy, something mostly unrelated to dark matter aside from the name. Is used to describe why the expansion of the universe is accelerating, something the big bang theory fails to predict. I don't see how either of these things can be explained by colliding with an entirely different universe. I'm sure I got something wrong there, but I am confident k^2 will come by.
  2. Why not send up a small satellite with basic radar, IFF and a single use gun that will just detect and shoot the enemy's.
  3. The suggestion box for nearly every business is purely PR and is used to make you feel like you have a voice, and also if they didn't have a suggestion section than people would spam other threads with suggestions. If they actually hired a guy to stare at the suggestion thread, write down all the good ideas and then present them to squad, I would be very surprised.
  4. I don't understand the need to validate your personal play style with the opinions of others.
  5. Because the aerodynamics in ksp is terrible and the lower atmosphere in the game is like soup, so the most efficient way to launch is to get out of the lower atmosphere as fast as possible. Real life is a bit different.
  6. I'm pretty sure a planet like Laythe, and most of the planets and moons in ksp, can't exist or at least couldn't form naturally I don't know how a planet like Laythe would get its thick atmosphere or be as incredibly dense as it is. like denser than uranium at room temperature dense.
  7. Meh, the tactics of space combat will be born from the blood of men as usual.
  8. Or if your using steam you can just add -windowed -noborder to the launch options.
  9. Not to mention if hes building this himself hes going to need to know how to code and some basic computer systems. And will space radiation and the temperature effect the electronics at all?
  10. Only if it lets me give every politician a one way trip to kerbol.
  11. I install mods dangerously, I like to live on the edge.
  12. There's been some development in shaped charged nukes, might be a little better.
  13. I'm rather confused as to what a stealth destroyer can do that a submarine can't. But man the jokes he must have received.
  14. Alter the orbits of as many large asteriods as I can and preform gravity assists on the Moho like object.
  15. The singularity isn't some mystical physic less object, its just a place that current mathematical models fail to describe.
  16. Fun fact, they have to reset the clocks on gps satellites every day because time is slower in orbit.
  17. Generally, you want your col behind and above your com, beware however as you burn fuel it can shift your com around. A flat spin probably means you had a jet engine burnout, as they usually burn out unequally the misaligned thrust will put your plane into a spin.
  18. Fun fact, you can legally buy uranium and other radioactive isotopes. (In the U.S at least)
  19. I used to think ssto's were hard, then I went to Duna. Built for a challenge, its beautiful trust me, think of it as abstract art.
  20. SO we are building a long range plane eh? Well how about a plane that can go all the way to DUNA! That's right the Tri-Plane 2000, your non stop trip to Duna. Truly it is a piece of abstract art, I find it so beautiful it makes me want to cry. Action groups: 1-Jet engines 2-chemical engines 3-nuclear engines Download: http://www./download/7f1jz6r00lsnidd/Tri-Plane_2000.craft
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