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The Error

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Everything posted by The Error

  1. When you wonder if it's possible to move a Minmus lookalike into Earth orbit. Using, of course, MOAR BOOSTERS.
  2. Ike used PROTECT! *thump* It's super effective! [Nice comic!]
  3. Uh-oh. I sense Trouble rearing its head, and looking interested.
  4. It is indeed. But your new Atlantis pilot aren't exactly up to the level of your antiKraken forces, or he would've wasted that fighter-bomber. However, DRAMATIC TENSION PLOT DEVICES may be in use by Firespitter, so... Regardless. Cool chapter, and sexy spaceships!
  5. Yeah. Well, Geofing was passing Eve as Bob came home, so I'll post his helio-slingshot up soon. Next up: Mun, Minmus, or Duna? I shall allow the reader(s?) to decide. For those interested, I am using the NovaPunch modpack for .23. EDIT: Well, Geofing's apoapsis is now beyond Duna. No encounters, so he's been relegated to long-term observation duty.
  6. Given my apparent inability to hit F1, this may not have as many pictures as I would like. MOHO I We sat on the launchpad and gathered samples. It's amazing what the R&D boys learned from that. MOHO II: Long Term in Space The bosses decided to send Bob up. He's in a high orbit now, and apparently is quite happy up there, as long as Jeb doesn't come up to say hi. EVE I: Deep Space Mission The..slightly over-enthused pilot Geofing, ah, volunteered for this mission. We're firing a rocket Kerbin retrograde and hoping we hit solar orbit. This is what he launched with. And after a few staging errors careful maneuvers, he ended up heading out at some speed: And ended up in orbit. However, due to some communications mixups, he was left without an antenna to report home. Being the Kerbal he is, he decided to use his remaining fuel at perehelion to gain as much altitude as he could, and make some observations. [Will update] After sixteen days in orbit, Bob was running low on snacks, and decided to deorbit. He set his landing target as "water", and prepared to descend. After deorbiting, he contacted KSC, informed them of his trajectory, and settled in for the ride. Returning with him, he hoped, was a fair amount of SCIENCE with which we could advance Kerbalkind. After re-entry, he deployed his parachute: And descended to a gentle landing.
  7. Cool. The next report will totally not involve a mysterious black rectangular object named Zagadka, right?
  8. Wow. I feel like this needs merely a few drop tanks and a fleet of probes, and then Jool is no match for your shipbuilding might!
  9. I sense a possible epic AAR coming from this. Might try it myself.
  10. Wait. Thompbles....is he trained as a pilot? And also, SCIENCE!
  11. Yay! Kind of a fitting end, but poor Seewise and Sigbro.
  12. Ike is fun. Coming up next: _________.
  13. Cool. Starbugz. Is Minmus now getting the attention it wants, that lil' iceball?
  14. Nice landing. Time for hopefully-non-Firespitted SCIENCE!
  15. Grounding the Big Four? Isn't obstructive government stuff fun? Especially since I feel like Firespitter is taking over via slowly converting the government and KSC.
  16. Oh, it's on now. Time for some Overkill, methinks.
  17. BERTY may have been Killed Off For Real, czo is most certainly not a character friendly author
  18. Given tbat they can survive in a one kerbal capsule for years, I feel Jeb is just awaiting rescue.
  19. Jeb, mainly because while BERTY has moral high ground, Jeb is correct in that no kerbal asked him to be their guardian. Also, where are Proteus' external emergency overrides?
  20. You cruel and heartless kerbalkiller! But good chapter... Poor Bill. If you kill Jeb the universe will end. EDIT...does Proteus have a self destruct?
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