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The Error

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Everything posted by The Error

  1. When you can fluently use orbital-mechanics jargon in conversation..then realize nobody has a clue what you're on about.
  2. Also..I note Jeb has the ability to override BERTY's "advice". Hmmmmmm...........
  3. Holy crap. Still..with Buzz on the case, it's not as bad as it could be.
  4. *ominous music engage* Cools. Hope the new Javelin will be as epic is the, uh...old-new one.
  5. Somehow, I feel the MSWs are incoming. Not to fight Krakens, though, and that's the scary bit.
  6. Hey! Lengas is a 1337 pilot. He's just a tad rusty is all. (Remember, Lengas took down the first Mechani-Kraken pretty much single-handedly.)
  7. Convolutedness, for the win. also, floating Laythe base?
  8. ...dun, dun, DUN. Very good chapter! And we shall see if the crew of LAMGL Beta (alfa?) survives Soonâ„¢!
  9. Cooool. D'you mind working up a "Laythe Expedition" flag, with the text over a picture of Laythe/Jool?
  10. ...SIX miniguns? Wow. This is a pretty beefy plane. I think I'll give it a go! (How the kell do you haul six tons of minigun?)
  11. Cool Story. [trailervoice] But shall our heroines survive the solar flare heading their way? Find out..in part twenty of the Long-Term Laythe Mision. [/trailervoice]
  12. Methinks. Methinksmethinksmethinks. What's this? Oh, I see! Well done, Needles! You've found out about the Fourth Drywall! Oh, this is fantastic! I must say, I really didn't expect you to get even this far. However, I feel- hold on a moment. *rustling papers* Ah. It appears that you, Needles, are attempting to become me! Oh, how very clever. But no, no, no, we can't be having that, it would entirely ruin the story! It's time for another restart, I feel. I am oh so sorry about this, Needles, but I really see no other solution.
  13. Is it me, or is BERTY falling into the Dangerously Genre Savvy category?
  14. Yeah..thanks. Now i'll read everything in the voice of Kevin Brighting.
  15. Hmm...a 1/10th scale Red Dwarf model would actually work. Someone did a real-scale USS Enterprise... 'scuse, gotta go make a post in Add-on Development. (Also, I think it was prawn vindaloo.)
  16. So...Why did they come back in time, again? The plot got kinda convoluted for me and I haven't time to re-read it.
  17. ..This may have failed. Regardless, I'm going to have to pull my entry - my KSP has been destroying ships for no reason lately and I don't want to accidentally take out Aldrin.
  18. ...wat did I just read. Regardless...cool looking spacebugship!
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