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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. Nah, let's have the iconic versions.
  2. Then again, the old poodle was more iconic. It always needed a better nozzle so isn't the best example. But the mainsail for example, that's distinctive, and would be great to see in higher quality.
  3. This is my thoughts exactly. Just... take your time Devs. I say this definitely not because I just started big plans in KSP1, and don't want to be left behind.... Any idea when in 2020 it will be?
  4. I had some fanworks I'm going to reopen and finish off. There are lots of long runners in the fanworks subforum too. I hope this won't cause problems there, making them all look so outdated
  5. I just remade all my favorite ships in KSP1 ... It's not like it's bout to drop tomorrow though,
  6. I did just post this in the other thread: That things are reminiscent of the current game, while being a step up and different. If they re-make the Kerbol System, the planets sorta have the same maps, but more epic. That Minmus and Kerbin especially still look like themselves That you see something of the old parts, and old locations in the new game Shout outs to current mods and modded locations. If story, one that you shape, and the kerbals are still fairly blank slate characters for us to project on that it is in fact, a sequel, not a remake, and that the two stand on their own. That it doesn't result in people no longer playing the first Inclusion of the original music from the start screen. better physics - less building to avoid bad glitches Wheels which actually work That the fantastic editor interface and orbit interfaces have their best bits carried over Realistically expanding engine plumes Biomes renamed to something that makes sense, if still an in game concept. Water Physics If there is a career, it's focus is on continuous action and building, and not talking points up to unlock stuff actual science activities, not just click to collect That new parts are done with imagination, not just real life copies Complex landscapes More named female characters- ballance it like a modern game Still open to modding, save and file tinkering? And lastly, That the people making it have seen the online community, and tap into the vast imagination seen here. If they make it a bit more near future, then it will seem more of a sequel than a remake. Ideally, this would be set in the future.
  7. Thoughts and hopes: That things are reminiscent of the current game, while being a step up and different. If they re-make the Kerbol System, the planets sorta have the same maps, but more epic. That Minmus and Kerbin especially still look like themselves That you see something of the old parts, and old locations in the new game Shout outs to current mods and modded locations. If story, one that you shape, and the kerbals are still fairly blank slate characters for us to project on that it is in fact, a sequel, not a remake, and that the two stand on their own. That it doesn't result in people no longer playing the first Inclusion of the original music from the start screen. better physics - less building to avoid bad glitches Wheels which actually work That the fantastic editor interface and orbit interfaces have their best bits carried over Realistically expanding engine plumes Biomes renamed to something that makes sense, if still an in game concept. Water Physics If there is a career, it's focus is on continuous action and building, and not talking points up to unlock stuff actual science activities, not just click to collect That new parts are done with imagination, not just real life copies Complex landscapes More named female characters- ballance it like a modern game Still open to modding, save and file tinkering? And lastly, That the people making it have seen the online community, and tap into the vast imagination seen here. Concern: This will lead to the splitting up of the fandom. I hope the two either have enough in common to sit side by side, yet each unique, or different enough they're dealt with differently. Best outcome: Kerbal 2 becomes what Portal 2 was to the original Portal.
  8. This gives me confidence. My hopes for the game: That things are reminiscent of the current game, while being a step up and different. If they re-make the Kerbol System, the planets sorta have the same maps, but more epic. That Minmus and Kerbin especially still look like themselves That you see something of the old parts, and old locations in the new game Shout outs to current mods and modded locations. If story, one that you shape, and the kerbals are still fairly blank slate characters for us to project on that it is in fact, a sequel, not a remake, and that the two stand on their own. That it doesn't result in people no longer playing the first Inclusion of the original music from the start screen. better physics - less building to avoid bad glitches Wheels which actually work That the fantastic editor, orbit, and flight interfaces have their best bits carried over Realistically expanding engine plumes Biomes renamed to something that makes sense, if still an in game concept. Water Physics If there is a career, it's focus is on continuous action and building, and not talking points up to unlock stuff actual science activities, not just click to collect That new parts are done with imagination, not just real life copies Complex landscapes More named female characters- ballance it like a modern game Still open to modding, save and file tinkering? And lastly, That the people making it have seen the online community, and tap into the vast imagination seen here. that the city like things in the trailer weren't just trailer stuff That it's not too soon...
  9. Interesting approach, that center based payload thing. Also, I like what's going on with your space center.
  10. Eve never bothered me anyway ♪ That's interesting. I can remember clipping through the surface in the old times, and seeing the old glowing inside bit. But I'm not sure the core is still a collidable object. The other thing I've noticed is the glowing bit is long gone. And now, on with the experiment. On the outskirts of Prograde City, assistant base manager Seetop Kerman has set up a special probe: After he, and his Kerbmobiletm have retreated to a safe distance, it's time to begin the experiment This time, I'm logging data. The deeper we go, the higher the gravity gets. The result was the same as last time. Soon, we were out past the orbit of Minmus. Here's a graph of the result. Note the spike in G force when we pass the singularity makes the gradual increase before it imperceptible. but it happened, and possibly would form an exponential curve if zoomed in. However, this had the same limitations as before. Next, I repeated the experiment but instead of raising the land, I lowered it, to what should be below the core. I also made a better probe, narrower, and with the right antennae, should it become the next voyager. But close to the core, I hit the side of the ground. I tried to make it bigger. Previously, I could not see the hole. Might have been to small, might have been to do with reloading, but anyway check this out: But, as you might have suspected, it comes to a point at the core. I wondered what would happen if removed the ground edit, and just left it under there. But being in the "in space low/suborbital state", the game concluded the vessel had crashed. This concludes the experiment. Turns out in KSP, you cannot create a singularity launcher with planet editing.
  11. This I call an episode of Accidentally going to Space I was surveying for my Mun city, and adjusting some terrain on the mun using kerbal konstructs, and accidentally lifted the ground above the kerbal's head. I decided to see where this would go. It speeds were moderate at first: But a few minutes later, as I approached the core, things really picked up. Note the Gs KER is reporting. Suddenly, the direction fliped. We'd flipped round the core, and were now shooting out the other side. I was thinking he might impact on the surface from below, but that did not happen, weather because that's not possible, or we were just going to fast. But nope, Lanbro was rappidly making his way to the stars. I soon discovered I could not timewarp at all. Or leave the space center. I checked the log, and it didn't yield anything I found useful Interestingly, all along the game treated him like he was ragdolling across the surface. I had little control over his actions. According to the EVA report, he was in Kerbin's desserts. I assume because he's now considered landered, but in the Kerbin soi Eventually, I got bored of waiting with nothing new happening, and no time warp - so I called it in and looked at the F3 details. Take a look at those Gs. And so, I have a proposal for you. Mine down to the core of the Mun. Maybe Kerbin Even. Start dropping spacecraft down there. The planet cores could be a source of infinite delta V. Or perhaps repeat the experiment with something that has instruments.
  12. If anything should be renamed, it's biomes. It's like they learnt the term from minecraft. There's no life on most of those planets. It should be terrains.
  13. I has rebuilt my Kerbmobile! An old favourite. Back in ancient times, the MK3 cockpit looked very different. Despite the model's shortcomings, you could make it work aesthetically if you were clever about it. I've build something with similar proportions and aesthetics using modern parts. It's a little different, a full on mobile base now. I took it for a romp around my Prograde City. It's designed for long excursions in most levels of gravity. It has mobile labs, and carries a fair amount of kerbals and cargo. I also Scanned the Mun, Saw the kraken's tentacles with me very own eye, And had my Extraplanetary launchpads Minmus Space Center blow up on me. Oh well, I might just hyperedit in replacement modules. Also, I think it might be time for me to clean up around the Kerbin Space Center How are you getting the lightning effect?
  14. Yeah, many years ago, they only made one like that. The old 4GB limit caused a lot of crashes, and they no longer make one due to the development time it would take, so I suggest doing what Geschosskopf suggests, and moving to 64 bit on the other computer. Or, stay with the old one if you prefer, some people keep multiple installs of old versions. We're getting a little of track for the fanworks subforum though. If you want more answers about versions, I suggest looking in the support section, where you might find people with better answers.
  15. Will it run on a 32 bit operating system though? IDK, but I'm pretty sure 32 bit operating systems can't run 64 bit programs. The 64 version of W7 will be fine, but not the 32 bit version.
  16. ! ! ! There's a Kraken under my shed. Send Halp
  17. So, the Hub. Right at the center of Starfield Plateau. These days, with rescue contracts or whatever, anyone could be up there in space. For security, the module is decked out in cameras, each placed to ensure maximum coverage from fewest different angles. The roof is within jumping distance from the ground. It's easy to get up there, like these two, who were assembling one of the corridors. Inside the top middle section are various meeting rooms. I envision it having two decks, with the upper being taken up by mostly one room, which serves as a mission control. The tops of the towers are various specialty science labs. I like to imagine they have various shelf like internal configurations, one might be something like this: It's easy to move between levels in the low gravity. Even wheelchair bound kerbals who still have the use of their arms could work here. The rest of the tower is with a more conventional deck and ladder layout, and contains more labs, and workshops for preparing equinemt. The bottoms are are briefing rooms. The both have equipment for missions, and nice furniture to great visitors. On the inward facing side, the towers feature shelves of ports and hoses for re-supplying spacesuits and small rovers. You could stretch the hose out and use it on a big rover, but that' would probably be better done at a fuel depot. Equipment developed in the hub is often deployed in the surrounding area, with kerbals working in teams to set it all up most effectively. The area deck is a half jump from the ground, between the miscellaneous offices and break rooms. It's got lots of little hidey holes for kerbals to play about- uh, I mean, do science from. And that's the Hub. Such a good pack. I only use the base parts, but they're perfect for making architecture.
  18. Update: It was the wrong name. Turns out the SEQ-6 isn't a stock part, and some mod was giving me larger containers. Found it's name in the tech tree, and now everything is working as expected.
  19. Your kUber Eats is almost here, so be ready The New Evepod is ready. It's stable on land and sea, and all its features are functioning. That includes cargo carrying and security. It has many science instruments, including 17 cameras, (6 engineering, 6 wide angle, 3 angled for publicity footage, 2 forward navigation, 1 extra for back navigation, and) including one which they bolted on at the last minute after realising the equipment lifting arm could double as a mast. KSP challenge idea: Operate your vessel only from IVA, and camera view There's something quintessentially KSP about having a weird payload, so launching it between two rockets stuck together. It was only once in orbit that I noticed Starbug's crew was smuggling xenon. They say it was "Ballast from balancing the engine thrust you forgot to remove", But I don't think I should believe them. I've decided to move my kerbals forward into the future, and establish on the Mun. Using Kerbal Konstructs, I set up a big radio observatory on the farside, inspired by a talk I went to the other night. No radio interference out there. When you have been waiting on the Mun for so long, They start settlement up without you, next to you.
  20. One last thing I should report in trying out the stock replacer configs: The big wheel model gets messed up, might be something to do with the scaling thing. These I might just leave stock.
  21. Huh. Sounds like it's time for me to go download whatever the modern equivalent of the old wielding mod is. The one thing I still find weird is I don't remember any of this happening with the older versions of KSP's stock wheels. I'd gladly trade some realism for wheels which actually worked.
  22. They work alright, they're not without imperfections though. Large rovers, like this one, often bounce with any physicswarp. 0 There are also struggles in low gravity, lack of traction (not that unexpected here), which ends with the wheels spinning and breaking, I end up just making the wheels really strong so they can be used. I've only really experimented with the two wheels above, this is the CFC settings I've got currently. /roverWheelTR-2L - truck wheels @PART[wheelMed] { -MODULE[ModuleWheelBase]{} -MODULE[ModuleWheelSuspension]{} -MODULE[ModuleWheelSteering]{} -MODULE[ModuleWheelMotor]{} -MODULE[ModuleWheelBrakes]{} -MODULE[ModuleWheelDamage]{} MODULE { name = KSPWheelBase wheelColliderName = WheelCollider wheelColliderOffset = 0.125 wheelRadius = 0.58 wheelMass = 0.07 suspensionTravel = 0.125 loadRating = 3 minLoadRating = 0.25 maxLoadRating = 5.5 maxSpeed = 64 groundHeightOffset = 0.78 } MODULE { name = KSPWheelRotation wheelMeshName = WheelPivot rotationAxis = 1,0,0 } MODULE { name = KSPWheelSuspension suspensionName = SuspensionPivot suspensionOffset = -0.10 suspensionAxis = 0, 1, 0 } MODULE { name = KSPWheelSteering steeringName = SteeringPivot maxSteeringAngle = 30 steeringAxis = 0, 1, 0 } MODULE { name = KSPWheelMotor maxMotorTorque = 3.5 maxRPM = 2050 } MODULE { name = KSPWheelBrakes maxBrakeTorque = 12 } MODULE { name = KSPWheelDamage wheelName = wheel bustedWheelName = bustedwheel } MODULE { name = KSPWheelDustEffects } MODULE { name = KSPWheelSounds } } /roverWheelS2 - the probe wheels @PART[roverWheel2] { -MODULE[ModuleWheelBase]{} -MODULE[ModuleWheelSuspension]{} -MODULE[ModuleWheelSteering]{} -MODULE[ModuleWheelMotor]{} -MODULE[ModuleWheelBrakes]{} -MODULE[ModuleWheelDamage]{} MODULE { name = KSPWheelBase wheelColliderName = WheelCollider wheelColliderOffset = 0.1939 wheelRadius = 0.1575 wheelMass = 0.030 suspensionTravel = 0.195 loadRating = 0.3 minLoadRating = 0.01 maxLoadRating = 2 maxSpeed = 11.5 groundHeightOffset = 0.175 } MODULE { name = KSPWheelRotation wheelMeshName = WheelPivot rotationAxis = 1,0,0 } MODULE { name = KSPWheelSuspension suspensionName = SuspensionPivot suspensionOffset = -0.18 suspensionAxis = 0, 1, 0 } MODULE { name = KSPWheelSteering steeringName = SteeringPivot maxSteeringAngle = 40 steeringAxis = 0, 1, 0 steeringResponse = 10 } MODULE { name = KSPWheelMotor maxMotorTorque = 1.24 maxRPM = 1300 } MODULE { name = KSPWheelBrakes maxBrakeTorque = 2.5 } MODULE { name = KSPWheelDamage wheelName = wheel bustedWheelName = bustedwheel } MODULE { name = KSPWheelDustEffects } MODULE { name = KSPWheelSounds } } Apart from in low gravity, and the mechjeb thing, they are an improvement over stock.
  23. Has anyone got the texture for the breaking ground suits yet? I know this doesn't yet support it, but I'd like to be ready for when it does.
  24. I stand corrected, it was correlation not causation. The same thing happened when launching from an apparently glitched Kerbinside base. Area 110011's runway is an instant portal to nan-space, which gives you this on reload.
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