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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. Huh. Looks like my not bothering to update paid off. One day they might properly develop ground exploration and flesh out science, in a DLC. Make the game live up to its full potential. Maybe one day.
  2. I submitted these images separately to the "what did you do today" thread. Not sure they picked up on the pattern. Oh well, that's their loss.
  3. I launched a station segment! Actually, two station segments at once: It's far more time efficient this wayy And then I docked them together. notice my loss meme
  4. No. There are literally hundreds of video games about encountering aliens. KSP's thing is how it feels like the kind of space exploration possible today, with close to real life rules, close to real life physics. Any aliens hopping around would distract, and detract from that. There's a lot of other things they could fill the game up with, if they ever make use of the game's full potential.
  5. What I'd like to see: -Detailed science, for ground exploration. -Budgets based on success vs time DLC needs to be something moders are less likely to be able to do, (unless they have a really good way to do it.) and something achievable with without re-doing the whole game. Something like that mission builder thing. : (Rant/background info hidden for people who just want to get to the Idea) Advanced science and ground exploration. -Data to collect. In addition to the existing measurable things (gravity, temp, pressure,) Stuff like radiation, ground material, humidity, etc. These values would vary spatially. This data would be based on slope, altitude, latitude, and distance from certain keypoints. -A data collection overlay for the planets. Each data point, and the location you collected it would be marked on the planet. This is better than a grid, as there's no pressure to get 100%, and new points can be added if you feel like it. The spread and density of your data will affect its value though. -new sensors to implement this. Including ones that Kerbals hold, taking advantage of their mobility. -new administrative tools on selling data vs open source -An extra science analysis Kerbal in the science building who makes you graphs and stuff. She could also advise on what data might be valuable getting. The value of data could vary, and a need for fresh data could be a reason to visit something twice, or set up a base near and interesting spot. Budgeting. -Kerbals now are paid every month, with larger pay for the time they spend on missions. This means you will need to be smart about hiring and firing, and train them so they are the most useful. -Money is earned from reasurch on stations and bases, per month, and from tourists paying to stay. -Grants are earned from government, based on your reputation, past achievements, and how recently you've done something interesting, plus a small political opinion variable. -A political opinion analyst kerbal- her job is to advise you on matters concerning the grants. -contracts, and part and fuel costs all work much the same. -a budget sheet with mortimer Kerman, which keeps a record of your income and expenses.
  6. Not a bad idea, at the moment it is very much just the classic token female, in a group of all males. 3 of each would be nice. They really ought to do a few more women kerbals as named characters too, like the ones in the admin building.
  7. my faith in the KSP community to create april fools stuff has been somewhat restored.
  8. Well done, you earned that click
  9. I was told once the test was complete, there would be cake. Instead there is just fiery death. The platform keeps moving, forward and down. Did I do something wrong? Or was it a lie?
  10. I am still playing the old version, because updates to KSP lately have failed to sufficiently impress me to get my act together and update it at a reasonable time period.
  11. It's just finishing being April Fools here. So glad I decided to visit before the date ticked over.
  12. It almost did, actually. It was overpowered for an out of season Duna transfer, and the Not-Tesla payload is pretty light. Had I flown a better trajectory, it might have.
  13. Did something I'm sure a few others did. Had a few technical troubles. And the boosters didn't exactly land... But soon: Thanks to the magic of Time Warp: But I wasn't content with just a flyby, no. It's no Tesla, (I don't have that kind of money.) But my boxy old car is now on Duna. And off to explore!
  14. The Lorax may speak for the trees, but sometimes, the trees need something... stronger. And for that there's Stealth Rover. Pew Pew pew! *(Missile sounds)* *(Explosion sounds!)*
  15. My favourite engine in KSP is Unity. .... Come on, someone had to make that joke. Ok, for real, it's the 24-77. Not the greatest in capabilities, but useful when you need a little more thrust somewhere to balance something out, when making something complex.
  16. Bad news everyone! I've just proved kerbin is flat. I launched this Velociteze and forgot about it. Found it flying perfectly level after leaving the runway. Decided to do an experiment. Left the plane completely unattended. 40 minutes later, the plane had safely crashed on another continent, without intervention. The only way this could have happened is if it was flying over a flat surface. I did nothing to keep the plane's nose down, there's definitely no simple, obvious explanation, or inconvenient data I'm ignoring. We've all been fooled by Big Globe! All those pictures of Kerbin from space? Computer generated! plz accept this as parody that last line is the punchline the experiment was real though
  17. And there's your problem right there. I thought SpaceDock was dead?
  18. *ffffffffffwwwwwww (whistling noise)* I spend a while building towers. Didn't have enough stone to build in walls, but I always build them eventually. Wait, which game was I playing? Anyway.... Pow! Zap! Towers. Don't mess with them.
  19. Umm.... I seem to be missing something. There isn't even any wreckage.. Hm..... Do you think anyone will notice? Seriously though, who stole my dang VAB? Buildings ain't cheap you know, and the dignity of my space program is at stake.
  20. Some images from a friend who's at a space conference in adelaide
  21. You never know when you've gotta go . Better safe than sorry. It's the ever useful Graphotron mod, maintained by those who do hyperedit. It's paper for data print outs! While I'm here, I might as well include some more in this post. Here's a vengeful Ghost of Cassini, using its... extra science equipment to take it out on the VAB Here's a pilot returning from a salvage operation in the Jakku desert. Rey Kerman and her Speeder. This thing was tricky to get thrust balance.
  22. Dropped a Huygens probe. I made a really detailed Cassini to mark its passing last week, so might as well use it. Doing a Jool 5, flybys via gravity assist. Here's my close Laythe encounter, after a Tylo gravity assist. Meanwhile: So close to land.... Easy to find evidence of liquid on Laythe. This whole bit reminds me of the end credits of the classic aussie show my parents used to watch, Sea Change. Toutchdown. Got to empty those batteries sending science while Cassini is still in range. Cassini had to maneuver to reduce impacts from an unplanned Tylo encounter. See ya Huygens.
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