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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. It depends on what it is, but normally, I go with function based or descriptivist names. If it's a quick, task specific, five minute build I won't miss, I'll often not bother with a name. "Mega Munnar Load lifter" Function based "Dash-wing starfighter" -Ship description type I usually try to make them interesting, and sometimes through in another word, or some letters for good measure. If it's a vessel specifically assembled for a major mission, like an interplanetary endeavour, then it gets a name somewhat related to the task, and possibly with a reference or just a bit of wit. "Joolius Xena" -The ion powered jool probe. "The Big Red Car" -The Duna Mothership with jumbo tanks (filled with signing kerbals) If I've launched many of the same craft, then I'll give them a nickname in inverted commas, and/or a roman numeral after the name. "X4 Rescue Rocket 'Jeb's flight' " If I make a craft similar to another craft I made previously, I'll often give them a similar name. I have made and "ironingboard" "breadboard" "Surfboard" and "Flatboard" mini-rovers with seats. "Kerbin-Explore-o-pod", "Duna-Explore-o-pod", "Evepod," and "Duna-Pod-2", have all been long-distance, lander-can based rovers, all with some degree of capacity to propel themselves through space. I don't really set out to have rules around naming, but it just kind of happens.
  2. This is exactly right. Every part has a use. I play sandbox style mostly, and all of these parts have their uses- some are lighter, some heavier, some will be cheaper, etc. The M1 makes a better choice for smallish rovers, where the TR-2L would be too large, yet the M1 to puny. I find the wheels nicely balanced, though some could to with a little more oomph. Perhaps the ability to fold the M1 would give it further usefulness. Plus, there are many things that would not be possible without the huge, XL3. I've even needed to cluster them sometimes to support crazy machines. There are some good points raised about the Lv-45 and lv-30. Perhaps the differences between them should be exaggerated a little. Perhaps cost could come into it- it could be wasteful to put reaction wheels on boosters where a bit of thrust vectoring would provide sufficient control. But I agree with Pthigrivi on the tech tree issue. It was intended as an introductory stage of the game- once it's done, all parts are available. It would be better to make the whole set valuable during post-tech tree play. As a player of long term endeavours, I much prefer them to adapt parts rather than scrap them. But if they do, there's always the option to re-add the part yourself. If it turns out the MK3 cockpit gets redone, I may keep a copy of the old model- its angular shape suits some of my rovers.
  3. This is one gripe I have about those IVAs. It does not seem practical to depressurise the whole chamber.
  4. I should be able to do this, but maybe sometime down the line. Keep it in mind, maybe bump it in the future.
  5. I don't see there being anything that will radically change the safe files in such a way that current saves are incompatible. Mods may need tweaking, but probably not saves.Plus, aren't they up to the testing stage? If there was to be a save break, surely they'd have announced it by now.
  6. For me, they are the historic first men in space, and all-round astronauts, though Jeb is more of a pilot, Bill more inclined towards the engineering and Bob more motivated by a desire for scientific discovery.
  7. From the options there, I think the third, or last one has the most potential.
  8. Wasn't politics on the not-to-suggest list? Part cost being higher the further away from KSP (or KSC2) you land, that would be fine, but I think it's better to leave things like politics to peoples imagination. Add in too much in game story aspects, and you limit imagination. Plus, I think linking the game too closely to Earth's space history is not the best idea. Plus, how would a russian feel if they're being portrayed as the 'other' once again? (I do wonder that from time to time.)
  9. Much suspense! Yes, I am using a mod called ForceIVA, with the force option set to false. It's pretty useful. Also, as I've been in a poster making mood lately, I whipped up one for this: There should be about two more "parts" before the end of this "Chapter" under my convoluted partitioning scheme. I'm not going to give an ETA for the next bit, as I never meet them. It will come, it should be cool, I hope you all come and read it.
  10. Seeing as Team Jedi has made a small breakthrough, I figure I might take some time to tell you about the last challenge. Video was not our team's strength, but we held on by the skin of our struts, and some great luck. The Jedi Master: You did not see any of my footage in the video. That's good, because it was made angry. You see, I was to film the winning goal. Seemed easy enough--but as it turns out, making a ball go through a small hoop at high velocity in deep space repeatably is harder than it looks. Who would've thought, huh? This turned me into a flaming Stress Demontm. So, I moved myself to the editing process, and learned an important lesson: Being part of a team means knowing when you need help. Also, that awesome editing job? All me! Tw1: I came up with the initial plan for the video which we attempted, filling messages by barking out ideas, and doing my best to get more ideas coming. I did film various things that could have gone in the video, but was hampered my technical difficulties when it came to uploading. sdj64: I did the ground shots with the grandstands and the announcers. I also filmed some orbit shots but they were not used. tygoo7: In the last challenge I did... -The ball launch -The game part in space -The fireworks We had planned some cool stuff, but then strange behaviours within the game prevented it from fully coming together. With the time limit looming, we were forced to adapt. But hopefully, we'll give them a good run for their monies this round! (This is not how we're assembling it)
  11. Agreed, it's beautiful. "We're going to space right?" Today, I killed a Jeb. But, his death was for a worthy cause. Also, the next bit of Oceans of Eve has been released! You might consider going for a read.
  12. * * * Prograde City Greenhouse Module Mallie: "Well %#$%@." Mallie: "Another batch contaminated." Joefell: "Do you think you can recover it?" Mallie: "It's doubtful. I've been reprocessing most of the fertilizer, but I really need a fresh batch of organic matter. This Mun dust is useless without it. " Mallie: "You know, I'm a little sick of this whole total independence dealie. Truth is, we're not ready." She turned to face Kerbin. Mallie: "Most of us decided we'd become a citizen of Mun. I'm one of the ones who didn't. Sometimes, I wish I was back down there." * * * The Mun's South Pole. Bill: "Jeb. Something has come to my attention. How does this stop contribute to our mission?" Jeb: "We just got awesome measurements of the pyramid hills! And Bob's been taking fresh samples of regolith that never sees sunlight!" Bill: "True. We've also put the flag of Prograde City over the Mun's South Pole. But the polar impact basins do not show new craterisation. This data collection should be a task for a different mission." Jeb: "Maybe it's as a control?" Bill: "Something to ask our mission control later. Though Starbug's fuel level is a more immediate concern." Once inside.... Bill: "There is a kethane field not far from the next site on our schedule. If we divert there, we can refuel. We then should have more than sufficient fuel to complete the mission." Bob: "Ok, seems like a good plan to me." Jeb: "Awesome. Let's do it." Yay for polar camera weirdness. * * * Hammerhead point, Eve Thick clouds hang low overhead. Watsan believed then to be volcanic ash- this would account for their mineral content, as well as last nights' seismic readings. This volcano was many hundred km in the east- not an immediate concern. Today Wastan would begin his travels across Eve. One last test of the wheels: Watsan (to log): "Wheel functionality confirmed. I'm about to begin the drive." He loosened the brakes, put power to the wheels, and Evepod rolled forward, into the mist. Evepod traversed the sands at a pleasant speed. Steering responded well, and traction was within predicted levels. Before long, he could see the Eveian sea. As he approached, the geiger counter's ticks increased, yet the needle stayed inside the 'safe' zone. Closer inspection revealed a system of lagoon-esq lakes. There was a good chance these were a lot shallower than the bay, and therefore, a safer option. He turned, and drove towards one of the lakes. He stopped, slowed down, and edged up to it, with caution. But what do you think he did first, when he reached the 'water'? Well, he went fishing. Yep. Fishing. Mun prograde-- Acutally- I lied. He wasn't really fishing, not exactly. He knew there'd be no catch- this was an experiment. His "lure" was a spare tile for Evepod's outer hull. Designed to both insulate heat, and be chemically inert, if it dissolved at all, the entire mission would be compromised. After an hour of "fishing", Watsan returned to Evepod to inspect the tile. No mass change. No visual damage. Good. Now, time to get an ocean sample... * * * Prograde City Communication Station Technically, that is just the antenna. But a cool pic, no? Gene: "KSC to Prograde City. Come in Prograde City." Seebus: "Prograde City, We are receiving you." Mallie: "Hey Gene! Great to finally hear from you!" Gene:"Hello, now that Watsan's safely down, the UN should soon lift the embargo. We should be able to offer you more assistance and supplies." Mallie: "Yes please! I'm uploadin' a list now!" Gene "Is commander Dontop there?" The chamber door swooshed open: Dontop:" Yes! I am!" He dashed to the control panel, reached beneath it, then -*SNAP* The console went blank. This is not the achieve hall. Why would you think that. Entirely different. Seetop: "That was the main bus! This will take hours to reset!:0.0:" Mallie: "Dontop, what the %#$%@ are you doing?" Dontop stepped back, hands shaking. Dontop: "I'm stopping you making an awful mistake!" He turned and stepped out, and the door swished shut... * * * The South West Farside Midlands of the Mun Bob: "Ok, there is the marker. So where is the kethane plant?" Jeb: "Look! Over there!" Bill: "Is he.. drilling while driving?" Bob: "How is that even possible?" * * * Rondred: "Greetings. I am Rondred. What may I offer you today?" Bill: "We need 3094 units of liquid fuel. 3782 units of oxidiser. And 76 units of monopropellant, please." Rondred squinted. Rondred: "Are you...Bill Kerman?" Bill: "Correct :)" Jeb: "I'm Jeb!" Bob: "I'm Bob." Rondred: "The first men in space! A pleasure to meet you. " Bob: "Are there any unusual craters nearby? We're currently studying the crater phenomenon!" Rondred: "Craters.... Yes.. If you go roughly north, is a crater with a most prominent rebound feature... If you then head south west, there is a magnificent set of complex craters, with a floor almost at datum level." Jeb: "Alright! I call shot gun!" Bill: "You two go. Rondred, do you have notes? I'd very much like to see them." Rondred: "It would be my pleasure!" * * * Eve, near a yet unnamed bay. The analysis results were in: hydrocarbons and water, sulfides, anthocyanins, large traces of mercury, blutonium, rubidium, cadmium, iodine, boronate, suspended quartz particles.... Not exactly tapwater, but none the less, a match confirming what the earlier, sons of Adam" rovers found. This was an excellent result. One quick test of the aquatic propulsion system: These can't be set up with action groups. And Evepod was ready for a quick dip. In and out, just to test: Success! Evepod is ready to go to sea. * * * Watsan inspected the shoreline. He found a band of darker sands, just above the waterline. On Kerbin, he would assume this to be a tide line, but Gilly's influence was nearly negligible. Could it be from storm swell? Something had to be topping up those lakes. Could there be rain in this hot environment? Maybe. The Map Makers club had told him "If in doubt, name features after women from history or mythology." So Watsan named this location, The Bay of Ursula. Watsan had largely been given free range with his schedule. Wernher: "As long as you are following the safety procedures and the science plan, you are in charge of the movements." The next logical target was the middle of the bay, and then, the large mountain. He gathered up his peble samples, climbed back aboard. The water grew gradually deeper, Watsan stopped a few times to calibrate the sonar, dropping the tube to measure distance to the seabed. He motored along, watching Eve's first artificial swell. He took care not to got too close to the edge, so as not to cause erosion. Meanwhile in the main cabin, Squishy was alone, and bored. At least he wasn't stuck in that little jar again. He slid around the chamber, pulling at the controls, but Watsan had remembered to lock them. He watched, as the shore moved closer. Upon reaching the other side, Watsan decided to return inside, for a small break. He found Squishy, waiting for him the other side of the air lock. Watsan: "Did you miss me? Hmm." He bent down, and patted Squishy on the bulb. Perhaps having some company would not be so bad after all. * * * The South West Farside Midlands of the Mun Rondred: "...It does get a bit lonely, but my... partner is back at our base, and we keep each other company. And since Prograde City finished the satellite network, TV reception has vastly improved. When I was young, I used to look up at the Mun, and now, I live on it! I run a fuel station on the Mun! Commercialisation of space..... I'm a pioneer of the future." Rondred: "It's been a pleasure, Bill, it truly has." Bill: "Same here. You leaving now?" Rondred: "There is one important matter... " He pulled a electronic clipboard out from his pack. Rondred: "Will that be cash, cheque, or credit card?" * * * Later... Bob: "Still no reply from Prograde City?" Bill: "No. I've been trying for hours. Their equipment must be down." Jeb: "Meh! Doesn't matter! We know where we're going!" Jeb: "Brace for liftoff!" * * * Eve, edge of the Bay of Ursula... Evepod proceeded, up, up the slope, bouncing on the uneven terrain. In to the murk and mess that are the clouds of Eve. After some time, it came to a flat section. Watsan took this opportunity to walk around among those clouds, and to take a few samples. But this was barely a third of the way. The steepest slope was yet to come. Evepod struggled, up through thick breccia and sand, wheels slipping, sliding, even breaking. Every hundred meters or so, Watsan climbed down into the darkening murk, to re-form the tires. Evepod slipped and rattled, failing to gain traction unless the bracing wheels were retracted. Clearly, something about the suspension was off. But slowly, the surrounding environment began to change. The clouds got thinner. The temperature was almost 20 degrees cooler than sea level. And light was starting to get through. As he finally rounded the top of the mountain, the stars came into view. Watsan could make out some of the brightest ones -Betelgeuse, Sirius, Sol. Now this was more like the Eve from those old sci-fi comics. Watsan named the Mountain Mt Venus, in keeping with the theme. Then, he noticed a flashing green light in his helmet HUD. A message from KSC! Bobak: "Hi, this is KSC. Please hold your position, we have important instructions re your mission. It's about Support Probe." * * * Dontop's private chamber, Mun. Seetop: "So, bro, tell me: What was this business about the transmitter that happened earlier?" Dontop: "They were compromising our independence, and dealing with KSC! I stopped it." Seetop: "Well, just as well you dealt with it, we can't have that can we?" Dontop: "That's right! We are a strong, independent, self-sustaining city! We are!" Seetop: "I'll drink to that bro! Here's to that!" * * *
  13. What you have just experienced, is infiniglide, not Kraken. This was my big infiniglider? Shall I challenge thee?
  14. It's not bad. Though not quite sure how they made it to Laythe without enough fuel to rescue Bill.
  15. Mainly for inspiration, I present: Evepod! (Not too much of a spoiler, as this was bound to happen eventually. Typo intentional.) Also, an aircraft carrier of my own, from last year's apollo mission. This one does float. However, it does not really carry aircraft.
  16. I believe donations are, Czo had a link. Check with a moderator, perhaps. I love the detail on that poodle engine, it looks great.
  17. Nice lithobraking with the engines.
  18. Or, it could be to do with the Reddit teams' not-being-anonymous mistake. This is lucky for Team Jedi, we'll be stepping up our game. ↑ Click here for awesomes ↑ The force is more powerful than elimination.
  19. False, but these fish scales on my leg weren't there before.... The user below me should technically be asleep right now. Also, where is your avatar pic from? It reminds me of Olimar's spaceship from the first Pikmin.
  20. Remember to put as much clutter on the surface of your spacestation as possible, so it looks like the real life one. Cover that thing with ladders, antennae, lights, panels, whatever else you can find. Radioisotope thermal genorators (RTGs) and atomic engines contain radioactive material, and therefore should not ever be used ever. Firing your engine all the way down from space to Kerbin's ground is important to make sure your spacecraft doesn't burn up on reentry.
  21. Speaking of Eve, today, in KSP, I did some photography. Excluding non-forsceen circumstances, the next installment of my AAR (story) Oceans of Eve/City on The Mun, will be here later this week. I hope to use my 3000th post for it. You all better turn up to read it, k? Also, this kind of happened:
  22. Nice touch with the wheel there. I may have to steal that if my latest Apollo attempt gets of the ground... Your LEM is particularly imaginative.
  23. Soo soo hard to pick... I'm going to go with mastering this ladder glitch, which then enabled me to do a fuel less tour of Mun and Minmus, and claim the (technically), lightest ever stock Eve accent vehicle. (Though I delivered it there illegitimately) I hope to tour the system with this tech someday. Full story here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70180-Attempting-to-go-to-space-the-Kerbal-on-ladder-engine-An-experiment-report
  24. Then there is no hope for me. I'll never be true adult. I'm totally ok with this. *waves around sonic screwdriver* *Brings dalek out from bag, drives it around on the table.* *Hugs teddybear I've had since birth.* No reason why I can't do all these things and become a fully responsible adult... Though some would say I seemed mature when I was younger... maybe I'm just stationary.
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