I attempted to build a vessel that would fly two kerbals to Jool, using the "Jenkens Kraken Drive". It didn't go that smoothly. Launched from KSC2. Because reasons. Getting into orbit with the K-drive proved frustratingly elusive, despite revisions. So I abandoned that plan, and stuck my Lander on one of my standard lifters. Engaging the K-drive in space, gave much better results, though I had to go back to the space center before it would work. However, when it was time to "burn" again, and ram the thing towards Jool, I had a problem. One of the drive's legs had broken. It couldn't be retracted and broke again if I tried to repair it. As well as that, repair caused the ship to lunge away from the repairing kerbal. Fortunately, the 2km/s worth of chemical fuel in the final decent engine was enough to deorbit, and return to Kerbin. And my would've-been-interplaneteers landed safely. Conclusion: Kraken drives show potential, but still need some refining.