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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. Same here! And paused for bits like the guitar solo. I actually think it could be improved, a few bits of grammar and rhythm aren't as perfect, but you've pretty much covered everything. Welcome to the Kerbal forum, Precambrianmollusc! This would make a cool video.
  2. Yep! Also useful for plane changes around large planetary bodies. The trick is to get the timing right.
  3. I remember reading about Cassini's arrival. I was about ten or so. Some very cool missions here.
  4. Nicely done! The way to bring larger payloads would be simple: Moar tanks! If burn times get too long, you can break up the burn into several passes: I like the look of your space ship, how you've got the lv-ns and tanks radially attached to the capsule.
  5. I reckon staging could be redone. There would still be the on the fly staging sequence in the flight scene, but in the editors, it could be a more complex thing like in a tab, like crew management or action groups. Then you could have a more complex system, with features like somewhere to put the little action squares if you didn't want that part to trigger in the sequence at any time.
  6. Wow. So many awesome ships. My little Big Red Car feels a little intimidated. The drive segment is replaceable, I might replace it and the landers for a longer trip some day. I also have this probe mothership thing from a while ago, from a one way Jool moon tour.
  7. Saw this in the motherships thread. I must say, it is a magnificence. But did you take it anywhere?
  8. I disagree, an above ground pool just means the pool structure is situated above the ground, as opposed to an in ground pool, where the pool has been constructed by digging a hole first. In ground: Above ground:
  9. Though I haven't used the welding, laser cams, or join reinforcer. The only one I'd agree with you about is KAS. It's such a well made mod, and makes kerbals insanely more useful. But it's up to the Devs. KAS may be better left as a mod.
  10. It's quite reliant on torque when using the vertical thrust, though I got as close to balanced as I could. The fuel pipes on the side are an attempt to make it burn fuel in a balanced way, but I still need to move fuel around manually to make sure it stays stable. But the horizontal thrust is pretty close to aligned. It veers up a little when the monopropellant tanks are empty, and down a bit when they are full, so it's still best to fly it with SAS on.
  11. Haha, enjoyed that more than expected. All though he didn't survive scratch that, he's Jeb. He'll be fine in a day or so.
  12. I rarely dispose of them these days. If I do land them, they tend to be in a re-usable, or at least recyclable state.
  13. Found this inside the space center screen VAB. It's like a little VAB texture. Watsan Kerman has a nice view. Gilly is weird. Eve is pretty. Some nice shots from around my Mun base.
  14. * * * Chapter Two: Cloudy, with a chance of boiling to death! and Operation Craters. Eve. The name of the first kerbal woman. For decades, biologists and theologians had debated how to reconcile that story with modern theories of evolution. But now, as the purple planet loomed before him, Watsan Kerman pondered a different question. Had ancient astronomer Novasilisko made a good choice in naming this planet? Maybe. It was quite a pretty colour. Carefully, Watsan pushed a cube of minerals in the general direction of Squishy. It bounced against the side of the chamber, Squishy having ignored it. Odd, he thought. It had been a few days since Squishy had last been fed- and he'd been strictly following the feeding instructions provided by Joefel. Four hours later, they reached the edge of Eve's atmosphere. Aerocapture time! The heat shield groaned slighly, as Evepod* plunged into the gas. Watsan leaned forward in his chair- the extra heat and G-force not bothering him in the slightest. He would endure. *(This is another name for this vessel. It's shorter than Eve Ocean Explorer.) The trip was short, as far as space travel goes, but KSC's doctors had thought anti-bone and anti-muscle loss medication would not be adequate, if kerbals were to walk on Eve for extended periods. So the Evepod had been fitted with exercise equipment, which Watsan had used for several hours each day. He was now as fit and strong as he'd ever been. Eventually, the glowing plasma streams faded. Evepod cleared the atmosphere, and returned to space. Squishy's jar rattled. Watsan looked down, and watched as the small creature waved his tentacles over the mineral lump, disintegrating it. Looks like he'd been hungry after all. * * * Evepod was not the first to arrive at Eve. Once it became clear there was nothing that would convince Watsan to attempt a return to Kerbin- Watsan: "I have had a long and interesting life on planet Kerbin..." KSC "agreed" to change the support probe's trajectory from gravity assist to aerocapture. Four days earlier, the support probe slipped into a highly inclined orbit around Eve. Using several burns it moved to an almost polar orbit, and activated various instruments and scanners. Its data would be used to build up a detailed picture of the planet's surface and atmosphere. That mod updated its models, after this thing was already in space. Oh well. Big inconsistencies were found between this data, and that which Adam (a previous Eve probe) had returned- differences that could not just be explained by the change from MapSat to ScanSat technology. Could it be Eve is more changeable than Kerbin? It is a mystery... Just one day before the Evepod arrived, the Minmus Institute's Gilly lander also made Eve orbit. Then, it began a series of maneuvers to align orbits with the Evepod. Why? Guess! * * * Prograde City At that time, the kerbals of the Mun base were in a meeting. Dontop: "As you know, Prograde City was established to further the work began by Mun Base One, and prove that kerbals can live on the Mun for the long term. Over the past month, we have proved that for sure." "However, our purpose is also to study the Mun. Our next major project will focus on the sudden appearance of all these craters a few years ago. Which is why Bill, Bob, and Jeb will soon be departing in Starbug Seven to visit several sites of interest." Bill: "None of us are geology specialists. I am still of the opinion that-" Dontop: "NO! YOU, BOB AND JEB WILL GO!" Bill: " ...Alright! No need for raised voices." Dontop and his brothers know that a mission by Kerbin's three most famous astronauts would bring positive attention to the Mun base, after all the fuss kicked up by the launch of the Eve mission, a month and a bit ago. Dontop: "This is to be the start of a much larger, multi mission survey, and we only have so many geology specialists to spread around. Now, on to the matter of the imminent Duna window. We know what KSC is doing and I have no doubt those professors on Minmus will send something too... " * * * Eve Orbit Most Eve mission reports I've read do their Gilly visit after the Eve landing, if they have enough fuel left. But that's is not quite an option here... For the rendezvous, I tried to do the burns with the Gilly probe much as possible. It has far more spare delta V than Evepod, which may still need to change inclination before landing. Watsan put the Eve pods systems on standby, and secured Squishy in his jar. Then he grabbed several days worth of Stewie Kerman's Compact Noodle SoupTm and jetted over to the probe. It was just as the (electronic) letter from the Minmus Institute (M.I.S.S.S.) had said. The probe's seat had to be hyperedited in. I'd planed to move the one on Evepod across, but glitches got the better of that plan. Apart from one thing- one decoupler on the probe had completely failed. It had been dragging half its launch vehicle with it since it left Minmus. Watsan quickly set this right. He have the debris a big southward push, sending it clear of his spacecraft, and returned to Evepod to refill his RCS pack. Then, he was of land on Gilly. So excited. Watsan's trip to Gilly * * * Prograde City Landing area Dudbus Kerman: "Good luck guys!" Bill: "I've got a bad feeling about this." Jeb: "Come on Bill! This mission is going to be fun!" Fun, fun, fun, on the Mun, Mun, Mun.... * * *
  15. Nicely done- well written, and researched as well. I like the expressive eyes.
  16. Sounds like a pretty decent approach to me, and no obvious flaws are apparent in the results. The only other way I can think of would be to save a bunch of pre-made hair layers, then adjusting them a bit each time, but the fiddling around probably would end up taking the same time anyway, and at the risk of worse results.
  17. Watsan Kerman is now on Gilly. The next part of my Eve/Munbase story will be here soon.
  18. Indeed. Gimp is another image manipulation program that is commonly used. In case it's unclear, I'm asking for something a little more specific. (Also, welcome to the KSP forums!)
  19. I made a facebook post of my home christmas lights, and prominently visible were the Moon and Jupiter. My brain kept telling me it was Minmus. Or the round spinning thing in that windmill in Ocarina of time. I was running the opposite to its rotation going to the middle to move forward, and to the edge to move back. There's a rendezvous technique right there. On a recent (yay southern hemisphere) beach holiday, I was learning to surf, and something in the back of my mind kept telling me: "This is free Delta V." Lastly, I ate a planet last night. Though seriously; if you've ever having trouble getting kerbals out of your mind, to focus on real life stuff, go read a good book. Must be a really good one. They're great for flushing the mind out.
  20. Just wondering, what technique are you using for the female kerbals' hair? It looks like some distorts around the mouth, but not sure about the hair. Also, I'm going to echo all the others and highly recommend KAS. You can change that attach list, and enable your kerbals to pull around any part you like. You could've refurbished the tugs by having a kerbal lug the large clampotron from a delivery ship, and attach it. Though you'd want to be very careful as you place, as there isn't any auto alignment function like there is in the VAB.
  21. Ironically, the flight from Minmus had the best encounter, despite being a few days after the mods said was optimum. I really like that kethane scanner texture. Eve is a nice place for an aerocapture.
  22. They've got that whole trick the humans into breading us racket going on. Pretty clever.
  23. The wobbles probably correspond to Gilly orbiting around Eve. Maybe he altered the conics mode? First Kerbin landing of the year! *Dramatic* ....was non fatal. Hey, we keep the science in there! Not all lost. Duney thinks no less of himself, though he ruined my expensive shuttle. The rest of the fleet will be grounded until TT's multiwheels are working again.
  24. But that's the problem. What these Japanese whalers are doing is not.
  25. If you're still looking, I might have some inspiration for you in my own base on Minmus. However, it is quite mod based. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/56587-Establishing-an-establishment-on-the-beautiful-moon-of-Minmus
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