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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. Well done! And welcome to the kerbal forums! I also assembled a Duna mission. Over a few days. First, the core hab/science module. Should be reusable, has 1008m/s of delta v of its own. Fun to fly. Next, Dorithy* the interplanetary drive. Big and heavy *Totally how kerbals spell it. Docked it up, to be strengthened with KAS struts. Then, Two "EDpod" (Explore-O-Pod Duna) landers, called "Murray" and "Jeff" were added on. After that, "Fuel Stick" visited, topping up the fuel, oxidiser, and monopropellant. Then, finally, Sh'tuule delivered the rest of the crew. Intended to try docking, but the remaining docking port wasn't in a good spot. Instead, held rendezvous for several orbits. Moved some extra equipment aboard, then the Sh'tuule went home. "Big Red Car" is ready to begin perikerb kicks, then of to Duna!
  2. Saw lights swinging in the breeze at uni the other day. My first thought was engines gimbling.
  3. To me, it's nothing to do with cruelty, or anything like that.Not even the fact that it's for food. Just that this is a totally unnecessary threat to a group of animals, who are not particularly suited for hunting. Wales are long living, creatures who don't produce large numbers of young. I didn't see that show, but I know of the issue from news reports in the past.
  4. Agreed, it needs to stop. And they are violating protected zones in cases. It's quite an issue here in Aus, as we are supposed to be policing those zones.
  5. It's good! The contrast between the fully written out first part, and the unemotional report like last but. Criticisms: Perigee refers to Earth. Perikerb is a better term. It's a little unclear that he's performing a return burn until after stopping to work it out. See if you can make that clear somehow, without ruining the suspenseful feel.
  6. Having read the reasons for the move-(to get people to move beyond GD a bit more) -I reckon it's worth seeing how it goes here. Though we all felt like this: At first. It's an egg? It's a butterfly? Seriously R&D building, I'm making rockets now. I need some space- go talk to the tracking station. Or Jeb. Someone else. Stop following me all the time. Coming together.
  7. Strut free career mode. Sadly, it went poof when my improvised launch stablisers decoupled and collided with it.
  8. Got a little bored in my uni summer course today. Started doodling kerbaly things in my little notebook.
  9. Makes sense. No needed to find a parking spot, just stand it up next to you. I reckon the skateboard thing would be even easier though, especially if can go reasonable distances and charges fast, like they claim.
  10. Just saw a segway up close in real life for the first time. Camera man outside the Sydney Cricket Ground. Thought I'd post about it.
  11. Made a new rover/lander I'm calling the Explore-O-Pod D. Learned how not to drive it. And discovered a gap that was just slightly too small for it to fit through.
  12. I get the most fun when I'm just poking around. Mucking about at the space center, testing and tweaking things, hopping about at an interesting landing site. I like exploring and tinkering.
  13. It will, but it will have to wait. There's some missions important to the long term future of the Eve/moon base story that are scheduled to depart first. Yep! What could possibly go wrong? As the shuttle I sent up to be the escape vessel exploded due to shifting location during the update, at the moment it's the only way back. Starbug can't do Kerbin landings.
  14. Wow. Magnificent effort. You will have much experience from that endeavor, and it was very nicely written too. Have very warm welcome to these forums!
  15. The launchpad is not much use without a supply of parts. Here is the newish processing station on the side of the plateau. Everything is here except the parts delivery vessel. The design I had waiting in orbit turned out to be pretty rubbish. So I scraped it. Via lithobraking. The sloping site prompted me to make some unusual designs. All these modules are holding on using KAS cables, for extra stability. KAS cables also link them together. Landing it was pretty smooth, though there were some issues with modules pulling on each other, and shifting around. Though there was one lithobraking overshoot incident while moving KAS ports around. While ejecting the boosters of the drilling module, I ran into an issue. One had a mechjeb unit, and would fly true, but the other lacked any control source, and kept smashing into a (closed) solar panel. It was Anford Kerman's turn to do a dangerous stunt. I put her on the very edge of that mischievous booster, hoping to alter its trajectory enough to clear the panel. Success! Oh yeah. Something weird happened to a few vessels with spherical tanks, and they are now held together by strange forces. But that's ok, the Institute's many scientists are very excited about this, and will be thoroughly investigating the phenomenon. Turned out to be a bug with ST's models being in a root part. There were a few odd things that happened after the update to 0.23. The Hotel and Tower are both tipping over slightly now- the kerbals are blaming Minmus theorised freeze-melt cycle that resulted in those smooth landforms. The fleet of starbugs also needed to be shifted back a bit. I don't think I mentioned the Starbugs. They were kind of the reason this base got started- I was exploring with a prototype when I found the site. Thought I'd make a caravan park of starbugs. Starbug Ridge has a few different models. Today, I began setting one up for a mission to Ike. Wehrwin, back after adventures on the Mun, is presenting the fully fueled ship to Anlin. "She's all yours." A science pack was flown over on RCS, and docked to Starbug's top port. And then, the carrier section was disposed of in the typical way. I really should set up that recycling system. This one is going interplanetary, but others will be used here on Minmus, to deploy experiments for science.
  16. That's a cool video, the swishing cape adds to the effect. Segways and batman are a good mix. If I could afford one of these things, I'd be the coolest guy at uni. And it'd save me some effort, my uni's on a steep site. Edit: Bob has a segway now.
  17. I was trying to overheat an RT-10 with separatrons stuck to it, and ran into this as a problem. Moved the separatrons.
  18. Hahaha. A good point. As one who has over a hundred active flights, and makes use of the type selector thingie, I've never seen why this is a problem. Apart from perhaps neatness.
  19. Smile! Docked the starfighter to the interplanetary drive. Ready for an adventure. Testing the "Big Red Car". Starbug 10 is fueled and ready to go! Leaving kerbals on flags is just fun.
  20. Or perhaps it was some grisly trophy from a secret human-kerbal war. Or a kerbal knight's helmet. My camera is a Pentax MX-1. It's a nice, not so little thing. Here is my good old favourite rover, roving.
  21. I went the opposite way, the spacecraft was landed near the equator, so Bill, Danble, and Erbald took the Duna explore-o-pod for a long trip north. And then back. Did it over many weeks.
  22. Agreed. This should be re-sticked, fails are a very important aspect of the game.
  23. Stress tested my new three man verson of Starbug. In the end, I made a version which bounses after a 12m/s impact, rather than exploding at 6m/s. So that's reasuring. Also, found multiwheels not working, so Dontop is stuck several Km outside the Mun base. Had to kick Wehrwin out of the Starbug before it was to be sent to the Mun. They're very hard headed, these kerbals.
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