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Everything posted by Tw1

  1. Arrow keys once in flight. There's a bit of a trick to it, you've got to turn to reduce your horizontal speed, or it will bounce and break. Yep! I managed to do about 410,000 one lucky time, but didn't manage to land. They don't really give units though. Though it's probably a good thing they don't control the real one this way.
  2. Sure. Why not. BTW, no one steal my idea to have aliens confused by humans and search for a planet named "Huma": Though I haven't used it yer. Astrolpapi1, your little rant has spawned quite an interesting thread. Nice going.
  3. I really like the textured surface, it reminds me of my camera. Would you consider doing a version where the camera/light thing lights up, like on the regular mechjeb? It'd be even cooler!
  4. Lost of cool looking models here. One thing that put me of updating from Damned robotics initially was that IR used more memory. How are you going with memory use?
  5. Kalcohol. It's like alcohol, but with more maths.
  6. Old thread is old..... Wait, this is a potential mod? Never mind then. Perhaps start by asking other modders how they add actions to the kerbal. Then you need code that spawns a specific object just in front of the kerbal. And maybe something that triggers the deploy flag animation. Then you need the models and programing for each deployable experiment. If you're still planning on doing that, maybe talk to the maintainer of KAS. That plugin both stores and spawns things, and adds abilities to the EVA'd kerbal.
  7. I also have an ISS picture. Just north of Ulladulla, NSW. I use ISS? an android app to track it. Shows the predicted path in the sky as well, which is useful if I'm in a hilly, or built up area.
  8. So this is what you were hinting at with those cryptic stories ages ago.
  9. That's pretty cool. Once I worked out you could actually steer the thing, I managed to land too.
  10. It is the 0,0,0 point, of the first game object in that parts hierarchy in Unity. Or something like that; I'm not an expert that's what it seems to be.
  11. If the time in the game is different, anything on its way to a planet will be messed up too, if there is anything.
  12. Last time I was doing things with my persistence file, it seemed to track some parts.
  13. Lets take this a step further, with Kkitchen, Kkitten, Kknee, Kknife, Kkinetics.
  14. You'll need to be more specific. Have you got both KerbTown and Kerbin City installed? Are the files in the right place? What is it that are you expecting, and what specifically is not happening? There are a few issues with the Kerbtown plugin- its launch site selector is broken, and the maker has been unable to work on it for a long time. So you have to get things there by alternate means- aeroplane, or cheats like infinite fuel, or hyperedit mod. If you head south for about 100km, following the coast, you'll find it.
  15. Not sure about short, I'd argue he was showing some symptoms all the way to Jool. Topes contest, What would that entail? As someone who's spend a lot of time there, I concur with, czokletmuss it's an awesome fly trap, not unlike this forum. Enter with caution. Speaking of which, I'd better do those things I was intending to do before I sleep.
  16. You're still coming in at an incredible speed. Are you doing a retrograde burn (turning so the X thing on the navbal is right in the middle, then firing the engines) to slow down first? This should make you slow down enough to orbit the Mun. Then, you do it again so the PE marker gets close to the Mun's surface. Then, warp till you get to the PE maker, do the retrograde burn again to slow down for landing. Then it's just a case of slowing yourself with the engines as you drop down vertically.
  17. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HeroicBSOD ? Also, it's going to be 40 degrees plus in some parts of my state this week...
  18. I'm pretty sure it doesn't. Doesn't work in space either, it had me thinking it was bugged for a while too.
  19. You'll need to be specific. What is the result that you desire, and what is the situation?
  20. You could take some inspiration from magnemoe : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/50242-Jool-accent-the-imposible-chalenge
  21. Had a go of kerbalising that about a week ago
  22. I like the girl kerbal. Is that a sonic screwdriver she's holding? We have kinder surprise here, thats a pretty clever use for them.
  23. I partially agree with you, K-everything is not particulate imaginative. Then again, it does allow you to easy reference human things like without raising the issue of why kerbals have the exact same thing as us on earth. You can say "Kuston we have a problem," calling up ideas attached to that city, without making people question why kerbals have a city called Huston. But needlessly adding Karis, Kondon, Kydney Kong Kong, etc, just makes it a little bit ridiculous. I don't mind Kerbalnaut, as there are lots of different 'nauts here IRL.
  24. Welcome to the KSP forums!
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