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Posts posted by dlrk

  1. https://www.dropbox.com/s/vp57cz0omevoqyb/CryoTanksBoiloff.cfg?dl=0

    For anyone else using Modular Fuel Tanks, this is a quick + dirty modified version of the FuelTanksSwitcherCfg to add boiloff/cooling to tanks that don't have MFT configs, like the CryoTanks included LH2 tanks. It doesn't add Methane to cryotanks, but I'm going to make a patch for that and PR it once I find out why LqdHydrogen was set in that patch to a negative mass.

  2. Thanks for the info, let me be a bit more specific on the issue I'm trying to solve. I'm using the Restock docking ports, which do appear symmetrical. I have a station I'm servicing with spaceplanes, and due to the size and shape of the plane and that of the station, I need to dock in a certain direction so the empennage of my spaceplane doesn't hit the station. What's the based way to rotate the ports ( I have dock rotate) so that the 0 roll direction is the one where my plane clears the station structure?

  3. On 6/10/2020 at 7:37 AM, Aelfhe1m said:

    Each docking port in KSP is defined in a ModuleDockingNode section of the part's config. This includes a referenceAttachNode field that names which node (also defined in the part config) should be used to dock to. The orientation of that node defines the roll axis and I believe that DPAI uses the Z+ direction as the zero point. 

    How do I tell which direction is Z+?

  4. 11 hours ago, micha said:

    It's pretty convoluted; I'm not 100% sure on the logic. But basically it traverses the parts tree and breaks it into separate virtual vessels whenever it finds a docking node which is docked to another docking node.  Docking nodes which were connected together at launch (ie, in the VAB) are special.

    Do you have a specific issue with one of your craft?

    Not really an issue, that explains why it's doing what it's doing. I was wondering how it concluded that some parts of my station were separate vessels and others weren't, and now I see that it's because parts of it are welded with Konstruction and a few components are docked.

  5. I'll post a pic when I'm back at my desktop, thanks. I've been using the move and rotate widgets extensively, but as soon as I get one axis balanced, the other ones go way out of balance. Is it possible that RCS Build Aid is inaccurately showing that all port are firing? I'm not clear on how adding a linear port that is only pointed in one axis destablizes others.

  6. 11 hours ago, Rhomphaia said:

    Use the linear RCS ports instead of the thruster blocks. that way you only have to worry about one axis at a time when you place them.

    You can also use single ports to balance out a thruster block setup.  adjusting the thrust limiter on the ports can also help balance them out if you cant balance with placement alone.

    I tried this, but once I balance out one axis with linear parts, the other axes become unbalanced.

  7. Hi,

    I'm having some trouble balancing RCS on my spaceplanes. Using RCS Build Aid, I can usually get one axis balanced (ex. starboard/port), but this unbalances the other axes. So, I get torque to under 1 on the port/starboard axis, but it winds up being 40 on the fore/aft axis.

    Any advice on how to do this properly?

  8. @garwel

    There some issue with the handler for DynamicBatteryStorage causing it to throw NREs and not report consumption to DBS. Is this correct for the field handler in the DBS cfg: ?

          // Field to poll in editor
          editorFieldName = ecCRate
          // Field to poll in flight
          flightFieldName = actualECRate
          // Multiply the output by these if you need to. Convention is that a consumer is negative.
          editorValueScalar = -1.0
          flightValueScalar = -1.0

  9. DBS is throwing NREs in the VAB/SPH when Signal Delay

    is installed and an antenna is part of my vessel.

    Here is my player.log https://www.dropbox.com/s/8jryfyozt8nf45v/Player.log?dl=0 

    (An output log is  not being generated). This was with DBS verbose logging enabled. Thanks. My guess is that Signal Delay's antenna telemetry usage is confusing DBS.


  10. I'm looking at the documentation, and I haven't been able to figure this out. Is there a way to add EAS to the options that the PDF can toggle between? As is, I can toggle between ORB, SRF and TGT, and I'd like to be able toggle between ORB, SRF, TGT and EAS. It seems like the switch toggles speed display mode, so perhaps this isn't possible. Any ideas on how I could edit the page to implement this would be helpful, since I'd like to have the airspeed information when flying an airplane from the cockpit. I'm using FAR, so is it possible to have the speed display use FAR's replacement of the stock speed gauge with EAS?

    I guess one option might be to modify it to display EAS when SRF is selected, but that's not ideal, since SRF is used for stuff outside of atmospheric flight.

    Or could I write a custom variable to return EAS if an action group is on and SRF if it's off? That would work.

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