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Everything posted by curiousepic

  1. Whoa, how did I not know about this? The first rule isn't even to not talk about Battle Club. Some questions and suggestions: Where's the best place to learn about "modern" optimal engineering, tactics, and doctrine? Why is there no part count limit rule (even with 1.1's improvements)? Likewise, there should probably be rules to standardize game options/settings to better ensure equal footing. Targets could be set to "Target" SAS mode, so they always attempt to face the attacker. That way, armor placement and flanking become more interesting. I know at some point when I checked in the past that KOS could not operate on craft not in focus, but if that has changed, it would be awesome to develop battle programs as well, to emulate real-time combat for both sides, with little or no active input.
  2. "I never want to corrupt the ultimate goal of this project, which is to discover what space warfare would be like, rather than to say what space warfare would be like." I've watched this trailer like 10 times, pausing every second to pick out details. Note: those aren't lasers, they're kinetic projectile tracers (there's a non-visible laser striking a target at 1:20). Lots of awesome info in the dev blog - apparently it's been in dev already for 2 years. And it's on Steam. EDIT: It's out! Steam | Dev blog | Twitter More good discussion on G+ posts of the blog entries: https://plus.google.com/u/0/s/childrenofadeadearth.wordpress.com
  3. http://imgur.com/wrXUAan Well, I was able to fix it by adding MODULE { name = ModuleKISItem stackable = true } to the config. I'm just surprised this wasn't getting added by either KIS or KAS via MM.
  4. Strange. Yeah, when I right click them to make a stack, it just says "Action: No Actions"
  5. Is there a known issue with struts and connectors missing actions in the context menu (like increasing quantity etc) in VAB?
  6. Awesome, nice work! I noticed that not-yet-scanned areas of the globe are grayed out a bit by default, and that got me wishing again for planets to have blurred textures in map mode before they are scanned (or just have a crewed vessel or instrument within a minimum range, or telescope pointed at it over time)...
  7. Does anyone have @Cosmic_Farmer's diverse female textures? The original upload has expired.
  8. Would you consider offering the Deep Space Network as a separate mod? (or does anyone know of something similar?)
  9. Nah, I didn't move them from where they started. All food is reduced equally among all parts until they become hungry and stop eating. EDIT: Tried it with stock parts and this issue didn't happen. Must be KPBS or something else going on, so no worries.
  10. It looks like CKAN is still looking for QuickStart on KerbalStuff. Could someone update it to look at Github? (or explain how I could do it myself?)
  11. Made a simple base with Planetary Base System modules and timewarped on the runway. Around 8 days, Kerbals got hungry even though there was plenty of food left. They seemed to stop eating at that point, and after 3 more days or so, died of starvation. Pretty grim.
  12. Is anyone using other parts in place of the food storage parts that come default here? If so, would you share your config?
  13. Yes, I'm hoping for a set of already created subassemblies I can download and insert into my game to keep from having to do all the tedious packing myself
  14. Has anyone shared pre-packed KIS containers as subassemblies yet (and/or is there a method to make packing less tedious)?
  15. Loving Kerbinside now that I have the RAM (and KSP can utilize it). Is there a location that spawns the craft over/in water? If not, it's desperately needed! EDIT: I see now that KSC Island is close enough.
  16. This looks very cool - hoping to use it for my first planet pack game. Awesome to see it will support DeepFreeze, but a only potential conflict I'm worried about is Persistent Thrust, which does background resource drain.
  17. Would procedural radiators be possible, with a config hack or otherwise?
  18. Has anyone attempted using this for higher thrust brachisticrone trajectories?
  19. Would it break anything to make the CKAN\downloads folder for multiple installs into shortcuts pointing to a single download folder?
  20. Now that Planetary Overlays are implemented, would it be possible to (optionally) force a low-res normal planet texture to display in map view and tracking station, and only unlock the normal resolution texture when you send a vessel or specific instrument into its SOI? This would make planetary exploration a lot more exciting for me, especially in new planet packs. I want to have to actually visit a body before I know what it looks like in detail!
  21. Excellent! Now all I want is a mod that only makes low-resolution planet textures available until you visit them. I'm hoping ScanSat or Orbital Survey Plus can do that.
  22. I'd really appreciate a longer droptime and drop speed on HEKVs - there's no reason it should be restricted to 2 seconds and 10 "speed", and that just isn't enough to clear being launched from within some cargo bays, etc. I tried increasing the dropTime in the .cfg but that didn't seem to change anything.
  23. Is there a way to increase the distance at which engine exhaust heats up parts? It currently seems to be about 20m for every engine, and I can't tell if any ModuleEngines variables will change that (heatProduction just increases the amount of heat produced within the range). My purpose would be to create a lightweight part that could act as a ranged weapon, using ModuleEngines and exhaust heating.
  24. Sorry, to clarify, I meant for a landing at the destination and a meaningful amount of time on the surface, but not being stuck there for years.
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