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Everything posted by skykooler

  1. I like how BahamutoD declared that this couldn't fly planes in formation, and the very next post was flying planes in formation
  2. Looks good, but shouldn't the ground effect particles be moving faster? Right now it almost looks slow-motion.
  3. If debris isn't in a circular orbit, it could approach you from any direction. Coming from towards the sun is not a problem.
  4. Put me in as another vote for storms (rain, lightning)!
  5. So who will be the first person to land ten landers on the Mun simultaneously?
  6. Correction: Make it rain, just don't make it England.
  7. Awesome! This will come in so handy every time I accidentally set trim on my craft and can't tell why it's spinning!
  8. If I understand correctly, this hooks into DirectX to change the textures. Does OpenGL have similar functions that could allow for a port of this mod for OSX or Linux?
  9. Perhaps the drill could be extended to drill rocket parts? This would mean that it could mine asteroids, and that you could also "mine" old fuel tanks.
  10. Would it be possible to make the bottom sides of the clouds darker than the tops? Something like this:
  11. I wonder if the amount of Kethane could change per asteroid, such that not all asteroids even had any? Like one in 3 asteroids perhaps would have any kethane reserves.
  12. Wow! Those are beautiful stormy clouds! Rbray89, if you ever implement storm clouds, make them look like this!
  13. What's the difference between the top hub and the one directly below it?
  14. I'd like to have this integrated into the tech tree; the thing is, it relies on KerbTown to make it show up, and as far as I know there's no way to keep a structure from appearing in KerbTown until a certain tech level is unlocked. But I will keep looking into it.
  15. I might suggest baking AO into the textures; this will help a good deal.
  16. I think this would be a great way to have it feel like you're "inside" the clouds!
  17. If you can use electric charge and wheels, what's to stop you from just making a rover and driving it around Kerbin?
  18. I like the fold-out fairings! Since they can fold back in, that would allow for totally-reusable launch stages to be built.
  19. Normally, your external model shouldn't block the view from IVA because the normals are all pointed out. Do you have double-sided faces in your external model perhaps?
  20. Well, NASA's problem is obvious; they need more struts. Does Helios count as an infiniglider?
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