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Everything posted by skykooler

  1. I would really like to see rings/asteroid belts that consist of many small objects when you get close to them.
  2. Does Alternis Kerbol work on 0.22? I don't have enough space to download 0.23 right now.
  3. This is in part because of the limited dynamic range available in computer graphics. In real life, the horizon is a blue many times brighter than the zenith; but KSP runs out of bright blues and has to make it white to make it bright enough for the atmospheric model.
  4. This will hopefully be fixed when I release the next update, which should be sometime in January.
  5. Are you using Linux? I have no clouds when I look up in Linux, although they work fine in Mac OSX.
  6. Aeon-Phoenix: Those look amazing, much better than my tanks!
  7. How did you manage that? I gave up on modelling those parts because I just couldn't figure out why the ends weren't showing!
  8. False; the Oberth effect is very useful in minimizing fuel usage. I forget the exact numbers but in Scott Manley's video about Munar gravity assists he said you could save something like 500 m/s dV on a Kerbin -> Duna trip if starting from a low orbit to maximize the Oberth effect.
  9. ...Wow. This looks really amazing. Can't wait for a video of this!
  10. The hexcans were just added as a stopgap until I finished the actual parts, which are unfortunately still unfinished.
  11. I may be able to make some improved models in January. Not promising anything mind.
  12. I've also had this problem. Also, I've had landers with the ALCOR explode when I boarded them after EVA.
  13. I have not used Deadly Reentry. But g-forces always peak over 10g during launch, so I doubt it would work without also having FAR and putting things in fairings.
  14. MrChumley: I like your smelter! Although, it seems odd to run something off of chemical fuels in space when solar power is free.
  15. I can't wait! Ever since I saw the individual rocks in the rings in Space Engine I've been hoping for this in KSP!
  16. I am not using the real-size mod, just stock aside from this mod. I will try the latest release and see if that fixes the issue. Or perhaps it's a Linux issue (case-sensitive filenames?)
  17. So for some reason I can't see any clouds from the ground; they just appear under me at 6 km. Is there something I'm missing?
  18. Wow, I can't believe I didn't come across this sooner! This looks awesome!
  19. This mod is now being maintained by taniwha. See the new thread for information.
  20. How are you planning on determining which parts need what materials?
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