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Everything posted by skykooler

  1. Well, it seems that even if I set visibilityrange to something like 50000000, the objects get cutoff by the camera when I go more than 500km away or so. I wonder how we can see the Mün from Kerbin then?
  2. Is there a way to change the maximum draw distance? I made a ring, but it disappears when I go more than 50km or so from KSC:
  3. That's something Majiir would have to add, as I am using the Kethane detector module.
  4. It doesn't need Kethane if you turn debug mode on, as I already explained how to do.
  5. I rather like the HUD, I say keep it.
  6. Yes, just change "debug = false" to "debug = true" in the part.cfg for the launchpad.
  7. I made a model and put it in the game, and it worked great. But I tried to make a custom plugin, and that didn't work at all. Here's what I have for the plugin: using System; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using KSP; using KSP.IO; namespace MassDriverNamespace { public class MassDriver : MonoBehaviour { public string ObjectName = ""; public void Setup () { print ("test"); GameObject gobj = (from t in gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>() where t.gameObject != null && t.gameObject.name == ObjectName select t.gameObject).FirstOrDefault(); if (gobj == null) { print("GameObject '" + ObjectName + "' could not be found."); return; } var clickComponent = gobj.AddComponent<MScript>(); clickComponent.HighlightOnMouseOver = true; } } public class MScript : MonoBehaviour { public bool HighlightOnMouseOver = true; private void OnMouseDown() { print ("I clicked!!"); Vessel v = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel; v.SetWorldVelocity(new Vector3(0f,100f,0f)); } private void OnMouseEnter() { if (HighlightOnMouseOver) Highlight(gameObject, true); } private void OnMouseExit() { if (HighlightOnMouseOver) Highlight(gameObject, false); } public void Highlight(GameObject sgameObject, bool highlightActive) { if (sgameObject == null || sgameObject.renderer == null) return; sgameObject.renderer.material.SetFloat("_RimFalloff", 2.5f); sgameObject.renderer.material.SetColor("_RimColor", highlightActive ? Color.green : Color.clear); } } } And I have this in my .cfg: MODULE { namespace = MassDriverNamespace name = MassDriver } Nothing ever gets printed, and it doesn't do anything if I click on it. What am I doing wrong?
  8. No. If you want to launch from orbit you should look at the OrbitalConstruction mod instead.
  9. The Coriolis force shouldn't have any effect at the equator. (I assume the elevator was at the equator, since that's where KSC is.)
  10. If you're using Blender, just import the whole .blend file into Unity; it will come with UVMaps and all.
  11. Yes, this is the same mod. This is the development thread.
  12. Why does it not work with Mac or Linux? I thought KSP plugins were cross-platform compatible?
  13. The augur that is included is broken in 0.21. Taniwha posted a patched version a few pages back, and I will have a working version included in the next release.
  14. ... wut. If I count correctly, you've got...256 seats on there?
  15. I agree. I would really like a toggleable HUD (especially because I find it hard to see out the windows and see the instrument panel in the same screen.)
  16. Yes, there seems to be a problem here; I'm looking into it.
  17. The augur is broken in 0.21. Taniwha posted a fixed version in the release thread.
  18. You should not need a laser; just add the recycler module to the launchpad as mentioned a few pages back, and then you can click "recycle" and the launch clamps are turned back into rocket parts. v3 is coming soon, with new launchpad and detectors, and a fixed auger. The other models I will look at later.
  19. The new .dll is to fix 0.21 compatibility; it has nothing to do with Kethane. So, if you have 0.21, yes, you still need the new dll.
  20. Progress report: I found the bug that caused staging to be broken in 0.21 and fixed it. However, now there is a GUI bug that prevents you from launching more than one ship without going to the space center in between. So, yeah, have to fix that now.
  21. Unfortunately, the Kethane detector module doesn't have support for checking whether you're in the atmosphere, or having a wider detection area. So until those are added to Kethane there will not be a sonar detector.
  22. 1) IIRC, Kethane scanners currently detect every resource, however Majiir has said this will be changed in future versions of Kethane. Hopefully I will have EPL v3 released by then, which contains ore scanner parts. 2) The Kethane Debugger can generate resources of any type, including ore. 3) Yes, fuel needs to be able to flow to the launchpad to build. 4) There's been some discussion on this in the past few pages; it looks like you have to have the ships connected in "docked" mode, but beyond that I can't say, as I haven't gotten around to installing KAS in 0.21 yet.
  23. Yes. Ore is a separate resource from Kethane. To find ore, you need to click the arrow on the Kethane resource window so it shows the ore resource instead. Currently the launchpad has an ore detector module built-in, so you don't need a separate part to detect it. You will need an augur to mine ore, a smelter to turn it into metal, a rocket workshop to build that into rocketparts, and a launchpad to launch your ship from. You will also need storage for these resources if they aren't all on the same vessel. You will probably also want fuel tanks connected to your launchpad with fuel lines; otherwise you will have to spawn your ships with empty tanks.
  24. I know that magnetometers could work in orbit, but if this one did it would kind of defeat the purpose of having a large scanner. So I've made the magnetometer relatively close-range (60km max) - which will still work in low orbit over most bodies, but the main point is to put it on landers or rovers. Here's the model I made:
  25. Well, actually you don't need kethane if you have debug mode on. But you need it if you're doing any mining.
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