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Everything posted by skykooler

  1. Yes, I am sure. Please see the explanations in the last ten pages of this thread and the development thread for the reasons why.
  2. Does your save name have a space in it? It is a known bug that the menu won't load if there's a space in the name.
  3. That has a slight problem though - what if you're using a spacecraft to mine on, say, Gilly? As soon as you're orbital or even suborbital there is no gravity to hold the ore in.
  4. I know, I really should make some larger parts for storage. Perhaps something like silos? What do they store ore in anyway?
  5. It doesn't work in orbit, because the KSP code that activates the ship only does so if it's landed. If you disable that in the code, it can spawn the ships, but they are uncontrollable. Also, unless your orbit is perfectly geosynchronous, the ship will have some velocity relative to the pad (as it is spawned with 0 velocity relative to the ground), so it will collide with the pad and generally blow things up. If you want to build things in orbit, either put a launchpad on Gilly (where you can put anything in orbit), or use the Orbital Construction mod for now. (Also, I've been developing with MonoDevelop, not Visual Studio; perhaps that's why the .sln isn't working for you?)
  6. I think you actually have to land on the planets for this challenge. Metaphor just did flybys.
  7. I wonder whether an Orion-powered submarine could be feasible? Never mind if it floats, the 400MN charges should sink anything!
  8. I've done that before...on a short-ish flight, pulled up FS2004 and flew the same flight with the same plane. Time-accelerated a bit so I had time to land before we had to turn off electronics.
  9. No. To elaborate, that is not the purpose of this mod. If you want to build ships in space, use Orbital Construction. I'm not going to add a "rocketpart generator" or something, but the next version will reenable debug mode which should allow you to at least turn off the requirement.
  10. Debug mode will be reactivated for next version; it was an oversight that it stopped working in 2.0.
  11. The nozzle would have to either attach to the sphere or to parts through which fuel will flow to the sphere (e.g. cubic octagonal struts). You currently have to mine ore to build rocketparts, as they weigh quite a lot and it would be pretty much pointless to ship enough for a whole rocket all the way up from Kerbin.
  12. Holy mother of necros...How is this related to this thread in any way?
  13. LiquidFuel and oxidizer have to be connected with fuel lines. Currently the only way to do this with a docked ship would be to use the KAS refueling port I think.
  14. No; you can land and dock them with RCS alone on Minmus or Gilly. Keep in mind that these are not the final parts. I am working on a new, much better launchpad, among others.
  15. I generally stick docking ports on them and send them up in multiple flights. As for storing things, you can just attach a bunch of hexcans to the components; I couldn't put them all in one part because Unity doesn't like dense objects.
  16. No idea, this is why I restricted it to ground only. Possibly it just requires the ship state to be changed to "FLIGHT", but I'm not sure.
  17. Does anyone know how to get OSX to not create the MACOSX folder when you create a .zip? I've just been using the regular "Compress this folder" feature, but if it's making files that are problematic for Windows or Linux users I should find a different way.
  18. That is because you are in orbit. This plugin only works while you are on the surface.
  19. I'd suggest removing the specularity from Jool; it's a gas planet, it should be completely diffuse.
  20. You need to add fuel lines going from the tanks to the launchpad itself; the plugin respects standard resource flow rules. If you have a KAS port, you probably need to add fuel lines from the port to the launchpad, but I'm not sure; I haven't used KAS since 0.18.2.
  21. You should probably have a specular map as well, so the islands aren't shiny.
  22. Well, you could always play NASA, who actually test parts before sending them up into space - so you could have spareparts and TestedSpareParts
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