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Everything posted by Gristle

  1. Muzzle of course - luckily all Kerbals are the same caliber.
  2. Anyway for the monitors to display custom info or are the displays baked into the texture?
  3. He started a new one and it isn't obvious it's a new thread. His WIP thread had several pages. JohnzCo changed the elevator up a bit and based it on IR. The first release was using custom animations.
  4. The stacked / clipped pistons actually worked correctly in the game for some reason when I used progressively smaller parts. Didn't work exactly right when I tried stacking pistons of the same size.
  5. Why would this be any different than stacking multiple pistons? You'd just had to allow part clipping on the pistons.
  6. This is called a scissor lift. You can make one with pistons and loose hinge from TT's Multiwheels, or Sirkut's free spinning docking washer.
  7. Will this be one of the first parts Wolf Pack produces?
  8. Very cool.... Here's something I've been working on perfecting, the GRR Spire's cargo bay doors.
  9. Great Idea!! I will use it as soon as it is available.
  10. Hmmm....I confirmed it by building a test rig that consisted only of the Freelancer command pod, a structural girder, a rail and a piston and a launch clamp. Launched and no worky. Replaced Freelancer with a Command Pod MK1-2, relaunched and it worked fine. I even tried going back to an older InfernalRobotics.dll and had the same symptoms.
  11. I've found a bug, but not sure if the report goes here or in Devo's Wayland thread. Infernal robotics parts do not work if your craft has the Freelancer command pod in it. The vessel loads fine, and you hear the actuators make noise, but nothing moves.
  12. I noticed this also last night. same part too. I'm using v0.7.
  13. Keeps it fresh by killing all the little buggies that can make you sick.
  14. Add or adjust these values in the config: breakingForce - How much will the attachment between this part and the part it's connected to resist to linear forces? breakingTorque - How much will the attachment resist rotational forces? See http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CFG_File_Documentation
  15. I have all my TT parts in the Gamedata folder including plugins and have no issues what so ever. The only thing I did was add the PART{...} wrapper to the configs.
  16. I checked the other 2 sizes and they were fine. It was just the 1/4 size that had this problem.
  17. Sirkut, can you make the attach nodes on the 1/4 powered hinge smaller? Currently they are so large they totally obscure the part making alignment difficult.
  18. OK - so I updated the DLL from .5.6.0 Lemonade Stand to .5.6.1 Nobunago's Ambition and it doesn't see any sound file to play, beeps or clips. Any ideas on what I need to do?
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