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Everything posted by Gristle

  1. Umm...TT Wheels pack has landing gear as does the Firespitter mod. ON TOPIC: I have to agree with the other posters, no droop, pointier and needs a texture.
  2. I saw an article on this just before the launch (inspired my own KSP MADEE mission). Just saw another story about this mission where it was mentioned that the probe will send it's telemetry back to earth via laser beam. The claim was made that this would be 1000 times faster than low frequency radio. How is this so? Both forms of communication happen at the speed of light.
  3. And how many have you seen? Googling this makes it clear that the standard units of measure in nearly all aircraft are Knots, Nautical Miles and Feet.
  4. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/43208-0-21-1-Aug12-SelectRoot-Let-another-part-be-root-now-with-less-restrictions http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/38285-0-20-x-Subassembly-Manager
  5. I've never seen a rotating beacon light in any video or mod I've installed. If anyone knows of such a thing let me know where to get it please.
  6. I too use the B9 lights for status indicating which direction my tugs engines are operating in. I use the B9 lights because I can setup action group to positively tell me which side is activated that I can't do with a toggle control. For example, Press 1 and stern lights and engines go OFF and forward lights and engines go ON. Press 2 and forward lights and engines go OFF, and stern lights and engines go ON. With a toggle if I were to press 1 twice the lights would be off but the engines would still be active.
  7. Any possibility of adding rotating beacon lights similar to this:
  8. You do know that you can only choose ONE of the rail attach points to use? Anything attached to the other nodes will move. Choose wisely...
  9. I can't understand the "STS" or "Apollo" and I'm American. Kerbal speak is backwards human speak. You can add your own sounds clips in normal human speak if you wish.
  10. Took me all of 10 minutes to find these examples in this thread: Page 101, posts 1003, 1004, and 1008; Page 119 post 1189 for a pic of the cylinders in use; page 111, post 111 for a pic; page 109, post 1082 for a pic; page 108, post 1072 for a video showing them in use.
  11. So I found out the hard way that you can only dock to the extendable docking port when it's extended. Now I have TWO derelicts in Kerbin orbit....good thing is the are right next to each other so they are only one navigation hazard.
  12. I too have ModuleSAS in all Squad Command parts except Crewcabin and SeatExternalCmd. Fairly positive that I haven't modified these parts in any way.
  13. Small bug to report - The Explorer and Ranger 25 both have the same name in the parts toolbox (Ranger 25).
  14. ^^THIS^^ It's suprising how limited the selection of manned pods are. I will definitely be installing these.
  15. Possible bug - or it could be just the way the game works. The extendable docking port doesn't have an accessible connection node on the docking port side. This prevents you from stacking anything on this port during construction. For example you can't have a probe attached to the top of your ship to be undocked once at the destination. I was able to use a regular LLL docking port on the extendable version but it either got clipped through when extending or exploded.
  16. Are the command parts 2x1 Probe and BERTY 3000 (Probe Core) supposed to NOT have SAS?
  17. Very nice looking jets. Are the updates to monitors backwards compatible with the previous version?
  18. For the ejection parachutes I'm fairly positive you need the Vanguard EVA parachutes mod installed. Here a pic of a 95% LLL space plane I couldn't quite get into orbit (All LLL parts except landing gear from FireSpitter, Main wings from B9, tail wings are Pwings with stock control surfaces).
  19. I've been having similar problems with Engineer...haven't been able to pin down what causes it yet. I also think Engineer has some problems when trying to calculate ship designs that have the engine separated from the fuel by docking ports and decouplers causing a significant amount of CPU stutter, and becoming unresponsive to vessel changes.
  20. I have never seen this bug and I build almost all my wheeled vehicles in the SPH.
  21. You can either install the TT Wheels in the legacy ...\Kerbal Space Program\Parts and ...\Kerbal Space Program\Plugins folders or edit the .cfg's and add the PART{...} wrapper (this is what I do).
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